Auto Jack 2: A Re-Veg Story

I’ve seen a lot of different plants surprisingly come back for another years crop, so why not cannabis, why not ruderalis?
Like pepper plants, I can get them to come back but rarely I get a good production. I’ve seen other people do better, I just need to learn what.
Btw on spinosad, it’s not allowed on cannabis in some states commercially; there’s concern about byproducts when smoked. So I guess it’s safe before flowering, I’m not sure. I wanted to pass that on. It’s been in the news because it’s effective and been on use by a lot of people but there’s also health concerns. I think no residue is allowable most of the legal states.
Plus, spinosad residue is water soluble, so bud washing is very effective. Should one have to resort to it during flowering.
Spinosad is my go-to during flower because it has a shortish half-life:
Spinosad is broken down rapidly by sunlight. In the presence of sunlight, half-lives on leaves are 2 to 16 days and less than one day in water. When applied to leaves, some spinosad can be absorbed. However, it does not readily spread from leaves to the rest of the plant.

And I always wash my buds.
I don’t wash my buds unless they are grown outdoors. Then I dunk them in a shallow dishpan with 1 gallon of water with a tablespoon of each. Swish gently to dislodge any caterpillar poo, then dunked and swished in two rinses of fresh water.

On one hand, I don’t really like doing it because, inevitably, trichomes are gonna get broken off (some can be recovered with micron bags if one is so inclined. I’m more like @Tead in this regard). On the other hand, I don’t want to consume bugshit, dust, and such.

One of the reasons I decided to try growing indoors.
H2O2 in some random dilution!

I just used typical household H2O2 (3%).

The lemon juice was actually a non-standardized extraction (I just squeezed a lemon). :laugh:
She does have a certain statuesque, phoenix-like quality, growing from the bones of the first grow. :yummy:

That is probably the only downside to hempy - I always have to leave to pee once it starts. :laugh:

Thanks for visiting Shed. :passitleft:
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