Zurple's DWC Bag Seed Grow Journal, 2019

Thanks to all of you for sticking with me. I appreciate it a lot and I know it's hard keeping up with several grow logs and taking time out to share your knowledge and opinions. I really wish it were legal here to grow, so I could have gotten to know all of you better.

I will continue to share pictures and final weight, then a review, so stay tuned.

I have too much for one person to trim, but I am going to smoke a bowl, crank up some music and make a chill event for myself.

Also, I did try the 2 small branches from the albino buds under the canopy. I had them drying since last week. I honestly wasn't expecting much in flavor, but was surprised to get high from it. lol

The darker plant turned out to be purple out in the natural light! It looks amazing, pics soon, and it tasted good surprisingly. You can tell it was young and not seasoned. I am used to understanding that from cigars and wine.

Then we tried the greener plant and actually got really stoned from it! My brother in law helped me cut, we are both daily smokers and have high tolerance, but we were grinning at each other and he was raving over it. He's never been to a legal state to smoke good bud at a dispensary, but I was flattered that he was convinced that I just grew that fire! lol

Happy harvesting my friends.
I'll definitely use the scrog nets on my next go, and I'll cut off all the foliage under the nets.

Now I know why people don't like all of those small branches with albino popcorn buds.
Congrats on the harvest, I don't do larf. Get rid of it after the stretch.
Now I know. lol

That was the worse part of harvesting, but I got through it. I am just glad it lived to the end with no root issues, bud rot or mold. I am having trouble getting the humidity up now so they won't dry to fast. So far i am able to keep the temp into the 60s and ph at 50, but last night it dropped to 39%. At least it's not going too high I guess.
Great yield. Nice first grow. Congratulations
Did you wash the buds or just trim and hang? What’s the next grow?
I didn't wash them. I never sprayed them with anything the entire grow.

Still trying to choose my next run.
Everything is sitting at 68 degrees and 65% humidity. I will have the temp down to 65 before I head to work today.

I am researching jar sizes, cvaults and or other ideas to how I'd like to store it all. I am going to make some canna oil tonight with some of the trim tonight, and maybe get a batch of brownies going. I have never made it with trim before.

Still trying to decide my next run, now that I have options, but may wait a few weeks to just enjoy the fruits of my labor. lol
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