Bilbo's Love Gang 2.0: Attack Of The Autoflowers

My bubble bags arrived today!!!.
Bilbos gonna be pulling out the trim ice and egg whisk in a few hours! Cant wait to try some of this ish. Awesome thing about bubble hash is its instantly smokeable (well when its dry enough anyway)
Sweet jack. Welcome brotherrr. Rolling up a lem skunk one for ya.
Very nice.
Yoo @DV-travis stop lurking and come out to play! Lol you alright brother? Love the pic btw. Here's my boy major. Hes not been appreciating the weather so I got him some cooling bandanas (you just soak em in cold water) had to get 2 and velcro em together though cos if his thick ass neck lol
Yesterdays update
Babies still hadn't popped up yet. Brooklyn and BD looking nice and healthy, a little dry though so i gave the leaves a nice spray same goes for shaq.temps have started to cool so i may be turning up the light soon.
That little nubbin has started sprouting leaves!. Not sure what will come of it as its clearly been stunted but itd be rude not to let her continue when its fought so hard. Its clearly pit out roots already if its putting out leaves without catyledons


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First bubble hash run!!
I didnt weigh up my trim before hand but I seem to have gotten a decent yield. This pic is from my first run. I did a second run aswell and have pretty much doubled wjat you can see, it took sooooo much longer to drain the water second time though.
Didnt use all 5 bags just went with 3. 220 micron, 160 micron and 25 micron
What’s the process for getting the hash Bilbo?
Very simple my friend i love it. I got 5 bags but only used 3, different size micron screens in the different bags catch different grades of hash. Layer them up with the lowest micron bag going in first ending with the highest one. Chuck your trim and bud in before u put water in throw in the ice mix it up real good i just used my hand its messy but my hand smelled awesome for hooours lol. That just makes sense to me cos you wanna freeze the trichomes and snap em off. Chuck in some water and get beating with an electric whisk.. same results could be a achieved with a cordless drill and a wooden spoon lol. Keep gooooooooooing for like 20-30 minutes. Take out the first bag with all your sheg in it then the remaining bags will catch all the trichomes as you take them out one by one.
BE WARNED the lower the micron screen the longer it takes to drain. First run the last bag took 45 mins to drain.
I also did a second run with the same trim (worked fine btw just not as nice as the sandy first run stuff) but the last bag took like 3 hours at least lol. But it was second run of diry water and trim lol.
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