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Seedlings doing good. not sure what I'm gunna do with em

I'm thinking of harvesting this one , the tricombs are all cloudy with some amber. plus what I clipped off a week ago an quick dried is almost too strong for daytime smoking, ... see I'm just sitting here trying to decide if I'm gunna drink this cup of coffee an eat the donut or keep typing. almost forgot pics


Chris, your plants look nice but they still have a ways to go before they're ready for takedown. I don't understand how you can be seeing mostly cloudy trichs when there are still so many white pistils remaining. Those pistils all need to change colors and settle inward. Unless your plant has foxtails, which yours don't, they should be no white hairs left on a truly mature plant.

Yours are beginning to turn color but they're by no means finished. Once, they've turned is when you really want to start monitoring the trichs.

They will ripen if you give them time and then you'll really have some solid weed on your hands! :Rasta:
I am with GDB on this Chris your Pistils are still white and need to turn before maturity. They will get there, and I am still learning so I take the advice of the growers with time under their belts. Maturity is one of the hardest things to call for me. What am I saying I still have questions on everything. Your plants look very nice. :thumb: 🍋
Chris, your plants look nice but they still have a ways to go before they're ready for takedown. I don't understand how you can be seeing mostly cloudy trichs when there are still so many white pistils remaining. Those pistils all need to change colors and settle inward. Unless your plant has foxtails, which yours don't, they should be no white hairs left on a truly mature plant.

Yours are beginning to turn color but they're by no means finished. Once, they've turned is when you really want to start monitoring the trichs.

They will ripen if you give them time and then you'll really have some solid weed on your hands! :Rasta:
Thanks GDB, I guess I was just getting anxious about how difficult it would be having them both ready at the same time. I could be off on the tricombs my little microscope thingy is difficult to get a good look with. it's more so that it makes me really stupid and it could easily go another two weeks, they both still drink like crazy and within minutes after watering the smell gets really strong. I haven't fed them any nutrients in over a week or so, think it would hurt or help to feed them a little? thanks for the help
This plant looks really good , I haven't fed her in over a week. I had gotten a little heavy handed with the nutes and it's been plain water for at least a week maybe longer. just didn't want to neglect her if she wants food an I'm not giving her any. pics of her from this morning



Thanks GDB, I guess I was just getting anxious about how difficult it would be having them both ready at the same time. I could be off on the tricombs my little microscope thingy is difficult to get a good look with. it's more so that it makes me really stupid and it could easily go another two weeks, they both still drink like crazy and within minutes after watering the smell gets really strong. I haven't fed them any nutrients in over a week or so, think it would hurt or help to feed them a little? thanks for the help
They look great Chris! Nice colors, nice flowers and good posture! :Rasta:

They seem to have recovered from their recent issue, I'd probably start feeding again. But you are the best one to judge on when to begin feeding them again. Just remember to keep it simple this time! :)
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