Yellow leaves - is it calmag deficiency?

naybe i should get humic acid envolved .. ohh what about shiljit ?
Keep it simple. Stop trying to use everything all at once. Once you are sure of the problem and the best way to fix the problem then get what is needed.

In other words, until you are absolutely positive that you have figured out what is needed do not try everything you hear about.

By the way, I looked up and did some quick research on Shiljit. The Shiljit is for humans. It might contain humic acids but it is a dietary or food supplement. It is not made for gardening.
Randomly balance the pH of the water you are going to use might be why there are random problems that are not fixing themselves.

It seems to me that hydro specific nutrients would struggle regardless of medium if they were being delivered at randomized ph levels. It’s been a long time since I grew in soil synthetically but if I remember correctly you were still supposed to PH synthetic nutrients
Randomly balance the pH of the water you are going to use might be why there are random problems that are not fixing themselves.
Thanks everyone i think i got some great news the new bottom leaves seems to be green and not yellow or maybe im imagining things.. i guess epsom salt and mixing micros and otger nutis in my last feed helped out ? I attached the size of the pot along with leaves progress..


Hi guys,

I lost track of which month shes on cuz they got stunned when they were seedling but flourished and healed pretty quick so I stopped counting the which week, they are in veg state still. Furthermore I'm using these ferts/perlite and nutis as per picture attached the only problem is the top leaves started to turn yellowy as you can see I tried to source calmag nutis locally but unfortunantly its not avaliable at all so maybe u can guys can guide me more of its a calmag def and if it is are there alternative ways to provide these nutis naturally for my indoor tent ? I'm using Mars hydro fc3000 please help !




Don't guess.
Logan Labs Soil Testing Services | Lakeview Ohio
do you know what is in the soil mix you are using ?

and do you know if it is buffered ?

potting soils are made up of several elements, most have no actual earth. in europe they are often composed of coco fibre, some may have peat, usually there is some perlite, and there is often different types of compost. all of them will be in different ratios or amounts to each other. it would help to know all of that.

how you ph will be tied to the type of media you are using and how it is built.

i've used hydro nutes in soil type media loads of times so i'm not worried about whether your nutes are hydro or soil type. however, you should try and source proper cannabis nutes and calmag as it would solve a lot of issues.

you will also need a proper ph up and down solution. what you are using is not effective and will be troublesome to use at the least.
If it were me if check pH and then top dress some worm castings on it but that's me without a test your just drawing straws

he's not getting a test where he lives. he can't afford to draw any attention. it's a very non-legal country.
That's one of the reasons I got away from synthetic nuits I had a soil test done and the heavy metals was high I had to flush and flush and flush then retested the level dropped significantly after switching inputs from synthetic to organic it's wayyyy lower but even so it shows that there are still heavy metals in organics from the inputs weather it's your water source or your inputs or both. But you can dial any soil in with a test weather it's for the yard farm herb garden or just to see what's in the soil you are buying. That's all I was saying because you can waste a cost of a test to try figure what the problem is and still never fix it for it to come back The next time even with new soil just my opinion about soil testing
Ahh well then I forget not everyone is legal but then again who's to say its for weed anybody can get a soil test even if it for the garden or yard

i'm pretty sure he doesn't have access to that either.
That's one of the reasons I got away from synthetic nuits I had a soil test done and the heavy metals was high I had to flush and flush and flush then retested the level dropped significantly after switching inputs from synthetic to organic it's wayyyy lower but even so it shows that there are still heavy metals in organics from the inputs weather it's your water source or your inputs or both. But you can dial any soil in with a test weather it's for the yard farm herb garden or just to see what's in the soil you are buying. That's all I was saying because you can waste a cost of a test to try figure what the problem is and still never fix it for it to come back The next time even with new soil just my opinion about soil testing

My tap water comes out of the faucet at 60ish ppms, here’s a shot of my RO filter after just 6 months, the bottom ones are the new set


And that’s just 60 ppms over 6 months. Most municipal water is even worse than this. This stuff goes into our bodies and plants 🤢
Oh shoot ! So once ph 6.3 should always be solid 6.3 cant even go to 6 nor 7 ?!
If you research on how the pH affects the way plants can absorb and use the nutrients that are in water you will find out that trying to keep the pH at 6.3 when growing in soil is best. Accepting that it can be randomly somewhere between 6 and 7 is going to end up in random problem. There will be little way to understand if the problem is because the pH is too high or too low.
I remember that I had read something yesterday in this thread. You mentioned you had some highly specific Cannabis flowering fertilizers so I went looking for it. Here is what you wrote...

Although I do have macros for flowering only like cha ching beastie bloomz and open sesame..
That is from msg #3. If you have those specialized fertilizers why is there a problem getting some of the other common vegetating and flowering fertilizers that so many Cannabis growers are using?
I remember that I had read something yesterday in this thread. You mentioned you had some highly specific Cannabis flowering fertilizers so I went looking for it. Here is what you wrote...

That is from msg #3. If you have those specialized fertilizers why is there a problem getting some of the other common vegetating and flowering fertilizers that so many Cannabis growers are using?
Hey ! As i mentioned before ordering ferts with cannabis lables will get me into trouble .. unless there is ones thats not labled for cannabis.. any recommended brands to check out ?
Warm casting seems abit hectic isnt it i mean espically sincebim still figuring out what to feed thebplant and not much info about the soil/compost we have over here.. but that would be great if it works and im sure its not impossible where im at i just need to resesrch it.
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