What's In Jim's Grow Room?

Blue Dream Clones Flower Day 41

I really don't have much of an update. Straight water was distributed to the girls late yesterday. I almost forgot to attend to them and had to sweet talk them a bit for some forgiveness. Their buds continue to swell through the late stage growth.

Well...showing the pictures is what I came here for about 4 hours ago....whoops. I got distracted.




As the leaves fade, the blue of the flower will become more prominent.


The sugars are getting a bit more greasy.


My god man. That girl in front. She's an 11!

She is. There are two which are almost identical. After the neighbor leaves for work I'll try to get them outside for some photos.

Tasty buds Jim. Gorgeous pics my friend.


Thanks Ditch

If I recall four weeks for mature seed sounds right. (So I probably went 8 weeks. ) I also let them stay in the buds At first after chop. I am a slow poke to be sure.

You will have bunches soon. Cool beans.

The seeding plants can be kept longer if necessary. Nothing wrong with slow poking around sometimes.
Blue Dream Clones Flower Day 42

I'm really getting excited by the buds...oh my! They really are getting pretty and they're going to be gnarly dense. Low odor sweet fruity aromas this morning but recall that I'm handicapped in the sniffer area.







Have a great day folks. I might do some deck staining. :love::thanks:
Gorgeous Buds Jim.


I can't remember buds really turning it on like this. I took the two nicest outside and hung a canvas on the fence as a backdrop. Of course the canvas is nasty in spots. I guess that might make the girls look better but I wasn't really impressed with my photo skills.

Blue Dream Clones Flower Day 43



This is the queen from the front of the tent






This is twin sister. She has the taller stake.



Blue Dream Clones Flower Day 45

Well it seems I take the same bud shots every day. Took 47 photos today and whittled them down.

As far as the grow is concerned, I now know that pollen can get around pretty good. I thought I had done a good job of only pollinating almost all buds on 3 plants. I guess that was an agnostic thought. I'm certain I'll be digging seeds out of all the buds in tent....la la la. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:








Here's the last little BD cut I took from the mom before she was composted. She's been in the kitchen window counter since May 20th or so.

jeez, you're putting her right next to kitchen knives? Won't that stunt her growth? She might feel threatened. :laughtwo:

High Crashdog....She's going to get a nice topping here soon. I've already told her that here top is coming off.

The little window girl looks happy. Very nice.
Looks like you will get some great seeds out of this grow Jim.


Thanks Ditch. I don't even look forward to gleaning seeds.

i had a plant it the window this last spring. i really liked having it out, was nice. didnt get enough light but was fun.

Yep....she needs more light. I had hoped to have some seeds germinated this week that she might joint in the flower tent. All those seeds were older and I also picked the smallest weakest seeds. They have a couple more days before I give up on them.
Old school smoking Jim? :laughtwo: Get yourself an album cover with a crease and have a throwback moment. Lol!

That sure is a tent full of wonder you have going there. :dreamy: We had the best time one evening in Jamaica sitting next to the pool where BrixNewb and his girl had rented, picking seeds out of colas some of the guys had scored from a cab driver. Make a game of it. Lol! We could have a party and help you out. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Just because I have this curious nature, what step in the process could be tweaked to limit this possibility in future seed making grows?
Old school smoking Jim? :laughtwo: Get yourself an album cover with a crease and have a throwback moment. Lol!

That sure is a tent full of wonder you have going there. :dreamy: We had the best time one evening in Jamaica sitting next to the pool where BrixNewb and his girl had rented, picking seeds out of colas some of the guys had scored from a cab driver. Make a game of it. Lol! We could have a party and help you out. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Just because I have this curious nature, what step in the process could be tweaked to limit this possibility in future seed making grows?

Oh well....I guess

1) Isolate the STS treated plant as soon as any flower change is noticed. All fans should be off during the pollen collection process.

2) Before pollinating subjects, completely remove them from the others. One might wish to pollinate in a bath tub or shower area so that stray pollen may be cleaned up easily. I did my pollinating in the corner of the bloom tent with all fans off but this really is too close to others that I wished to protect. I am my own enemy at times.

3) Know that pollen is smaller than what the eye sees and become air-born easily.

4) Pollen may also become dislodged from the target plant and this probably can not be prevented. Stuff happens.

Oh well....I guess

1) Isolate the STS treated plant as soon as any flower change is noticed. All fans should be off during the pollen collection process.

2) Before pollinating subjects, completely remove them from the others. One might wish to pollinate in a bath tub or shower area so that stray pollen may be cleaned up easily. I did my pollinating in the corner of the bloom tent with all fans off but this really is too close to others that I wished to protect. I am my own enemy at times.

3) Know that pollen is smaller than what the eye sees and become air-born easily.

4) Pollen may also become dislodged from the target plant and this probably can not be prevented. Stuff happens.


My first thought was that to completely protect the others you'd almost have to isolate the dusted participants. Not many of us have that space available, not to mention lights, tents, fans....:laughtwo:

I am my own enemy at times.

The many times in my life when this was true. :hug::love:
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