White Widow - First Ever Grow Attempt

I expect the slow down for a few days after a transplant anyway due to the shock to the plant may as well keep it a little bit lower at he same time. I picked up some bio-biz bloom and grow going to veg it a few weeks anyway as im gonna be doing some LST maybe even test myself and do a ScroG. Also picked up some 30 litre (6.6ish gallon) fabric pots as well, seen the lights that im gonna get on payday too. Damn going there so much money I can spend lol
Well its not payday but the urge to buy lights was strong, so ive gone and bought this Cheap Hydroponic Light Kits - BAY6 Euro Lighting System at Growell

Im expecting bigger growth with the new light and bigger pots need some drip trays as well and will need to look at proper ventilation with new light, im guessing a fan wont cut it....

Whats everybody's experience with fire safety in the grow room? Ive seen an automatic fire extinguisher that may be worth the price better safe than sorry right
Well its not payday but the urge to buy lights was strong, so ive gone and bought this Cheap Hydroponic Light Kits - BAY6 Euro Lighting System at Growell

Im expecting bigger growth with the new light and bigger pots need some drip trays as well and will need to look at proper ventilation with new light, im guessing a fan wont cut it....

Whats everybody's experience with fire safety in the grow room? Ive seen an automatic fire extinguisher that may be worth the price better safe than sorry right

How many watts did you go with? Magnetic or digital ballast? Are you just gonna leave us guessing?

Fire risk is directly correlated to quality of the electrical comonents and wiring, done right, fire risk from lamps and fans is about the same as a ceiling fan. Problems seem to happen most when people put 8 or 10 600W-1000W HPS lights in a single room and don't do quality wiring to the ballasts or upgrade wiring to the room. Extension cords are the biggest risk in a 1-3 light grow.

I have a small, manual fire extinguisher near my grow rooms, but I often have a fire extinguisher in the basement anyway.
I went with a 250w just right for my grow space, its a magnetic ballast will be run on a heavy duty single extension lead so not worried about wiring failure, its run near enough the same wattage of CFL's. Will probably need to upgrade my timer though, ive just got a standard one in the plug.

The reason i ask about fire extinguishers is that ive some times got to stay overnight at work so can be out of the house for 40 hours
So with all the new gear im getting ive decided that my grow room needs a bit of a redesign...

New light light is coming tomorrow am so will need to put that up, also got something new for the floor so my pots dont need to sit in trays! Ive got an old shower tray from work that I can put a tray under then all the run off will drain away! Just need to find a saw and cut it to size.
Im going to redo my walls as well, atm ive got heat reflecting radiator foil on top of insulation stuff but im a little bit worried that with all that its going to get far to hot, so im going to take off the insulation stuff, try to save some heat reflecting foil and give it a clean (got more here if needed) and re stick it all up, the hole grow height is going to be about 2ft higher than it currently is....

Ive still then got to think about ventilation!

Sundays were meant for DIY wasnt they lol
The CFL's did well to be fair! I got an extra bit of cash floating around so I thought why not treat my girls haha, there still vegging under CFL atm I got to go get pick up the light tomorrow morning cant wait lol, next on the list is exhaust fan found a decent one fairly cheap so happy days!

Cant wait to see your grow come on Noob4x4grow!
Frenchy672 im sure the LST I did on the first helped a lot something I suggest everybody look at if growing indoors for the first few times then look at ScroG after. Im sure you'll do fine! Gonna get some pics up in a bit for you all :)
So picture time :)


Exodus Cheese


White Widow

Auto Diesel saying hi!


And finally the new 250w HPS dual spectrum grow light!!!!!!
Got sent home from work early due to a mild concussion so I managed to make a start on getting the upgraded grow room sorted :)

So far I have cut the old shower try to size and disinfected it, them things are hard to cut! But at least now all run off will be collected below the growing platform and pots wont have to sit in tray.

Ive got more of the silver foil you can see in previous pictures so going to redo the walls, but, because of the way its packaged its got a crease right down the middle which annoys me lol so ive got my ironing board out for the first time in months and ironed the crease out of 10 meters of radiator reflector foil!

Who would have thought id be so productive with concussion :)
Thank Noob4x4grow! Cant wait to get it hooked up, going to run it tomorrow while im home to check heat build up and if i can leave it on its own with just the fan till I can get the extraction kit
Yea im going to put the girls in my old seedling/vegging section of my wardrobe today gonna be drilling and stuff in main grow space dont want them all dusty lol
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