When does the flowering period begin?

Hey @Kenzy .... great questions and your plants look great BTW! You're doing something right. I'm always trying to learn here and there is no shortage of great growers here. All these answers already should be getting you in the right direction.

Did you mention how old your plants are yet? I just read this whole thread and already forgot half of what I read. 2 gummies in and apparently working...
Did you mention how old your plants are yet? I
I remember that it was mentioned early on. Found it in the first several words in the first msg;).

39 days when he started the thread last Monday so 45 days now. I do know that they would have matured enough in the past week to be ready to start flowering even if the amount of dark is enough. But, they should be getting close.

Do not know if they are photo-period or auto-flower either. Just that they are feminized Bruce Banner.
I believe that the timeline for a healthy growing cannabis plant that when topping technique is used can replace the lost dominant top with 2x equivalent new growth in a period of 7-10 days. This topping technique can also be used simultaneously at suitable lower sites locations on the same plant. This topping technique effectively creates 2x new dominant tops at the node which in flower receive nearly equivalent energy for growth for and from the plant which allow the plant to create long length branches with desirable tight internode spacing and tightly packed bud formation along the majority of the colas length. This topping technique and training can greatly increase the harvested yield per plant. In my past grow journals in the summary you may find where i provide the harvested yield per plant provided in cured dried ready to be consumed bud weight. Using this topping and training technique documented dried and cured weight vary from 168 - 210 grams or greater per plant.
Yes, an experienced grower with the right strain and set up can repeatedly top with minimal stress and great results. Indica dom plants in a wide space are prime candidates. I think we are getting out of context from the OP question. " When should I start to flower?" I am assuming, based on the question that Kenzy is not an advanced grower with unlimited space. If I am wrong I sincerely apologize and no offence intended. Therefore I would not recommend, repeated topping, supper cropping, manifolding or and stress training yet.

How many people do you know that have started a grow, then have problems that get out of control. Disheartened they decide they should never grow again? I can't count how many over the years. After you get some experience with your setup and confidence absolutely start experimenting. That is what makes this hobby fun. Dealing with an over stressed plant or out growing your set up sucks the fun right out of it.

First plant I grew back in the woods yielded around 30 grams and 5 of that was probably trim and seeds. To me it was a success. Motivated me to keep improving and learning.
:) Been there myself.

It is great place to be at times until the wife reminds me to stop staring out the window watching the grass grow while part of dinner is burning on the stove.:D
what is this? Can you give us information about this topic?



what should i do? will it help if i cut them off?
Nothing to do but remove them from near the female plants. If you don't, those little balls will spring open and fling their pollen everywhere including any female flowers that show pistils. Then you get seeds and it will degrade the end product.

You can't do anything to turn them female. You just have to get rid of them unless you want seeds. The males usually show their sex a little earlier than the females, but it's really hard to tell what they are until they start forming flowers. The one you showed is a male.
Nothing to do but remove them from near the female plants. If you don't, those little balls will spring open and fling their pollen everywhere including any female flowers that show pistils. Then you get seeds and it will degrade the end product.

You can't do anything to turn them female. You just have to get rid of them unless you want seeds. The males usually show their sex a little earlier than the females, but it's really hard to tell what they are until they start forming flowers. The one you showed is a male.
Will it help if I pluck the male buds? Also, will the seed be original when fertilized with a female?
Females produce bud. Males produce pollen. The 2 males covered in balls need to go away. They will be no good for smoke. The one with "maybe ten balls", If it has long white female hairs also it is a hermaphrodite. Both male and female plant. When a bud is pollenated it stops spending energy on the flower and starts spending energy developing seeds. One male sack can pollenate a lot of buds. Even stick to the tent walls and pollinate the next plants you grow. You can pluck them off but you must be vigilant on keeping them all off. They hide in there and can develop later in flower again.

Any seeds in your buds will be a cross breed of the two plants. You have equal chance at male, female or hermy from those seeds unless one is from a feminized seed that was full female. That can change the odds a bit.
There are 2 trees in total and there are 10 in one tree, what is the exact solution?
what should i do? will it help if i cut them off?
In order to get an exact answer the best thing is to answer the three questions. That way we can all be on the same track without guessing what your situation involves.

I am taking a guess at this but it reads like you have only 2 plants? The one that is in the photographs in msg #26 is a male is showing at least 10 male flowers. The other one does not have these growing on it? Third question is that the other plant is not showing any male or female flowers?
Male cannabis plants do not produce buds only pollen sacks. When a female cannabis plant is polinated the plant focuses on reproduction seed production and turns off the cannabinoid or thc production. By exagerating the flowering lenght of time without pollinating a female cannabis plant the plant focuses on producing increased resins and cannabinoids attemtpting to trap pollen. If producing high quality cannabis medicine is your goal, eliminate the male cannabis plants.
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