Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

You know the best cure for the flu?

2 tequilla shots, preferable Patron +
1 fatty of home grown meds +
1 bjob from Mrs. Alex


1 Happy Alex. :):)

You'll still have the flu but you wont give a shit. :rofl:
Hey invi nice to see ya sir :)
Man 100 tops would be nice
Looking forward to you starting a new journal :)

Spimp what a good idea... No taquela so navy rum it is
She says no smoking at play time! It's one or the other... Il take the latter and have the fatty afterwards :)

I'v not got flu guys just a common cold. Here man flu is a nickname for a cold when a man has it. As we "milk it" a bit
Il be back on top form soon enough
Happy THCursday Alex:) hope you feel better soon! listen to Dr Spimp:thumb:
I'm a Grandpa today:)
Your a grandpa today? Does that mean your smoking GDP? Or your baby sittin grand children or maybe you became a grandfather today?
Whichever...... Good weed sir and thankyou the slh is making my symptoms milder lol
Very good theory Dutch lol
Jaga that md me.....looooooool
Miwa.... The payment will probably be her wanting "sex on tap" when I'm better lmao. I wish

That tap cost me more than anyting else in my life:grinjoint:
Sorry to hear about the flu mate bloody horrible an it can stay for some time, medicate plenty and it will help a lot:roorrip:
A great year for music :)

2 little boys had 2 little toys..... Each had a woodern horse lol

Bryan Adams thought 1969 was a good year for music also.... The summer inpatticular
My :hippy: moms graduated from HS in Hawaii in 1969. She said on graduation night they were all partying on the beach. At like 3 am her and some friends started off walking the beach. They saw like 10 people with a little fire so they mosied over... It was jim morrison and crew. She said he was handing out lsdee like it was tic tacs and they partied until the sun came up.
Im not sure if its a true story, but it sounds pretty damn awesome. :rofl:

Good weed gentleman. And congrats Fish Cake!!
Hey med. I won't be uploading piks now till Sunday. I keep away from the cupboard when I have the boy here the cupboard is mearly a locked cupboard and nothing more. I sneak a quick watering sometimes when he's blasting the 3ds downstairs lol
I probs should of re potted before he came.... They'll be fine till sunday
Is this your favorite day again?
Happy Friedday Alex:circle-of-love:
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