420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: January 2019

Weird... I was one of the iPhone users that couldn’t see the original post K.

Gosh, you guys have a lot of fun over here. I think I’ll make this a more regular stop. :D
I see the competition got tougher since I dropped mine and ran off. :green_heart:
Weird... I was one of the iPhone users that couldn’t see the original post K.

Gosh, you guys have a lot of fun over here. I think I’ll make this a more regular stop. :D
I see the competition got tougher since I dropped mine and ran off. :green_heart:
@SweetSue I think it might just be the iPhone.. lol.. but naw, this isn't no competition it's just a contest :p:oops::slide:
This is my entry for the month.. deffo gotta be a winner here

Little bogger loves the smell


Dont know it Preston.... he's my little hero....

Everytime I'm in the tent he get in and sniff around. He won't take anything tho.. unless dad snips it off and let's him have it... then he just sits shredding the leaves
I just want to say to all you fine growers. There are such amazing entries into this Picture of the month contest. Beautiful flowers!, Nugs!, Dog! Lol.. Simply amazing Medicine! I hope my entry does some justice against all odds here!! Good luck to all!!

Happy Growing and much love from Oklahoma!!
Brown's hitt'n it :passitleft:

Pass it on!

Beautiful pics everybody. We all be winners, 420%.

Slurricane - I think this is my #1 pheno.
It hurt me to trim this one.

I sent a few leaves to the compost bin (for the worms) but not very many. lol

Brown's hitt'n it :passitleft:

Pass it on!

Beautiful pics everybody. We all be winners, 420%.

Slurricane - I think this is my #1 pheno.
It hurt me to trim this one.

I sent a few leaves to the compost bin (for the worms) but not very many. lol

Stunner bo! Gorgeous plant, great photo, very happy worms :D
Ok I give , what is the secret to getting these plants to give up their purple colors , I have grown a few different strains that have a purple genetics in them (purple kush , granddaddy purple , blueberry etc )and can't seem to get a tiny amount of purple out of them , they just want to grow beautifully green and yield well and no problems through out the grow , there has to be a secret to doing this .
Ok I give , what is the secret to getting these plants to give up their purple colors , I have grown a few different strains that have a purple genetics in them (purple kush , granddaddy purple , blueberry etc )and can't seem to get a tiny amount of purple out of them , they just want to grow beautifully green and yield well and no problems through out the grow , there has to be a secret to doing this .
Colder night temps and cold water my friend :thumb:. My amnesias have got a hint of purps to em but its not genetic. Theyre just sativas and not used to the colder temps
Ok I give , what is the secret to getting these plants to give up their purple colors , I have grown a few different strains that have a purple genetics in them (purple kush , granddaddy purple , blueberry etc )and can't seem to get a tiny amount of purple out of them , they just want to grow beautifully green and yield well and no problems through out the grow , there has to be a secret to doing this .
Colder night temps and cold water my friend :thumb:. My amnesias have got a hint of purps to em but its not genetic. Theyre just sativas and not used to the colder temps

This is correct that many "purple" strains will not show their color unless temps get cold towards the end of flower. There is a supplement by Emerald Triangle called "Purple Maxx" that's supposed to help turn purple strains turn purple (i.e. it won't work on strains that aren't already supposed to turn); but, IMHO, the best way is to bring winter into the growroom! ;)

I've been able to get purple strains to turn (in a tropical climate, BTW!) by packing ice (or ice packs!) around the base of the plant starting about 4 weeks from harvest. It's a little bit of a PITA changing the ice packs, but it does get the job done! :thumb:
This is correct that many "purple" strains will not show their color unless temps get cold towards the end of harvest. There is a supplement by Emerald Triangle called "Purple Maxx" that's supposed to help turn purple strains turn purple (i.e. it won't work on strains that aren't already supposed to turn); but, IMHO, the best way is to bring winter into the growroom! ;)

I've been able to get purple strains to turn (in a tropical climate, BTW!) by packing ice (or ice packs!) around the base of the plant starting about 4 weeks from harvest. It's a little bit of a PITA changing the ice packs, but it does get the job done! :thumb:
Awesome idea. I have my girls outside for waterings and stuff anyway so they are out in the winter night air getting cooold waterings. In veg ill chuck a litre or 2 of hot water in just to bring it up a little though.
I don't know .... the Cookies variants I've ran turn purple then black even in hot climate. Most of em.

I'm running Jellium right now and 2 of the 3 turned purps out of the gate at 20 days in flower light they started coloring up and my room temps were higher like 75-88F night day for the first 3 weeks. Now down to 58-78F due to circumstances beyond my control lol.

Platinum Buffalo is the other strain I run and it's green in the same room as Jellium. Getting pinkish purple margins now @ 40 days. Jellium are purple and going black now.

I think Woody says just a few degrees lower at lights out is enough to get purps, if its in the genetics.

Sativa strains I run to 120 days, never get purps just green buds & gold all the way, could be 50F and nothing but more gold leaves.


So I'm not sure.
January Winners

We have cogitated, contemplated and considered. We have looked at every photo carefully, and studied all of each: the composition, the background, the light and shade, the point of interest focus and the "Wow" factor. These are our January winners. Congratulations to the following:

First Place - TurboBucket

Second Place - GreenThunder

Dewdrops of joy.jpg

Third Place - BeezLuiz

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