Yellowish powder on lower leaves


420 Member
I noticed some yellowish powder on the lower leaves of one of my plants today. Curious if its pollen or some sort of disease. I didnt get a picture of the powder but below are pictures of the 2 girls. 1200watt LED, 50/50 FFOF and FFHF. 70 degrees lights off and 81 lights on. Humidity between 40 and 60 percent. And 6 inch exhaust. Currently week 4 of flower.










On that note I was wonder why a couple flowers on the bottom had orange retracted hairs on one side of the flower. Maybe it is pollen? I'll take pictures when lights come back on this evening
they seem ok , they would be a burnt orange the whole way down , and then some would be curling back in,
Keep an eye over the next couple of days , leaves rubbing off another bud can cause orange too , maybe it was that before you took a load of leaves off her

look out for nanner also , they hide in buds
Thank you. I'll keep an eye out and update you end of the weekend.

They did hit the salon this morning and took quite a bit off the top. Last trim before they come down.
they seem ok , they would be a burnt orange the whole way down , and then some would be curling back in,
Keep an eye over the next couple of days , leaves rubbing off another bud can cause orange too , maybe it was that before you took a load of leaves off her

look out for nanner also , they hide in buds
I never saw anymore pollen but I'm finding seed pods like the picture below all over. More than less curious if I should call it quits now and salvage what I can or should I let it ride 3 more weeks til I hit week 8? I also added some current pictures of both shims???




@Maznasty If you are eluding to the fact you are in week 5 of flowering...and inspecting those latest are going to find more seed pods. Those pistils in those pics are half orange and curled back. Not all but a bunch. Pistils/stigmas should not appear that "turned" at week 5 w/o polliantion.

Perhaps i am wrong. I do smoke dope.

Welcome. :)
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