600W LED Grow

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

SS has got the "Weed Shinin'" !!!! LMAO! I tried to rep both you and Irish but I'm not sure that it changed your scores being that I have too few posts. Ah well, I repped you both in spirit which holds more weight, AFAIC.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Wow Irish I think that this light did a pretty damn job compared with the other LEDs you have tested eh? I mean not only in the quantity but look at those nuggets, they are straight homegrown personals. You should really be proud for proving to everyone that LEDs are coming into the light as a new alternative for plant growing. I am kind of curious if Mike has any plans on continually improving his lights as the technology gets better so that we can see you test an even better model in the future!

On a different note I was wondering what your thoughts are on setting up a grow with LED and HPS or LED vs HPS for your next journal? Im sure youre gonna chill for awhile after such a beautiful harvest, but I was just curious. Or wait you mentioned 3 300W LED units? I am psyched to see it and see how everything turns out for you since these journals always bring so much thoughtful discussion on the subject.

Also I was gonna ask what the hell happened in this journal, It sounds like a lot of shit was talked in it, but I dont see the posts anywhere and everything seems pretty decent. Did some serious shit go down earlier or what? Damn I mean I was gone for like 2 days and I missed like 5 pages of posts. Incredible.

Once again Irish, thanks is not enough for the knowledge and experience you have bestowed upon us all.

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Just want to say a couple things.

I didn't get involved in any of the unfortunate crap that was posted earlier because I avoid playing with snakes.

I've gotten to know Irish through these grow journals and through PM's, and I have a very sensitive BS/scam meter. If I thought he was shilling for a vendor, I would be the first to call him on it, but I know that's not his agenda.

I've found him to be a humble, honest and straight-up dude, and I trust him.

For the past few days, we've been PM'ing back and forth about drying and curing, because he wanted to ensure that his beautiful buds got the cure they deserve, and we've both had some issues in the past with excess chlorophyll and the resulting "hay" aroma.

He mentioned to me his concern that the buds were drying too quickly because of the heat wave he's experiencing, and he told me that a very experienced grower had come over and showed him that based on the overall moisture content of the buds, they were ready to be put in jars earlier than he had anticipated. That's why the buds were weighed sooner than he had previously estimated they would be dry.

There's no deception here, and I find it unfortunate that a bitter and greedy vendor who actually had to be banned from this website would try to dirty up this great grow and journal.

Thank you Soniq, for taking the trash out.

OK, now the other thing.

I hope you guys don't really think I have some sort of gift for estimating yields ;).

I didn't think it would go over 600g, but it looked like more than 500g, so I went with 548 because I like the numbers 4 and 8 ;).

So, probability being what it is, it's rather doubtful that I'd nail it again, but I'll certainly give it a shot ;).

Thank you for clearing that up about the dryness of my buds. i never said anything about us talking about that because i did feel i had to explain stuff to a snake. but i am happy you said that on ur own. my buds are a little on the dry side still and i learned a very important lesson about drying, dont wait for the big stems to snap.lol ur bud will be dust by that time. i found out they were done because a friend came over and grab my buds witch i wasn't trying to touch and lose resin, but pull it and the stem in the middle of the bud broke off clean. dumb rookie mistake on my part, i found out since it was in the high 80's and the RH was down to 30-35% it dried out too fast.

Oh ya SS no hay smell! pure stinky killer weed smell, burp the jars and the whole house reeks.

thanks for all the good words SS and clearing that up for me. I have no reason to BS anyone, i post these grows so we can all learn and see this new tech.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Wow Irish I think that this light did a pretty damn job compared with the other LEDs you have tested eh? I mean not only in the quantity but look at those nuggets, they are straight homegrown personals. You should really be proud for proving to everyone that LEDs are coming into the light as a new alternative for plant growing. I am kind of curious if Mike has any plans on continually improving his lights as the technology gets better so that we can see you test an even better model in the future!

On a different note I was wondering what your thoughts are on setting up a grow with LED and HPS or LED vs HPS for your next journal? Im sure youre gonna chill for awhile after such a beautiful harvest, but I was just curious. Or wait you mentioned 3 300W LED units? I am psyched to see it and see how everything turns out for you since these journals always bring so much thoughtful discussion on the subject.

Also I was gonna ask what the hell happened in this journal, It sounds like a lot of shit was talked in it, but I dont see the posts anywhere and everything seems pretty decent. Did some serious shit go down earlier or what? Damn I mean I was gone for like 2 days and I missed like 5 pages of posts. Incredible.

Once again Irish, thanks is not enough for the knowledge and experience you have bestowed upon us all.


thanks bro for the kind words. its always been nice having u on my threads like usual. you been following me since day one and that means allot to me.

this next time i am going to keep the HPS out of the pic because its gonna be in the 100's over in my room and i dont need the added heat from the hps. maybe in the future i will do something, but we are going to have 2 really respected growers on here doing a side x side with mikes leds vs hps. i trust these guys to the fullest and i will believe their results for sure.

i am sure mike is always thinking of new things to do with his leds, but to be honest i dont talk to him that much and we dont talk about those things, i prefer not to know those things, last thing i was is to be told and then word gets out and i am the one getting blamed for something i never said, so i prefer not to no those things with any company.

as far as things not matching up, well you know how it goes a certain person come on here and bashes another led company and the grower saying this and that. the same thing that happens to ever singal led grow i have done st the end. i rather not say names but you know how that goes. lucky the good mods here got things cleaned up and back to tip top shape.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

This was a successful grow! Period. Great yields and lots of it.

I am continuously struck by LED manufacturers who think growing ONE plant is some kind of test. Or a comparison of TWO grows is enough evidence of anything.

On the first point - it is a shit ton more difficult to get 16oz+ from 4 plants than 180g from one or two. LED manufacturers block this from their minds and advertising spin. This is by far the most successful demonstration of any decent quantity and quality I've seen of LEDs. Setting Sun's was great as well, but different.

On the second point - there are are so many variables in each grow that to try to pin down empirical evidence from a few plants in a few grows is crazy. If the LED manufacturers want the convos to stop - then do a commercial grow! Show us one time that LED's can indeed grow 2lbs of cannabis a month for the same price as HID. And do it for a year. Until then - STFU! Irish produced more from less than any manufacturer I've seen. Whatever his gut reactions to the lights - there is something there. For whatever reason - growing is about finding the combination that works for an individual grower.

This grow was a win!


very well said. thats a smart grower talking there.
and thanks for the good comment!
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Irish, just please make sure the "public" knows when you start that next run. I have trusted you for what seems like years... can't believe it's been that long bro. Not even going to go there publicly about the bad vibes going on at the end of this grow. We have seen some shxx over the years on these forums... money/ greed is TRUELY a moe foe. Unbefreakingleevable.
p.s. On a totally different note, I thought stem snap within the bud is what we really want to ensure we don't end up with rank not dank. Remember my old problem with curing that you helped me with. This last run I dried it like there was no tomorrow and after some time in my single half gallon jar it came out perfect. Or at least what I would consider homemade perfect. .V.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Irish, just please make sure the "public" knows when you start that next run. I have trusted you for what seems like years... can't believe it's been that long bro. Not even going to go there publicly about the bad vibes going on at the end of this grow. We have seen some shxx over the years on these forums... money/ greed is TRUELY a moe foe. Unbefreakingleevable.
p.s. On a totally different note, I thought stem snap within the bud is what we really want to ensure we don't end up with rank not dank. Remember my old problem with curing that you helped me with. This last run I dried it like there was no tomorrow and after some time in my single half gallon jar it came out perfect. Or at least what I would consider homemade perfect. .V.

Ya bro its been some time thats for sure! over a year with leds. we have seen this happen many many times. lack of respect. nothing new and i was waiting for that one.lol. i know the routine. happens every time i harvest.

i will for sure let you guys know when i start my next grow, it wouldn't be worth doing if all of you guys weren't their. i just cant wait to see what we learn next, it seems we always learn some great info every grow.

IMO what i have learn is you want ur smaller stems attached to ur buds to snap, but not ur bigger stems that are real fat, it seems they hold too much water to dry out even with the bud IMO. the curing is something i always study on, to learn how to get the perfect way. like when i go to the Med Club, those growers know how to cure thats for damn sure. some how i always cure it good, but i always try different ways each harvest. every one has their own way, ive been told 50+ different ways. i got tired of trying to figure out everyones way witch most of them work, but its too much trail and err i am not willing to take. so i just went to some seed backs web sites and used their way. after all they are cannabis cup winners so they must be doing something right.lol. sounds to be the best way IMO, well actually i think the best way is the way i posted with the RH meters, its a for sure bullet proof way to know ur RH% in the buds when curing. but since my buds dried too fast and the meter in on its way i am S.O.L. I have to do it the old school way.lol. i am glad the way i showed you back in the day worked or I would feel bad.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Read through both your LED threads last night with great anticipation for the results, and I know Im way late to the party but great work Irish.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Here is some good info on drying and curing. this is a seed bank that dose cannabis cups.

The importance of harvesting, drying and curing marijuana properly
Indoor cannabis growers have great anticipation for harvest day.
When their weed plants are finishing their final week of marijuana flowering.
The anticipation of harvesting marijuana is worst than Christmas morning.
Often resulting in a premature cannabis harvest, poorly dried marijuana and badly cured marijuana buds.
Yet a little patience and restraint would result in a much more potent marijuana plant. Sometimes as little as seven days can be the difference from amazing weed and terrible toke.
Harvest day is the best time for an indoor marijuana grower, but requires proper planning to successfully pull off a bountiful harvest.
Marijuana buds will be coated with THC crystals. Also known as trichomes.
The indoor marijuana grow room smells wonderfully of ripe weed.
The marijuana grower has worked hard every day using the right marijuana fertilizers to get to harvest day. There's something amazing in watching a germinated marijuana seed grow into a massive marijuana plant.
Often this causes growers to not wait to sample the finished product. Letting them down because they didn't harvest, dry and cure their cannabis properly.
An expert indoor marijuana grower will inspect their pot plants twice, sometimes three times a day to determine when their weed plants should be harvested, dried and cured.
That's because harvesting, drying and curing plays an important role in marijuana potency. Harvesting marijuana too early or too late will result in poor quality marijuana high.
Indica marijuana plants have a week long window of harvesting opportunity before they become less potent. Harvesting marijuana anytime during this week will produce potent marijuana.
Sativa marijuana plants have a much longer harvesting time depending on the desired effect. Sativa takes much longer to marijuana flower, often 30 or 40 days longer, than indica marijuana plants.
However, there's also a three week period when sativa can be harvested. Creating a unique marijuana high depending on when in the marijuana flowering cycle the plant was harvested.
Cannabis harvested, dried and cured properly will taste much better, have a wicked marijuana high and smoke way better than weed cut down too soon or too late.
The whole process of creating amazing chronic needs to be adhered too. Unfortunately anticipation near the end often results in less than stellar stone as indoor marijuana growers cut corners to bring their harvest in early.
Yet its not that difficult to harvest amazing marijuana.
Expert marijuana growers will use a 30x magnifying scope to examine their marijuana buds. Looking for swollen densely clustered trichomes. These trichomes contain the active ingredient that gets us high.
During the first weeks of marijuana flowering trichomes appear as white pistels. As these white pistels age they turn red and fill in. Creating marijuana buds. Examining trichomes for color and density, an expert marijuana grower will know through experience when the perfect time to harvest is.
Usually the harvest window for indica marijuana plants is the eighth week of marijuana flowering, while sativa cannabis strains can be ten weeks or more.
Refer to the marijuana seed bank marijuana flower time to properly determine the harvest window. The marijuana flowering time is either measured in days or weeks. This time is counted only during the flowering period (12/12 light cycle), not thevegetative (18/6 light cycle.)
Unfortunately a marijuana plant can't simply be harvested than immediately rolled into a joint. After harvesting is complete marijuana plants require some drying out time.
Trim off all large fan leaves. Or don't.
Some marijuana growers keep all their marijuana leaves on during the drying process. Requiring more drying time.
Regardless the marijuana plants need to be hung upside down in a cool dry dark dry place for at least 48 - 72 hours. A small fan should be used to create air circulation.
Cutting the plant into manageable pieces is allowable, while some growers cut the base of the marijuana plant and then hang the whole plant upside. Dark, dry and cool is very important in properly curing marijuana plants.
Experienced marijuana growers will dry their marijuana plants for a week to fourteen days before the next stage, marijuana curing.
A well dried marijuana plant should break when snapped with fingers. At this point the marijuana plant can be sampled. A properly dried cannabis plant should break easily with a snap, not a bend. If the weed plant bends when efforts to break a marijuana bud happens, then continue to dry.
The drying process is complete when the marijuana bud snaps off the harvested pot plant.
There are several acceptable methods of drying marijuana, but the best one employs canning jars.
Cheap marijuana growers will use brown paper bags.
Either method when done properly will cure marijuana amazingly. Curing marijuana properly will greatly enhance its flavor and high. Yet, many marijuana growers skip this step after their marijuana plants are done drying.
To properly cure marijuana remove all the marijuana leaves.
Including small marijuana bud leaf.
Spending time on the trim adds to the value of the finished product. Marijuana that looks pleasing to purchase will yield more money than weed that is properly harvest, dried and cured, but trimmed poorly.
As marijuana buds are trimmed, the leaves should be gathered into one pile (for hash or space cake making) and buds including popcorn and colas placed immediately into canning jars.
The larger the glass jars the better.
When the jars are filled with marijuana bud seal them up.
Every 12 - 14 hours open the jars to release built up condensation for an hour or two. Then seal them back up again for another 12 - 14 hours of curing. The inside of the jars will become sticky with THC condensation as the marijuana buds finish the curing process.
Two weeks of daily opening and closing will bring out the full marijuana flavor and high.

Sadly few marijuana growers opt to follow through on good harvesting, drying and curing. These critical final steps however are the difference between amazing cannabis and poor weed. By demonstrating restraint and patience a marijuana grower will be rewarded with great ganja.
Marijuana harvested, dried and cured properly will continue to improve with age.
Allowing enthusiasts to create a fantastic collection of different types of cannabis.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

jeeze, what country that is from? need work on english skiilz grammar.

damn Irish, i get busy for a couple days and come back to 8 new pages. I'm not gonna read it all because i value what youth i have left, but i skimmed it.

everyone's ganging up on cammie??? lol, I guess you reap what you sow, and in this case Bullshit is not a good fertilizer for your business.

Anyways, 550 grams eh? i thought it would be a little over a lb (even though i bet 420, that was just cause i like to say 420 like i'm 5 years old.) Over .9 g/w. thats not breaking any records like some LED freaks think they are capable of, but those are mostly donkies who talk a game 10 the size of their actual experiences. ignore them. .9 g/w is an awesome haul for any lighting system. let's not get into what the g/w actually means, or how veg time effects it or yada yada yada.

The bottom line is you got madd weed to toke on, you'ra gonna have madd crazy strong Brown-age to munch on (don't get stoned and eat them for munchies, lol, that would be bad) and that's all anyone can ask for from a grow.

so if I were you, I'd be proud of my work, and brush my shoulder off to anyone who doesn't like it.

so bottom line is, yes these LED's are ready to grow some nice budz, yes they are much more expensive than a comparable HID setup, yes they still could use more development, and yes they make less heat. Which should people buy? eh, whatever's clever. I don't think they are worth the money yet, but this hobby is not one that always has to make sense for the bottom line. . . people buy what they like, and think is cool. sometimes thats a big rotating wheel, other times it's a new fangled light, other times it's some new nute line, that "blows everything else out of the water". bah.

anyways, very nice haul. ignore the haters. congrats bro.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Two short things to say here...
Irish, thanks for the info, can always use it, I copy that stuff from you!
Wheel of fortune, that has to be one of the best shoot from the hip post I have ever read... member of the month winner, I totally understand the honor now. wow .V.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Just want to say a couple things.

I didn't get involved in any of the unfortunate crap that was posted earlier because I avoid playing with snakes.

I've gotten to know Irish through these grow journals and through PM's, and I have a very sensitive BS/scam meter. If I thought he was shilling for a vendor, I would be the first to call him on it, but I know that's not his agenda.

I've found him to be a humble, honest and straight-up dude, and I trust him.

I was wondering if you were going to comment on the statement JL made.

Looks like you did and I couldn't agree more bro...
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

jeeze, what country that is from? need work on english skiilz grammar.

damn Irish, i get busy for a couple days and come back to 8 new pages. I'm not gonna read it all because i value what youth i have left, but i skimmed it.

everyone's ganging up on cammie??? lol, I guess you reap what you sow, and in this case Bullshit is not a good fertilizer for your business.

Anyways, 550 grams eh? i thought it would be a little over a lb (even though i bet 420, that was just cause i like to say 420 like i'm 5 years old.) Over .9 g/w. thats not breaking any records like some LED freaks think they are capable of, but those are mostly donkies who talk a game 10 the size of their actual experiences. ignore them. .9 g/w is an awesome haul for any lighting system. let's not get into what the g/w actually means, or how veg time effects it or yada yada yada.

The bottom line is you got madd weed to toke on, you'ra gonna have madd crazy strong Brown-age to munch on (don't get stoned and eat them for munchies, lol, that would be bad) and that's all anyone can ask for from a grow.

so if I were you, I'd be proud of my work, and brush my shoulder off to anyone who doesn't like it.

so bottom line is, yes these LED's are ready to grow some nice budz, yes they are much more expensive than a comparable HID setup, yes they still could use more development, and yes they make less heat. Which should people buy? eh, whatever's clever. I don't think they are worth the money yet, but this hobby is not one that always has to make sense for the bottom line. . . people buy what they like, and think is cool. sometimes thats a big rotating wheel, other times it's a new fangled light, other times it's some new nute line, that "blows everything else out of the water". bah.

anyways, very nice haul. ignore the haters. congrats bro.

wow very nic said.
1st off thanks!
i know the spelling is off, There from Amsterdam, so maybe thats why.lol

ya we had a setback yesterday. haters will be haters, but Soniq too care of it. so if you could could +rep him for me. that was allot of BS to read and delete.

it wasnt .9g/w because this lights drawls 749w. dont know how much it is thgough because i dont care for that g/w. but you already know why. all i care about is i got 4.8oz per plant and 19oz of some straight dank to smoke on:smokin: I try not to little the little $hit bug me, because haters will be haters its just who they are.

as far as the light thing? who cares as long as it grows our plants i like it. Cfl, Hid, Sun,Led, ect... as long as it works in that persons setup and their happy with the results then fu*k it. different strokes for different folks.

thank you for those words ad keeping my mind back on track. your good peoples wheel
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Two short things to say here...
Irish, thanks for the info, can always use it, I copy that stuff from you!
Wheel of fortune, that has to be one of the best shoot from the hip post I have ever read... member of the month winner, I totally understand the honor now. wow .V.

No problem. ive been doing it this way and so far so good, the smell is just getting better and better every day. i will keep you posted on this after a few weeks.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I gave Soniq some well deserved reps... sorry I missed it; I'm always happy to get rid of haters. +reps for you too irishboy, awesome grow and harvest!
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

So have you decided 3 or 4 panels yet bro?

Any word from Mike?

Again, dank ass thread Irish!

Props again.

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

So have you decided 3 or 4 panels yet bro?

Any word from Mike?

Again, dank ass thread Irish!

Props again.


i am thinking 3 at first then latter in flowering maybe 4. depending how the heat thing goes? it will all ready be almost 100F in my room with no lights. IDK whats going to happen, i think they will do fine though. Sativa's get ready ur going to hell for a few moths.:goodluck: i mean its a Hindu Skunk its use to growing in hot heat and dry conditions.:hmmmm::hmmmm:

Na haven't talked to Mike lately, we dont really talk too much, he just lets me be and do my thing. kinda nice actual. not calling and bit*hing about stuff and this and that. once in a while he will ask me how things are going, or ill ask him something about the light.
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