420 Motoco Memorial Grow - Community Journal - Tribute

I think I see. You mean with a photo, how much longer will you have to wait for it to catch BACK to it's pre-rad topping size to flip. Or?

How much longer for it to reach the size it would have reached at flip had you not topped it? Well, it'll grow bigger than if you hadn't topped but take x longer. X depends on light, food, water, love, music, co2, humidity, temp, bugs, mold, love, you.

Never mind, I don't know.

Say goodnight John.

Goodnight all.

I'm not sure who this response was to...me or Pigeons. LOL

Nope. But clones from the top don't have as much growth hormone as clones taken from low on the plant. Probably not enough to matter much.

Did not know that, thanks!

Off they go Canna and Clone them.


See ya soon friends!

Off they go then! This plant will be in veg for a long time. Plenty of time to get it right as rain.

Hey Pigeon, if you top much sooner and more often, you'll end up with way more tops and twice the weight than topping that plant after it's gotten that tall (wasted growth unless you root as clone).

Untoped, our fav plant looks like an equilateral triangle with the pointy end up (typical Christmas tree shape).

Toped early and often, our babies turn out looking like that equilateral triangle with the pointy end down.

Pick off all the popcorn buds early and you have a sea-of-green with all colas equidistance from the light and equally FAT.

Also be sure to pick off all the buds that grow against the stocks below the colas (more popcorn) to help avoid mold and let more light and air through the plant (I fight mold constantly...and win!).

And air from the fan can, and should, hit the plants, but oscillating, not constant, and best if from different directions (more than one oscillating fan). This will grow stronger stems and help avoid broken branches near harvest when the buds are FAT.

If you already know all this stuff......sorry, sloppy tacking, big bad bong, and volcano vap vamp......yep, that's the story I'm sticking with!!!

I really enjoyed your vid, buddy. Thank you very much!


Thanks for this John! Some valuable information in here. I'm aware of topping the plants much smaller and in fact I prefer it because you get much more room and time to manipulate the height and size of the girls.
But my problem is, as I'm sure you noticed, I have so many plants on the go. And this is my first time taking on a feet like this so, I have a tendency of over looking some plants and I swear over night they grow 12" :rofl: and because I don't place them under the light in a desired position they catch a bad case of the stretch. Never fails I get one girl that takes up so much room and produces next to nothing but headaches. So, to fix this, I think it's a good idea to chop her in half. Defintely not the most productive or recommended method by any stretch of the imagination but it's a problem solver.

I've got so much to learn, John and you're a guy I'm gonna listen to so, please bring it on!! :high-five:

Pigeons the best part is the learning... I read some of these folks post that have never done any of it and they are experts and will actually argue about things they have never done...:straightface: it never ceases to amaze me... When you take ego out of it and listen to what others that have grown and grown well... I found I have been taught so much here on 420 and John is the perfect example of how much you can learn on here from experienced folks...:high-five:...:circle-of-love:
What I'm thinking is: Indica 9 weeks
Sativa 12 weeks
Indica "Big time topped" now 12 weeks, same as a Sativa. All times relative.

Thoughts, anybody?

In my perpetual, I don't care about the Veg time as much as the flower time.
Since adding time in veg has no effect on the flower time (unless flowering too young), not much diffrence to me.
I would love to get a partial perpetual going with just clones of my favorite strains, like Radogast does. I've done that somewhat with the White Widow... but that's what it is currently limited to. Forgot to get clones of the Afghan Kush, which was a great producer. Dang it.
So the idea from here is, clones ...clones...clones.


You got the bucket, so clone everything before flower!

I have a couple of strains that don't want to clone (Borderliner, Tangerine Dream) but for most, I take two clones on graduation day (veg to flower) and plant the one like best a few weeks later.
Toped early and often, our babies turn out looking like that equilateral triangle with the pointy end down.
:circle-of-love: Love the imagery

And air from the fan can, and should, hit the plants, but oscillating, not constant, and best if from different directions (more than one oscillating fan). This will grow stronger stems and help avoid broken branches near harvest when the buds are FAT.

Many fans good... new idea to me. I like it !

But clones from the top don't have as much growth hormone as clones taken from low on the plant. Probably not enough to matter much.

All the historical wisdom on cloning says this, but I'm not convinced. My clones taken from the apical meristem may not grow faster, but they seem to grow fatter trunks and a more 'even' appearance. Sometime this summer (when my stash is bigger) I'll do a few top clone vs. low clone experiments. I doesn't seem right to challenge all the horticulturists since Luther Burbank, but it just hasn't been my observation in my cannabis garden.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had double hernia surgery a couple weeks ago and it is a little slow getting back.

Here are so pics of the girls. First is the Carnival that I started for Sue when she was on Walkabout. She is 3 weeks into flower.


And here are the Blue Bloods. :circle-of-love::peace:

Looking good supergroomer. Wow! Your Carnival looks so different than mine did going into flower. I'm interested in seeing if the different training techniques effect yield in a significant way. I realize we grow in different soils, but I got 59 grams from mine. Do better than that. Do much better than that.

Beautiful girls. I like the looks of that one in the bottom picture.

Glad you're healing my friend. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
I(t) doesn't seem right to challenge all the horticulturists since Luther Burbank, but it just hasn't been my observation in my cannabis garden.

I've never noticed any difference, myself, Rado. Like I said "Probably not enough to matter much".
So on to the real MJ...:yummy: and Barney's Blue Cheese... she is still in the veg tent and I have bent her round and round and kept her pretty low.... She is going to be in veg a bit longer cause I have to wait on the bloom tent to be empty... and that will be at least another month or so... but here she is now.... she has been in veg for 36 days....:circle-of-love:
Oh I just soon never ever see another Olivia or a purple strain other than a Purple Trainwreck...:blushsmile: It was the very next morning after her one and only acid rain shower of essential oils and I took a pretty good piece of the top when I pinched it off... I think that's why she started fox tailing so bad.. No matter... she was kinda interesting to grow and I know I don't want to grow anymore of her... she does have a bit of CBD in her so I'm interested to see how well she works on pain... even though she is tiny I won't complain... she is pretty and Tim would have seen the humor in her....:thumb:.....:circle-of-love:
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