5 OG's, Medic Grow Fold 8 LED, Prescription Blend Nutrients & Me!

I haven't entered a POTM since 2018 because most of my plants look like crap at the end! I happened to have a good looking plant last month with nice back lighting in the sun.

I've only been growing for four and a half years and you've probably grown more plants than I have so I'm not sure how you define "experience." I have only won two contests related to actually growing. And I know it's not a popularity contest because I have no idea who a lot of the members who voted for me are.

I don't grow or journal to win contests or complain when I don't. I'm here to help folks out and journal my own grow. If I win a contest that's great, and I have gifted most of the prizes I've won to folks who need them.
I honestly figured you to have at least 10 years experience with your knowledge. You're way ahead of me in that way. But, I may have grown more plants then you since we've been growing the same amount of time. I think my knowledge lacks because I'm not computer savvy at all. Most the time I can't even come up with the proper way to phrase things so I can research the things I want to know & end up frustrated. Another reason I really haven't been smoking much weed lately. Seems my memory & thought process are starting to come back some now & it feels kind of nice. It gets to me since I am educated somewhat (2 years of college). I felt I lost some of my smarts over the years & years of smoking weed. Sure hope to regain some of that back.
By the way... What the hell does "Namaste" mean ? Is it even an English word or some other language ? Not sure why but that word bothers me.... lol.
High all ! Been really busy lately trying to work 2 jobs. Starting to wear me out. Putting in real close to 80 hours per week. Only doing it till the end of the month though. Just need to catch up on bills first from being out of work for a year. 2 more weeks & I'm all caught up & can put in less hours at the 2nd job. But for now it's full steam ahead.

Anyway, I took some pics yesterday when I fed so I'm posting them now. Let's start with the Re-Veg "CHERRY ON TOP".
I'm currently feeding her at 6 gr. per gal. MC with .5 mil. of Terpenator added. She gets 1.5 gal. every 2 days. Her Sugar Leaves are already good and frosty; but has at least 4 weeks to go. In about 2 weeks I'll turn the AC down to 68 - 70 F & up the Terp. to 1 mil.
Here's some pics.
Up next is the "OG KUSH". I did a minor defol & only clipped a few small branches off on all 3 of the OG's. I'm kind of at that "I don't care how they come out" stage so just letting them grow & I get what I get. Next feeding I'll be upping the "BIG DATA" to 6 mil. per gal. for the next 2-3 weeks. Then we go back down to 5 mil. per gal. till harvest. So far the "Prescription Blend Nutrients" are doing a pretty nice job. Plants all look good & healthy. Looks to me like they are just starting to get some crystals on the sugar leaves. The OG's are 2 weeks behind the Re-Veg in flower.
Here's pics of the "OG KUSH".
And here we have the "SKYWALKER OG". She is the frostiest of the 3 OG's so far. She's also the smallest plant in the tent. Here she is in all her glory... lol.

The "MEDIC GROW FOLD 8" is doing a pretty nice job in Flower. Not sure why I had issues in Veg. Could be these strains just couldn't handle the power of the light I guess. I never could get past 60% in veg without having issues.
But once I went to Flower 80% was not an issue. I'm going to try 100% over the weekend & watch the reaction. Hopefully, the plants can handle it.

Anyway, I've decided to just pack this equipment up after this grow & store it for a later date.... when I have more time & interest in it again. I'm buying a 2x4 tent, lights, etc. to just grow 2 Auto's at a time in. Family members got pretty bummed when I told them I was going to quit growing. Truth is they don't want to pay dispensary prices. But then. who can blame them.

So to finish off this update here's a couple of group shots.

Yeah, the 4 plants filled up the 4x4 area quite well. Cool Beans !
And here we have the "SKYWALKER OG". She is the frostiest of the 3 OG's so far. She's also the smallest plant in the tent. Here she is in all her glory... lol.

The "MEDIC GROW FOLD 8" is doing a pretty nice job in Flower. Not sure why I had issues in Veg. Could be these strains just couldn't handle the power of the light I guess. I never could get past 60% in veg without having issues.
But once I went to Flower 80% was not an issue. I'm going to try 100% over the weekend & watch the reaction. Hopefully, the plants can handle it.

Anyway, I've decided to just pack this equipment up after this grow & store it for a later date.... when I have more time & interest in it again. I'm buying a 2x4 tent, lights, etc. to just grow 2 Auto's at a time in. Family members got pretty bummed when I told them I was going to quit growing. Truth is they don't want to pay dispensary prices. But then. who can blame them.

So to finish off this update here's a couple of group shots.

Yeah, the 4 plants filled up the 4x4 area quite well. Cool Beans !
Beautiful plants, Buds.
Please don't take things the wrong way. I have nothing against you entering contests at all. I just think they should have different levels of contests. Like anyone on this site with under 5 years exp. should be in level 1 contests & 5-10 years level 2 contests, etc. & at the end of the year in Dec. all the winners compete against each other. Or maybe once they've won a contest they move to level 2 & can only compete against level 2 growers. It would kind of open things up for some less experienced growers to win some prizes too. Kind of like the playoffs so to speak. A person with 1 year experience should not have to compete against someone with 10 years experience. Some of you guys are just too good to compete with. You, Professor Flora, Backlip Slide to name a few all grow beautiful plants that the majority of us can't compete with. It sucks for us ! I know you've put in the time & deserve to win contests too. But it would be nice to have a contest for amateur's & one for the pro's like yourself.
I know I'm not the greatest at saying what I mean & people take the things I say the wrong way because of it. Been that way all my life. Maybe I'm just an A-Hole... I don't know. I don't mean to be though. I'm really sorry if I offended you because I didn't mean to.
I don‘t agree with this changing of competition rules to find the best to incorporate those who don’t grow as well. The reason the people you named do so well is because they practice their craft, they work hard on improving and take pride in their work.

For me I see the exact growers I want to emulate, and I’ll keep trying till I get there. For those who want to win a competition title, you just need to keep trying to produce that green magic till you do.

You are a brilliant grower, and winning plant of the month is defs an attainable goal for you.

:) :) :)
I haven't entered a POTM since 2018 because most of my plants look like crap at the end! I happened to have a good looking plant last month with nice back lighting in the sun.

I've only been growing for four and a half years and you've probably grown more plants than I have so I'm not sure how you define "experience." I have only won two contests related to actually growing. And I know it's not a popularity contest because I have no idea who a lot of the members who voted for me are.

I don't grow or journal to win contests or complain when I don't. I'm here to help folks out and journal my own grow. If I win a contest that's great, and I have gifted most of the prizes I've won to folks who need them.
You shouldn’t have to explain or justify why you won October because imo the reason is simple. Your plant was hands down the best.

For those who want to win contests. Keep trying till you do.
And here we have the "SKYWALKER OG". She is the frostiest of the 3 OG's so far. She's also the smallest plant in the tent. Here she is in all her glory... lol.

The "MEDIC GROW FOLD 8" is doing a pretty nice job in Flower. Not sure why I had issues in Veg. Could be these strains just couldn't handle the power of the light I guess. I never could get past 60% in veg without having issues.
But once I went to Flower 80% was not an issue. I'm going to try 100% over the weekend & watch the reaction. Hopefully, the plants can handle it.

Anyway, I've decided to just pack this equipment up after this grow & store it for a later date.... when I have more time & interest in it again. I'm buying a 2x4 tent, lights, etc. to just grow 2 Auto's at a time in. Family members got pretty bummed when I told them I was going to quit growing. Truth is they don't want to pay dispensary prices. But then. who can blame them.

So to finish off this update here's a couple of group shots.

Yeah, the 4 plants filled up the 4x4 area quite well. Cool Beans !
This is the exact green grow magic that will win you a comp btw ;)
I don‘t agree with this changing of competition rules to find the best to incorporate those who don’t grow as well. The reason the people you named do so well is because they practice their craft, they work hard on improving and take pride in their work.

For me I see the exact growers I want to emulate, and I’ll keep trying till I get there. For those who want to win a competition title, you just need to keep trying to produce that green magic till you do.

You are a brilliant grower, and winning plant of the month is defs an attainable goal for you.

:) :) :)
Yeah, you're right. I was in a mood that day. Sorry.
You shouldn’t have to explain or justify why you won October because imo the reason is simple. Your plant was hands down the best.

For those who want to win contests. Keep trying till you do.
Shed is a great grower & does deserve his due. I don't argue that point at all. He's very knowledgeable & has been a godsend to my grows. I'd of never got this far without his help. Unfortunately, I think I ticked him off with what I said.
Didn't mean to.
As far as the contests go.... I'm done trying. Too steep of competition for me to compete. I grow nice plants; but not colorful beauties like some of the other growers. My photography skills aren't the greatest either.... lol. I shake too much. I do have a Tri-Pod.... still new, in the box. I guess that could be a sign I'm lazy & not trying hard enough. In fact I have all the photography lighting & 4 different backdrops. Once again, too lazy to set it all up. No one to blame but myself.
Well, time to mix nutes & feed the girls again. Not sure which I hate more.... Trimming or mixing nutes & feeding. Yeah, I need a grow break !
Shed is a great grower & does deserve his due. I don't argue that point at all. He's very knowledgeable & has been a godsend to my grows. I'd of never got this far without his help. Unfortunately, I think I ticked him off with what I said.
Didn't mean to.
As far as the contests go.... I'm done trying. Too steep of competition for me to compete. I grow nice plants; but not colorful beauties like some of the other growers. My photography skills aren't the greatest either.... lol. I shake too much. I do have a Tri-Pod.... still new, in the box. I guess that could be a sign I'm lazy & not trying hard enough. In fact I have all the photography lighting & 4 different backdrops. Once again, too lazy to set it all up. No one to blame but myself.
Well, time to mix nutes & feed the girls again. Not sure which I hate more.... Trimming or mixing nutes & feeding. Yeah, I need a grow break !
Oiii it could be worse. You could be blacklisted from even being acknowledged if nominated.

;) ;) ;)

Oh and for me it’s trimming by a country fucking mile.
Oiii it could be worse. You could be blacklisted from even being acknowledged if nominated.

;) ;) ;)

Oh and for me it’s trimming by a country fucking mile.
To be totally honest, I feel like that already happened. I've had plants in contests that blew away some of the others yet I'd get Zero votes & they'd get 5. Not saying I had a winner. But they were better than many others.
A perfect way to do these contests would be for them to have a staff member dedicated to the contests. You would send your entry to them & they would post only the pics & not the grower. Then you wouldn't know who's entry you voted for till the contest was over. I know I have voted for friends over the best plant in the past. I'm sure I'm not alone.
I no longer do that. I look for the biggest or prettiest plant or the bud that's super frosty & sticky looking (the one I would choose to smoke).
Plant & Bud of the month isn't really the contests I would expect to win. I'm not that good. Photo of the month either.
But, I feel my journals put out a hell of a lot of info that many others do not. I'm not sure if I get nominated & passed by or not. We know first hand that it happens because I nominated you a couple months ago & your journal wasn't included in the contest. I've had a few warnings from staff about things... just like you.... so I have to wonder if the same thing is happening to me.
My journals aren't as much fun as a lot of others. You do a great journal with lots of fun stuff & laughs along the way.
I wish I could incorporate some of your humor into my grows.
You mean this? ↓

You want my help but I can't enter two growing contests in the entire time I've been here? And I still answered your question about trimming. ;)
That I'm sure is part of it. But I wasn't singling you out by any means. There are plenty of others who have a list of wins next to their names. Most of your titles came from people nominating you. Not from you entering plants & nugs. There's a big difference there to me. You damned sure deserve MOTM 1000 times as I can't read a journal on here that you haven't helped out on. You are probably the number one go to for most folks. I've never completely read your journal / journals. Read bits & pieces, but that's all. So I can't comment on your journals. I'm sure they are good though. I just don't like the ongoing journals. I prefer separate journals for each grow so I can find where I left off without searching through 100 pages.
I do appreciate all your help to me & others. I'll be taking a grow break after this journal is done. I do hope you will be here for me when I return. If not, I understand. Never the less, Thank You for all you've taught me the past couple of years. It's been a pleasure & a blessing.
@Buds Buddy~
Howdy partner, I would love to source those screen pot elevator thingies you have under all your pots? Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it was to get rid of my flow table because I ran out of height? Never mind the daily grind on my knees dumping nursery pot runoff because I don't have those rack/grill plant pot elevators you use. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery...just saying....Happy holidays!
Hope your well,
@Buds Buddy~
Howdy partner, I would love to source those screen pot elevator thingies you have under all your pots? Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it was to get rid of my flow table because I ran out of height? Never mind the daily grind on my knees dumping nursery pot runoff because I don't have those rack/grill plant pot elevators you use. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery...just saying....Happy holidays!
Hope your well,
It's just wire closet shelving. I think you get 6 pieces out of an 8 foot shelf & runs about $9.00 at Home Depot. They work great. I leave the run off water in them during Veg as it helps with Humidity. I have extra sets so I switch out the ones with water for dry ones in Flower. I could just wet vac it though.
"Happy Holidays to you also".
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