Woodsman Outdoors

Wow, very nice job with the water cure. Never thought I would give it a try but after your it will be something I will do in the future for sure. Love those pics of all the jars. You must be in heaven... Very nice...
LoL Woodsmans... I am Usually Not hugging one of those... Wanna funny story?

No choice... A couple of years ago I was dating this totally wild chick that lived on the Louisiana/Texas line. She was always in trouble, running from the law, her kids were always in trouble etc. I don't even know why I dated her. Well I know why I dated her. But anyway, she talked me into going to her sister's house in Eastern Texas the day after Christmas. I had scored some Sour Diesel in Houston and I was very proud of it. It cost me an arm and leg. You probably know, Sour D has to be in a jar as it has a heavy reek. So I go to my girl's sisters house and I see a Sheriff car in the driveway. I sat in the truck for awhile, not sure what to do. She comes to the truck and asked me wtf was I doing sitting in my truck and brought me in. Her sister was the Sheriff. She introduced me to everyone in the house, about 50 people and every one of them hugged me. Every time I got hugged it was like I got a dead stare from the one hugging me. When the Sheriff hugged me she gave me a stare and a wink. Throughout the next couple of days just about everyone at the party asked me, begged me to break out the Sour D. We would take off away from the house in these 4x4 things and get high. One by one just about everyone there would make me take them 4 wheeling. I ended up passing out on a lawn chair on the patio.

The Sheriff had to work the first night. In the wee morning when she come back she reached out and hugged me again. She said, "I run a check on you and you are okay."

My girl friend told me afterward that her sister had told her many times that if weed was not illegal she would be smoking it too. I was so paranoid because I got her entire house stoned. All those people only smoked Brick Weed and Sour D was a real treat. I am sure that if I met any of them again the first thing said would be, "Hey, lets go smoke that Sour D man."

Great story G! LOL I'd have left the scene as soon as I spotted the sheriff's car. Not as brave as you!

did it wit sime supa dry bud like ya said no smell used disstilled water once most of the water was dark like tea put the buds on paper towel got out as much water as possiable chopped it up thinking smaller chunks will dry faster nuked for 40 seconds to dry the middels in ten second increamints left over nigth to dry fully dry now no smell the water did so if this is done with a skunk strain im pretty sure there will be reeking water as the bud i used had lil smell an an the water had a bit of odor an lil during the nuke smoked the bud no smell gotta give it an other test

kinda reminds me when we made bud tea that migth work as long as you are sure the waters temp stays below 120 -150 becuse we would get some dark bud tea then dry an smoke wit some effect an we would boil it or at least a nice simmer im try that way just to see if i can cut down the whole soaking time:nicethread: this is good for me cuz everyone doesnt want me smoking an im reduced to conceal my toking smh

You know when I opened the jars before doing the oven drying it really stank. Perhaps if I had done it correctly (lids open, buds submerged) throughout cure the water shouldn't have stunk. First thing I did after emptying the old water was to rinse very well with fresh water. This took the smell away. The oven dry did the rest!

Hi Woodsman! :ganjamon:

Sorry, but this a blatant advertisement of my new grow below.
Come by and take a look when you can. :thanks:

Ha ha! How else would anybody know you had one unless you advertise!

I'll be over to see what your doing. Will there be food, drink, smoke and wild women (not in any particular order)? I know I'm being greedy so you can take away the drink part of the get together!.

Good luck my friend!

Wow, very nice job with the water cure. Never thought I would give it a try but after your it will be something I will do in the future for sure. Love those pics of all the jars. You must be in heaven... Very nice...

Not only in heaven sonzor my friend, I am practically incoherent now that I have all these smoking options! Like a kid in a candy jar! Literally!

howdy woods,
just doing a friendly drive by, and see the gangs all here....so ya like the sour d huh? later, hugs, L

Thanks for driving by L! Next time stop in and we'll have a nice smoke!
Sorry I've been kind of absent lately. Been working on moistening my stuff as my curing weed has dried a touch too much for my liking! My fault. When I found the mold a few weeks back in a few of the jars, I panicked a bit (OK more than a 'bit') I aired out all the good stuff even if it didn't need it. I just didn't want to find any more mold growing than I already had. Of course in the process, I dried the buds out too much and now most of them are slightly brittle. I've taken advise from lavendar and added a piece of lettuce to a couple of the 'lighter' jars as an experiment. Want to see how large of a piece of lettuce I need. So far so good, Today after almost 24 hours one of the jars (NL#5 tops) that had the larger of the two lettuce leaves is just about perfect while the other which had just a tiny piece (inch square) is still dry. the larger leaf was about 3 inches square and contained the fat 'center' spine of the leaf (used romaine lettuce by the way though it doesn't make a difference). Tonight I'll treat the other jars with a similar sized leaf (more for the fuller jars) and in 24 hours hopefully I'll have my nicely cured bud back the way it used to be.

I'm just about finished with this journal. Just need to report back on the 're-hydration' effort and also to give my smoke reports on the final product.

Here's some pics from back when!

Rainy day in September


Bagweed #2 Pink Lady



One of my Hickory Pipes


Forest of buds




They were young once!




Who would have imagined I'd have this from those tiny plantlings?


28 ounces! Not bad considering I lost about 1/4 of total weight to the stem borers! Later I found mold in some of the jars, but that smoke did not get thrown out. Water Cured all the 'bad' stuff and as a result, I now have some very mild tasting, yet powerful bud. I'll post some smoke reports and I'll tell you how my 're-hydration' of the dry stuff is doing in a few days.

As always, your comments and suggestions are most (really) welcome!

Love that rewarding feeling of seeing what you started with, and your prize at the end. Great grow Woodsman, can't wait to see next seasons efforts! And again, if ever want to make me one of those pipes... I'd be stoked. :welldone:

Hello buddy, I've shut down the Pipe operation for the winter (no place to make them as I do it outside on the porch). I have my grow on my screen saver so I get to see (randomly) the whole grow. It's nice to be able to stare at them for more than 3 seconds though! What I'd like to do with my final report is to show a pic or two of the plant in question and then do it's report. Sound like a good idea?
Ahhhhhh Woodsman, the porch must have smelled like heaven. We have gardenias, but they wouldn't compare :)

And no grow is perfect, ya takes what ya can gets... and it looks like you got away with murder! :thumb:

And that pipe is great! I made my first one a VA hospital shop back in '70. Served me well, cause later I used to make 'em and sell 'em. Nothing like yours, though, all one piece. How do you bore the stem? I did more than a few that had "accidental" carburators, ha.

I'd be so happy with a summer haul like that :welldone:

Where can I get one of your pipes?? Love to give hub one for xmas! Can you make a pipe out of black walnut??

Ahhhhhh Woodsman, the porch must have smelled like heaven. We have gardenias, but they wouldn't compare :)

And no grow is perfect, ya takes what ya can gets... and it looks like you got away with murder! :thumb:

And that pipe is great! I made my first one a VA hospital shop back in '70. Served me well, cause later I used to make 'em and sell 'em. Nothing like yours, though, all one piece. How do you bore the stem? I did more than a few that had "accidental" carburators, ha.

I'd be so happy with a summer haul like that :welldone:


Hello Tmac12 and Horse nice of you two to drop in! Tmac I'm not able to discuss anything that has to do with selling a product (I'm not a sponsor) I made perhaps 20 or so this last summer and most were given away and the last 4-5 I've kept for myself. They were the imperfect ones! LOL......so what the stem goes off to the left a little.....just need to squint or close both eyes. LOL I can't afford to sell them! Advertising is not inexpensive. or at least for me it isn't. Nothing like having a great idea and not be able to do anything with it. Not just the $$$, it's also a problem for me to make them in the winter. Can;t make them inside the cabin (wife) and really no where to do them outside ( like 8 degrees here a lot in the winter). Would have liked to close in the front porch or at least frame it up and semi-seal it with plastic. Combination of a few things involved here. $$$, Back has been in bad shape,m though I've begun to workout again, finally! And then there is a question of whether it's worth it. ...........

Black Walnut has got to be similar to Hickory (nut) trees Same family I would think ( I have no idea really! lol ) I would imagine it's possible. I would think that if I continue doing this craft for 'gain', a person could send me a piece of wood that they'd like me to make something out of.

Horse! The back deck smelled very sweet towards the end of the grow with the buds all dripping and all. During late Veg it also smelled, but more like 'homegrown', a generic 'green' marijuana smell.

I did wait till the breeze was blowing the right way before I put all the old males and leaf trim (from harvest) to the torch. Made sure it was blowing towards the farm fields.

Nice therapy I would think, it is for me, for sure! I use a drill bit on the bowl and to make the hole in the stems. Stems are more difficult to drill though and I've thrown away more than I've completed. I'm working on a new idea now for stems. I've got a longer drill bit now (just found one at HD) So I can make longer stems which are drilled from both ends till it meets. I hold the stem in my hand while doing this. The rest is all done with my 'Dremmel' tool and it's many different bits. Terrific for boring out the bowl (finishing it) after drilling it initially. Now I just need to re-learn the wood burning thing since it's about 40 years since Wood Shop! I'll be doing some bending with steam this spring so I can get a nice curved stem. I'll also be attempting to use the Marijuana stems that I've saved (for this purpose) They are pretty much 'hollow' so just shoving some sturdy wire through should give me the opening I need. Think it would be pretty neat to have a pipe with a nice long, curved (green) stem! Even thought of using my semi-exposed roots as 'bowl' material like they use good brier for tobacco pipes. This would be pretty soft though so may not be 'serviceable'.
Sorry I've been kind of absent lately. Been working on moistening my stuff as my curing weed has dried a touch too much for my liking! My fault. When I found the mold a few weeks back in a few of the jars, I panicked a bit (OK more than a 'bit') I aired out all the good stuff even if it didn't need it. I just didn't want to find any more mold growing than I already had. Of course in the process, I dried the buds out too much and now most of them are slightly brittle. I've taken advise from lavendar and added a piece of lettuce to a couple of the 'lighter' jars as an experiment. Want to see how large of a piece of lettuce I need. So far so good, Today after almost 24 hours one of the jars (NL#5 tops) that had the larger of the two lettuce leaves is just about perfect while the other which had just a tiny piece (inch square) is still dry. the larger leaf was about 3 inches square and contained the fat 'center' spine of the leaf (used romaine lettuce by the way though it doesn't make a difference). Tonight I'll treat the other jars with a similar sized leaf (more for the fuller jars) and in 24 hours hopefully I'll have my nicely cured bud back the way it used to be.

I'm just about finished with this journal. Just need to report back on the 're-hydration' effort and also to give my smoke reports on the final product.

Here's some pics from back when!

Rainy day in September


Bagweed #2 Pink Lady



One of my Hickory Pipes


Forest of buds




They were young once!




Who would have imagined I'd have this from those tiny plantlings?


28 ounces! Not bad considering I lost about 1/4 of total weight to the stem borers! Later I found mold in some of the jars, but that smoke did not get thrown out. Water Cured all the 'bad' stuff and as a result, I now have some very mild tasting, yet powerful bud. I'll post some smoke reports and I'll tell you how my 're-hydration' of the dry stuff is doing in a few days.

As always, your comments and suggestions are most (really) welcome!


glad the lettace is working....not sure who i heard that from....or where i read it.....
wow, that is quite the recap on the thread by using pictures....great job...
youve done and gone thru so much with this grow.....absolutely wonderful...
see ya next time....i know youre still resting....L
glad the lettace is working....not sure who i heard that from....or where i read it.....
wow, that is quite the recap on the thread by using pictures....great job...
youve done and gone thru so much with this grow.....absolutely wonderful...
see ya next time....i know youre still resting....L

Hi L! Thank you again for the great suggestion of using lettuce leaves to re-hydrate my drier stuff. I'll try to get the process started tomorrow. I may have to take the buds out of their jars and do this operation in larger freezer bags as some of my jars are fairly full. The freezer bags may be just the thing since I can shake them around a little to do an even job.
Hi L! Thank you again for the great suggestion of using lettuce leaves to re-hydrate my drier stuff. I'll try to get the process started tomorrow. I may have to take the buds out of their jars and do this operation in larger freezer bags as some of my jars are fairly full. The freezer bags may be just the thing since I can shake them around a little to do an even job.

great idea.....freezer bags.....open and closed....ez.....yep, great idea...large enough area....:yahoo:..L
Nice stroll down memory lane buddy! Nothing like looking at a porch full of buds:ganjamon:


I don't know what I'll do when I close this post down! Oh well I'll just have to look at my pics by myself!

:welldone:Woodsman, great job. All in a years work! Amazing, I love the baby pics, man did they grow.

It's amazing how things grow. From a tiny seedling that is just one breeze away from falling over to a Christmas tree sized mature Marijuana plant full of fat delicious buds. I started out putting the smaller pots right up on the deck railing (plain view) then later in the grow being paranoid about people seeing my seven 'bushes' out there.

great idea.....freezer bags.....open and closed....ez.....yep, great idea...large enough area....:yahoo:..L

I ended up not using the freezer bags (though I had them out initially). Was able to even the amount of buds in each jar (some had more than others) so none where more than half full. Then placed a nice piece of a Romaine lettuce leaf (with the fat and wet center vein) into each of the jars. I'll check tonight before I go to bed and if it's moist then, I'll remove the leaves. If not I'll check when I get up tomorrow.

Had to do some errands earlier so didn't start with the process till after 6 pm.
Very nice, love the pics of the recap. What a great grow. Sorry about the getting your buds too dry issue, but sounds like you have it all figure out. Good luck with that and am looking forward to hearing how it all turns out...
Very nice, love the pics of the recap. What a great grow. Sorry about the getting your buds too dry issue, but sounds like you have it all figure out. Good luck with that and am looking forward to hearing how it all turns out...

Hey buddy! I plan on doing a final 'bash' in a bit along with pics and smoke reports on each of my smokes.

The 'rehydration attempt worked just fine and all my stuff is back the way it should be. No more dry stuff! I've taken a few grams from each different strain and placed these in labeled 'mini' baggies and then all of them into a reg sandwich bag. This is what I'll use on a daily basis so I don't need to open the jars. When I run out of a particular smoke, I'll just refill the mini baggie again. The rest will go in a cool (non refrigerated since it's winter here) storage area and be left to cure even more.

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