Afgoo - First Time Seed Grow

like 2 minutes after i read your post!!! lol i actually found some really small rope that i have been using to measure my ladies, but i had a lot more than i needed so i cut it in half!!! thanks again!!! that LSTing is coming along good too, do you think i should pull the lateral branch that is being fully covered, it is stretchin a lot to try to find the light!!!


I Lst'd the Hog's branches after they began to set, to make way for other laterals. Giving them more light and grow room. When I was done with LST'ing the girls had 10-11 colas all tied down. So it worked for me and I don't see any harm in you trying it. I think of LST as an easy way to train your plant without the hardware like SCROG. My yield was high and in the end my plants were relatively even in height and had multiple large cola's. Hope this helps.

I Lst'd the Hog's branches after they began to set, to make way for other laterals. Giving them more light and grow room. When I was done with LST'ing the girls had 10-11 colas all tied down. So it worked for me and I don't see any harm in you trying it. I think of LST as an easy way to train your plant without the hardware like SCROG. My yield was high and in the end my plants were relatively even in height and had multiple large cola's. Hope this helps.


totally!!! thanks Mac!!! when you did your LSTing did you have the main tied down in more than one location, or did you just have it in the S shape??? and with those hogs did you have them outdoors or did you do those indoors??? i know with an outdoor, you get a higher yeild...

totally!!! thanks Mac!!! when you did your LSTing did you have the main tied down in more than one location, or did you just have it in the S shape??? and with those hogs did you have them outdoors or did you do those indoors??? i know with an outdoor, you get a higher yeild...


When I Lst'd the Hog I simply pulled over the main with string, then after the other colas started to take off I tied them over. The Hogs were my first indoor grow,and I have three clones from those, growing outdoor.

About the yield... you may be right about higher yield from an outdoor grow, but on the other hand, with an indoor grow you have more control. Especially over the environment. Outdoor you gotta live with whatever mother nature sends your way. Therefore, good old mn can take your whole crop at anytime she wants! :)

I'll jump in for a second... hehe

depending on the way that you LST be it string, rope or wire. I usually will always place an anchor strap on the main stem. So when the plant actually grows and gets larger it doesn't rip itself out of the ground. Once the anchor strap is in place you can twist, bend and flip the plant any way you please. Now do not be surprised if you see a few of the fan leaves start to droop and die off the main stem. This is a normal process in which the plant is selecting new growth for its main fan leaves. They will look limp like they almost want to touch the ground, I usually trim these off after a few days.

so now i have pests!!! i believe that i have Thrips!!! i tried to get the best pix of it... what is the best way to get rid of them??? i did some reading and i read that they are attracted to the color yellow and of course i have the yellow pot!!! thanks alot walmart for only having this color in stock when i needed 1!!! anyways i dont know what this other little creature
here is what i think is the Thrip

and this the other creature!

I'll jump in for a second... hehe

depending on the way that you LST be it string, rope or wire. I usually will always place an anchor strap on the main stem. So when the plant actually grows and gets larger it doesn't rip itself out of the ground. Once the anchor strap is in place you can twist, bend and flip the plant any way you please. Now do not be surprised if you see a few of the fan leaves start to droop and die off the main stem. This is a normal process in which the plant is selecting new growth for its main fan leaves. They will look limp like they almost want to touch the ground, I usually trim these off after a few days.


what up dekon, good ta see ya!!!
yea i have an anchor strap also, its just really hard to see cus i used sewing thread!!! lol im still learning!!! lol anyways after Mac set me straight on that i am now using some rope, but yea i have the anchor rope pulling or holding rather the stem at soil level and the other is tied on top of the 7th set of leaves, and brought it down, she has already sent up another 3 set of leaves going back up, so depending on how much taller she wants to get is if i am going to tie her down again!!! anyways, thanks for the input!!!

can't really see what the first one is but the 2nd def looks like a type of butterfly or moth...

yea that little guy was hard to snap!!! im trying to get a better photo of it, but i dont leave them on the plant, i pull them off to try to keep order in my favor!!! is a moth a bad pest or can i welcome it in to feast on the crap that wants to cause harm to my ladies!!!??? i tried to get a ladybug to stay on my plant last night but it flew away like within 5 minutes!!!

Hi My Friend. :high-five:

I know you want to grow them.....but.....the seeds are worth small fortune. Just saying....:yummy:

It's been about 29 years since I lived in Cali. Where is Banning ? Sounds down south. Frost?
Get those devil bugs off your girls. :smokin::smokin: It doesn't take them long to really screw up your girls. Experience speaking unfortunately.:yikes::yikes:

Have you ever lived in Europe ? Putting stamps in your book, sounds like it. :)

Good Luck with your girls. :thumb:
lol what up OMM,

Banning is 26 minutes NW of Palm Springs, and 30 minutes East of NE of Riverside!!! anyways yea i have gotten every little bug out of my plants, i just want to know if i have any good bugs that will eat the bad ones then they are welcome to stay!!! but if they are just going to cause harm, then i have to file their eviction notice!!! lol
no i have never been to Europe, what book of stamps??? you lost me??? lol well thanks for stopping by OMM and congrats on MOTM!!!

lol what up OMM,

Banning is 26 minutes NW of Palm Springs, and 30 minutes East of NE of Riverside!!! anyways yea i have gotten every little bug out of my plants, i just want to know if i have any good bugs that will eat the bad ones then they are welcome to stay!!! but if they are just going to cause harm, then i have to file their eviction notice!!! lol
no i have never been to Europe, what book of stamps??? you lost me??? lol well thanks for stopping by OMM and congrats on MOTM!!!


Hi Buddy. :)

Sorry for the confusion. First time I logged in to your grow, you said you could put my stamp in your book.
The Europe reference was based on my experience in Greece. Every one there has a book that they keep for retirement. No matter how many places they've worked, each pay day they get a stamp that they put in the book.
When they are ready to retire they turn in their book to the government and they receive a life time retirement based on their book.
Sorry about that.
Since Greece is in financial trouble, those books might now be worthless. Poor people. :smokin:
Sounds like great place to live....Banning. I lived up north...Napa, SF, and Monterey. I don't miss the cold. :yahoo:

Thanks for the congrats!
Hi Buddy. :)

Sorry for the confusion. First time I logged in to your grow, you said you could put my stamp in your book.
The Europe reference was based on my experience in Greece. Every one there has a book that they keep for retirement. No matter how many places they've worked, each pay day they get a stamp that they put in the book.
When they are ready to retire they turn in their book to the government and they receive a life time retirement based on their book.
Sorry about that.
Since Greece is in financial trouble, those books might now be worthless. Poor people. :smokin:
Sounds like great place to live....Banning. I lived up north...Napa, SF, and Monterey. I don't miss the cold. :yahoo:

Thanks for the congrats!

top of the morning to ya!!! i know its noon there, but its 9 here!!! LOL anyways, i never knew that about Europe, that sounds like a great way to get retirement!!! i could understand them getting poor, people probably forged their stamps!!! lol anyways, i have never been up north, just gone down south to mexico, and as far east as Arizona!!! lol i cant leave cali where i dont get in trouble for medicating!!! lol but im gonna have to think about hitting up Colorado, that 420 rally sounds like a lot of fun!!! sit in a big BIG circle, and just smoke out!!!

OK everybody,
I have a picture update for you all, but first i have a problem picture sets first!!! ok so right now i have the updating pictures uploading right now so... my probelm is... for the flowering part of the outdoor grow, during the dark period, would any light make a problem for the dark period??? here is the pictures of the spot that i will have them and where they are currently at!!! some pictures are with the flash off so you can see how dark it is and how much light is around it!!!
here is them in the dark

same spot in with the flash on

this is the light from my patio i will keep it off if i have to during flowering, its approx. 35 feet away

now in this pic, there is a street lamp that is about 100 yards away, when i get down level with my plants, i can see the light i have to stand straight up to see the light...

here is a shot of the wall that is between me and my nextdoor neighbors, see how tall it is, thats why i have to do LST

this is where they will be during flowering, im going to have a fence around it

flash on

down on the flowering spot

Flash on

and this is where the light is at from my patio, cant really see to the table

here is another closer shot of the table from the light view, spray bottle is line of reference where the light hits.

hope to hear from you all soon on this matter!!!

and now for the pic update!!! today is really humid outside, we have a overcast??? in summer??? weird??? anyways i guess its a break for the ladies with the direct sunlight, they dont seem to mind the humidity, my Hygrometer is showing RH is at 60% and holding, last night i went outside for a bowl break and the humidity was up to 80% thats socal for ya i guess!!! enjoy the pix!!!

group shot...small group i know!!!

Mac this is the rope that i used for the LST!!! thanks for the heads up again!!!


these were takin yesterday if your asking why is the sun out!!! lol

Aston seeing this post made me very excited...I too am growing afgoo for the first time and im doing it all outdoors as I don't have the space to do it indoors...Out of curiousity how long have your plants been growing? I feel like this strand takes a lot longer to grow then other strands but it may just be because I'm fully growing outside...our stories are very similar actually... I bought a bag of this stuff and it had 1 seed in it so i kept it labeled and separated from my others so I knew what it was and decided to give it a go growing it. and it just took off and is a small plant ...when I smoked the stuff it was a great smoke so i'm hoping for a nice yield...I will be watching this thread and hope for a response for my question...Thanks and good luck
and now for the pic update!!!

Mac this is the rope that i used for the LST!!! thanks for the heads up again!!!

Nice job Astron! They look good. What did you do for the pests? I use Organocide. It's relatively inexpensive, organic, and just a little goes a long way.

The porch light could be changed to a green light that won't affect the plants at night. Walmart sells 'em cheap and as far the street light goes there's not much you can do unless you can cover them or somehow block that light. If you cover them you'll need a small fan to keep air circulating. Don't skip this step!!! If you enclose them or somehow block airflow you could end up with fungus issues in that warm humid climate. I know because I just screwed up my grow. Hopefully I have it under control now but just thought I'd mention it. I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know. Also I wouldn't worry about the light until your later in flower. The porch light near your grow will also attract bugs at night when it's on. Just a thought. Your doing great!

Debudman, my man, whats good wit ya!!!
i was seeing this stuff also, but i was kinda thinking about getting the vine ties, does the green ribbon tape hold in place for LSTing??? how does it hold on to the pot??? just like the rope??? this is my first LST so i have been nervous about snapping her stem!!! but she is coming out of it just fine!!! so far!!!

so with LST should i start pulling the little branches out from the under neath of the canopy??? they are getting caught on the main stem, will they make it through???
after doing some reading, i read that you should start seeing pre flower formations in the 4th internode... when it says that, is that when the branches are still horizontal with each other or is it when it is ascending??? preflowering, does it happen when shes ready for flowering? or is it when its nearing that part of the season??? and lastly, when she does start to flower, will my patio light hurt her dark period??? i dont understand for the dark period on outdoors, there is no way unless you build something to block out light to keep it fully dark!!! i'll take pictures of the area and surrounding light producers at night so there will be visuals!!!

Not sure how the green ribbon works on the planter pots, all I could say is that you can try it. The rolls are certainly cheap enough and you could for sure use them to tie up your tomatoes and cucumber vines...(They work awsome). The beauty is you can tear the pieces off by hand easily with no scissors or knife. You then pull a piece off big enough and wrap it around your stem. Then you pull both ends that will pull the stem down to where you are ancoring the ribbon. You then tie a standard knot and pull the ribbon. It will pull the vine closer and closer till you get it where you want it. Then wrap another knot to finish the job. Maybe this was to much information as you probably already know that. Haha..

As for LSTing, I don't read into that much and get that technical. I just bend as many of the tops downward as I can. I have 2 main goals for doing this..
1. Keep the plants low profile so they are trained to grow horizontally for the most part. This provides a more stealthier grow.
2. Allow more sun to get in through the center to produce more dense growth with higher yields.

As for whether the outdoor patio lights and such interfer or hinder the plants required darkness period is a good question. I've had one grow years ago that surely I could not notice any impact. The plants produced buds as long as my arm. I had all my lights set on motion detectors that would come on and off regularly. I would surely like to hear the answer if you ever find it...

Well's over 100 here today... Scorcher. My ladies are sunbathing out there.. The shorty converted to veg and is still growing.. The wierd thing though is if you peel the foliage back and peek in there you see some pretty strong flower development with strong skunky smell and crystals. On the top of the plant though, new veg growth.. Not sure how to deal with this one other than to let nature take its course and let it grow.

Happy 4th Man...
Aston seeing this post made me very excited...I too am growing afgoo for the first time and im doing it all outdoors as I don't have the space to do it indoors...Out of curiousity how long have your plants been growing? I feel like this strand takes a lot longer to grow then other strands but it may just be because I'm fully growing outside...our stories are very similar actually... I bought a bag of this stuff and it had 1 seed in it so i kept it labeled and separated from my others so I knew what it was and decided to give it a go growing it. and it just took off and is a small plant ...when I smoked the stuff it was a great smoke so i'm hoping for a nice yield...I will be watching this thread and hope for a response for my question...Thanks and good luck

Whats good Cmitch!!!
:welcome: aboard!!! it has been a crazy couple of months since i planted this so called clone only strain!!! lol anyways, yea i planted it on the 25th of April and it sprouted out on the 26th and i set it outside on the 27th... it put out its 3 sets of true leaves and came to a molasses drip in the winter!!! yea that slow!!! lol anyways, it was probably about the end of May when Afgoo 1 started taking off, then in mid June i did LSTing to Afgoo 1 and it just started taking off, also the pot size had a lot to do with the growth, just noticed that i need to do a transplant on Afgoo 1, saw the roots starting to come out of the bottom holes, and i pulled it for an inspection, DAMN was the only word that came out!!! pot bound like a Futher Mucker!!! but anyways it wasnt til about beginning of last week when Afgoo 2 started making progress, thats when i transplanted it, with the transplants i put in perlite, before i didnt have it, but i made sure for the transplants that i had it!!! found out that it contains some of the NPK values also!!! could be a reason for the better root growth on Afgoo 1!!!

anyways please feel free to stick around!! ask any questions that might come into your head about the Afgoo's or growing in general!!! check out Mac's journal also, although he is doing his Afgoo's indoors, its always great to know what to expect with our babies!!! he is further along than i am right now, and is dealing with PM!!! he needs all the positive vibes he can get!!!


Nice job Astron! They look good. What did you do for the pests? I use Organocide. It's relatively inexpensive, organic, and just a little goes a long way.

The porch light could be changed to a green light that won't affect the plants at night. Walmart sells 'em cheap and as far the street light goes there's not much you can do unless you can cover them or somehow block that light. If you cover them you'll need a small fan to keep air circulating. Don't skip this step!!! If you enclose them or somehow block airflow you could end up with fungus issues in that warm humid climate. I know because I just screwed up my grow. Hopefully I have it under control now but just thought I'd mention it. I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know. Also I wouldn't worry about the light until your later in flower. The porch light near your grow will also attract bugs at night when it's on. Just a thought. Your doing great!


whats good Mac,
Good thinking on the green light!!! i knew that and see, doesnt matter what you know as long as you have people there to remind you of these things!!! lol I was actually thinking about setting some of that black plastic that i used to make the grow up just on the side of where the street light might hit the plant, but like i said i have to stand up just to see the light at night!!! i actually had to lift my arms a little bit to take that picture of it!!! do you think that the green light will still attract the bugs also??? i know yellow is supposed to make them stay away...

All's good Astron. The street light will still reflect off any surface. But IMHO probably won't cause any issues as you say it's above the fence line. I think that, what may occur, is a longer flower period. But that's about it. IMO I wouldn't worry about it too much. You'll have to wait and see how the plants progress. You have plenty of time for that and making any further decisions.

The plants can't photo synth the green light. But not sure if it will attract insects. I think that that spectrum of light will actually draw less insects than a typical incandescent bulb.

What are you doing for pest control?

Best of luck!

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