180W Super Lemon Haze Grow - Lots of Pics!

That's one of the smaller haze-type plants I've seen, but it's very pretty.

By full-spectrum, I assume you mean more spectral "points" instead of a continuous all-inclusive one? I would guess that there is still a lot of work to be done in coming up with the best spectral-profile. I have it in mind that a good all-around compromise will not be the best profile for flowering - that is, will not have the highest yield. It would be good to one day see a vegetating, a flowering, and a "best compromise" choice.

Your comment about this particular LED design not needing to be placed quite as close to the plants has me again wondering how well - how far - it would penetrate into a "full" canopy. Some people like to fill their garden spaces with greenery; for example, in a good scrog there is not enough light at the bottom of the plant (on the surface of the medium) to read a newspaper. But obviously the canopy (of buds) is not two-dimensional. A 1000-watt HPS doesn't only have a larger footprint than a 400-watt one - it is also capable of penetrating farther into a dense canopy (and therefore, it is capable of supporting larger ("taller") buds that are not likely to be much more potent on the top than they are on their lower parts). I have hopes that in future grows you will experiment with much fuller canopies so that we can get some idea of their effective "depth." I have no personal experience with LEDs (yours or anyone else's), although I wish that I had the opportunity to help you with your R&D as you seem to be genuine in your desire to both create good products and to improve upon them as circumstances permit instead of trying to wring every dollar possible out of the first "reasonably usable" model that you could come up with. I finally have the space, the time, and the discipline needed for controlled testing; perhaps one day I will have the funds to match, lol. As in many things in this life, hope must suffice to bridge the gaps to better days.

Continued thanks for your efforts in design, your willingness to share your ongoing results, and your participation at 420Magazine.
Your comment about this particular LED design not needing to be placed quite as close to the plants has me again wondering how well - how far - it would penetrate into a "full" canopy. Some people like to fill their garden spaces with greenery; for example, in a good scrog there is not enough light at the bottom of the plant (on the surface of the medium) to read a newspaper. But obviously the canopy (of buds) is not two-dimensional. A 1000-watt HPS doesn't only have a larger footprint than a 400-watt one - it is also capable of penetrating farther into a dense canopy (and therefore, it is capable of supporting larger ("taller") buds that are not likely to be much more potent on the top than they are on their lower parts). I have hopes that in future grows you will experiment with much fuller canopies so that we can get some idea of their effective "depth."

if you seen my grow i had a pretty dense canopy with some plants that were LSTed and almost 4' and the other two were around 2.5' the shorter plants were raised up to keep the canopy even. but i still had penetration with buds fat all the way down for the most part. my light was 24-26' in veg and 18-20' in flowering. i would say thats impressive, wouldn't you? no 600w hps at 18-20" with some almost 4 plants would do too much better that i have seen from the web and my friends grows. a 1000w hps would for sure.

wouldn't you call this a full canopy? i would






wouldn't you call this a full canopy? i would

Yeah, if you look down from the top and can't see the top, that's a full canopy. How deep was it? If 20" or greater with leaves packed in like that and the lower ones were still getting enough "sun" energy to remain healthy then that would say a lot.


Yeah. If those ending plants were packed together as tightly as the beginning ones (IOW, still can't see the floor for the greenery and produced buds like that) then that's an accomplishment.

I need to read your journal. I think I started doing so at one point but... Sometimes I lose a book or two in a large library (even though they're good ones), lol.

Thanks for the response.
[/COLOR][/B]Yeah, if you look down from the top and can't see the top, that's a full canopy. How deep was it? If 20" or greater with leaves packed in like that and the lower ones were still getting enough "sun" energy to remain healthy then that would say a lot.

Yeah. If those ending plants were packed together as tightly as the beginning ones (IOW, still can't see the floor for the greenery and produced buds like that) then that's an accomplishment.

I need to read your journal. I think I started doing so at one point but... Sometimes I lose a book or two in a large library (even though they're good ones), lol.

Thanks for the response.

i here ya sometimes reading long threads becomes overwhelming.lol.but their is allot of good info in there. you just have to read allot of stuff to find it.

since i grew 2 different strains the canopy wasn't even 2 plants were almost 4' and the other 2 were 26" or so. so i raised the 2 shorter ones up close to even with mike crates and whatever i could find.lol. so one side the canopy was around 26" and the other side was around 4'. of course the 4' ones stretched and it opened up the canopy kinda once they field out with buds, but the budding plants i showed in the pics were very dense foliage, i still dont under stand how i got buds like that? i thought for sure i was going to get popcorn buds big time from the foliage but i was still too scared to trim all the middle laves, so i just left them alone for the most part and it seemed to work out for me.lol. i guess the laves are really like solar panels. but i can tell you for sure that the canopy was pretty full from these big plants being crammed together. i am not saying that leds have better penetration then HID. but i am saying it seem to be close watt for watt with 3w leds.

any question about leds ill try my best to help out, i am not one to sugar coat it, or not one to say leds are better then HID. i just do what i do and really dont care what light any uses or buys. i am using leds because they work good for my setup. just like in the winter when its freezing out side my 1000w hps works great for me when i need the heat. i use any kind of light that grows me buds. HPS, LED Sun, dont use Cfl's anymore. but once SS dose that side x side with leds vs hps then that will answer allot of questions.
...but once SS dose that side x side with leds vs hps then that will answer allot of questions.

Will SS really be doing an LED vs. HPS bake off?? Tell me it's true and post a link!! It'd be the most interesting grow of the year. Of course, I'd hope to see a Spectra 300 in the LED corner ;)
Will SS really be doing an LED vs. HPS bake off?? Tell me it's true and post a link!! It'd be the most interesting grow of the year. Of course, I'd hope to see a Spectra 300 in the LED corner ;)

Yeah he's doing a side by side with my Spectra 300 and a 400w HPS...

Just waiting for the light to get here and send it out to him..

cant wait for that one!!
Im going to to be doing a 420mag sponsored grow with 600 led with vs 600w hps. BeIrie will be the grower..

Wow! This and SS's grow are going to be quite informative. Can't wait. I've gotta be honest, though. Irish's grow and your current 180W grow have already sold me.
Wow! This and SS's grow are going to be quite informative. Can't wait. I've gotta be honest, though. Irish's grow and your current 180W grow have already sold me.

thank you! i cant wait for SS though, he grows are so informative its crazy. he gets into detail with all his pics and has that bad ass usb camera. cant wait to see what my 600w panel dose against a 600w hps. I've been on a 600w hps club thread for a while, and so far my light is matching up and getting respect from the 600w hps growers. so i cant wait to see for sure how it dose in a side x side
Thanks Mike and Irish for answering my earlier question about that light distance. Admittedly I was baked when I read that first post. Which reminds me... it's time to get baked again!
I'm sold on this light too and want to put one in my 2x2 cab. Some say that would be overkill but I had a 400 watt digital HPS running in there for at least two years which was indeed overkill but with the right airflow and portable air conditioner and a chiller cooling off the res I got great results. Problem was the whole thing sounded like a small factory! It was fun putting it all together but not too good in the stealth department. Then came LED and my grow world changed. Never had a problem having enough material to get through the next harvest. That's all I really ever cared about... getting off the buying grid. Anyway enough rambling, where's that Proto Pipe!!;)
Im going to to be doing a 420mag sponsored grow with 600 led with vs 600w hps. BeIrie will be the grower..

+rep mike. As far as im concerned your doing the best type of advertising you can. Proofs in the pudding and im sure you have figured this out with good sales. Cant wait for these comparison grows. Me personally i would be happy if they matched or just came in under gpw of the hps. Why......... because it means there is a genuine alternative to high heat sources.
Oh my good lord, I just read this whole tread from the start and this is just F'N amazing. I've been looking around the whole of LED's for the last few months and you just sold me on who to buy it from. It up the great grows.
My first thought was... how the hell is he gonna dry that monster or cure it! Guess one could have worse problems. LOL How many weeks does it take to finish this strain?
Someone should do a test grow with GLH vs. HGL LED's. Now that would be priceless. .V.
That SLH looks so amazing! :yahoo:

Only thing I need to make sure that GLH is the best is the comparison between GLH and HGL as vipers mentioned. :;):

Even though this is best Led grown plant I have ever seen. :thumb:
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