Borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow.snottygirl

Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

Yep, I know, but I am new and I latch on to as many good ones and even the not so good ones. I learn a little bit from each. Have you had any problem when you put your plants outside that they go into flower? I have that problem. I started my plants a little over a month inside under 24 hour lights. before the went outside. Around two weeks after I put them in the ground they went into flower. Have you had this happen to you?

no never had that problem, up this far north it's more wishing they would flower earlier.
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

I was hoping they would get a little bigger before they started flowering. One is about 5 ft the other around 2.5, 3. Any they are healthy beggars cant be choosers.
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

These warm days and nights are really making things take off. Pinched back some more of the clones today and then hit them all with their weekly nettle tea. So far, knock on wood, I just don't have any issues going on, but a lot can happen in 3 months. The deer skull and antlers were knocked over again today, not sure what keeps coming by and moving it around, originally I propped it up against a tree figuring if any people came my they would surely move it and I would know that I had some visitors but that's not going to work now. Would be great to set up a motion sensor camera and see what it is that keeps moving it. Probably a coyote.

I posted this over on Sonzor's journal and thought I would do it here too

Fulvic Acid
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

borntorun, thanks for all the information. Thats crazy you have things running around and knocking over things in your garden. That would freak me out a little. Good luck with the mystery visitor. Hopefully its not of the destructive or thieving kind...
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

Snotty girl gets sexy


The one on the left is the one with alternating nodes


This is the tallest of the batch right now, almost 42 inches

Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

Borntorun, are you a fan of the Boss? Nice nature augmentation. Growing in the sun, what a novel idea. All that uncontrolled wildlife to eat you out, scary. My idea of a trek is a round of golf, and all the nature I get happens there. I'll stick to un-natural controlled boxes, pumps and chemical lamps but the Walter Mitty in me stalks with you to the plots out there. +rep
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

Borntorun, are you a fan of the Boss? Nice nature augmentation. Growing in the sun, what a novel idea. All that uncontrolled wildlife to eat you out, scary. My idea of a trek is a round of golf, and all the nature I get happens there. I'll stick to un-natural controlled boxes, pumps and chemical lamps but the Walter Mitty in me stalks with you to the plots out there. +rep

Hey Prop thanks for popping in!!

I am a huge Boss fan, first time I saw him was in the mid 70's in a small venue. Come to think of it that was about the same time I started growing.

Outdoors is fun and a whole lot can go wrong very fast. But the plus side is you get unsurpassed yield, like multiple pounds per plant, and a THC content that indoors you can only dream about! But as I say that I can tell you Hydro has always fascinated me! Maybe it's the control freak in me and the desire to balance all the variables. Sometime I'll give it a try it.
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

speaking of golf. I stuck a clone out on our local course. Back behind a green that has forest and underbrush behind it. It's tough to see unless you know right where it is. I can't believe it's still there. I wonder how many millions of plants are out there like that...where someone just throws some seeds or sticks a few plants in the ground and comes back and checks 6 months later.
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

When I was on vacation last summer we were eating at a restaurant on a patio and off the patio on the edge of the tree line there were 6 plants growing. Anyone could see them, if they new what they were looking at. They were about 4 ft tall. I don't think they go much sun but wow I am sure there are plant all over the place.
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

but wow I am sure there are plant all over the place.

Theoretically, with GPS, one could spread dozens of plants around in places where there was good growing conditions and just come back in Sept and harvest. Pretty much around here everything thrives all summer long without watering. I think the whole valley from the Siskiyou's in Southern Oregon up to BC is the new Humboldt now that temps are getting warmer and we still get the drenching rains. Growing season now is easily April 1 through Sept 30.
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

In my area, a walk in the woods starts by dodging poison ivy. Then there's the ticks. You want to play your ball over there near the tall grass, later you must pick blood sucking arachnids off and out of your skin. If you're bold, guards are already in place to keep a few plants here and there there untill you and your 3G gps come back around on a treasure hunt. These are not the big problems in my area, Google world displays the game. You can't get 5 miles away from everything. Monster megalopolis with tentacles is the reality. Make that 2 miles or less. Yes, you can find spots in the spring, but to harvest, somebody is going to see you driving a pack, and maybe wonder. They may stumble upon a mini plot, and wander pointedly. Traffic and Leo helicopters on other missions have sharp eyes aboard that can see where ever the sun can shine, and small anomonies jump out of the background to 'professional' eyes. What is security? Low profile and luck. Limbo bar lower, how low can you go? Pacific NW is like dreamland, low population density. I've heard that porcupines gnaw on wood and bone that's been touched by a sweat and salt human hand, might be the culprit moving that 'guard' rack. I've never seen a live porcupine. Maybe Sasquatch did it.
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

wow Propa Gator well written, You left me wanting for the next installment..
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

I believe the THC content would be lower...all things being equal wind,rain etc would cause a loss of glands themselves...indoors is like a lab. IMO

Indoors is like a lab, but indoors is never going the duplicate the conditions that the plant was evolved for and will never come close to developing the root system or the different stress that lead to higher THC. I think, but maybe someone will show me some other definitive study, that the THC content will be higher outdoors. But you may be right in some circumstances indoors may be better. If you were trying to go for an award winning wine, even if you could only grow enough grapes for one bottle, you wouldn't do it indoors where you could control all the different factors you would do it outdoors and hope everything works out. And part of that working out is the stress the plant goes through.

So I'm up to the challenge...I'll just have to send you some when it's all over.
Re: borntorun's 2009 outdoor grow..snottygirl

In my area, a walk in the woods starts by dodging poison ivy. Then there's the ticks. You want to play your ball over there near the tall grass, later you must pick blood sucking arachnids off and out of your skin. If you're bold, guards are already in place to keep a few plants here and there there untill you and your 3G gps come back around on a treasure hunt. These are not the big problems in my area, Google world displays the game. You can't get 5 miles away from everything. Monster megalopolis with tentacles is the reality. Make that 2 miles or less. Yes, you can find spots in the spring, but to harvest, somebody is going to see you driving a pack, and maybe wonder. They may stumble upon a mini plot, and wander pointedly. Traffic and Leo helicopters on other missions have sharp eyes aboard that can see where ever the sun can shine, and small anomonies jump out of the background to 'professional' eyes. What is security? Low profile and luck. Limbo bar lower, how low can you go? Pacific NW is like dreamland, low population density. I've heard that porcupines gnaw on wood and bone that's been touched by a sweat and salt human hand, might be the culprit moving that 'guard' rack. I've never seen a live porcupine. Maybe Sasquatch did it.

I do live in paradise! No porcupines around here.
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