Brains Escape & Unknown Indica

Day 22 of flower. Had another little stretch lastnight, so i am utilizing some string here and there to lst. Its starting to look like the side of a sailing ship with all these knots on the side. I have em set up so i can either pull more down from the front.

Am i just not seeing it? Or is this thing still not showing sex? I still cant tell for 100% sure

Day 26 of flower. For anyone reading this in the future Brains Escape is one stretchy greedy girl that will keep ya waiting. Finally today i see some pistils popping.

But its been a headache trying to keep these girls down. Two plants too much, its actually starting to feel more like work than fun now. I wish it was almost over cuz i just want to be done with it now so i can start over with one plant.
Ive kinda just given up on the indica. The brains has taken over and is crowding it out now. So i have to go with the known strain over the unknown bagseed. Im still watering it and doing what i can for it though.

Water w molasses for them tonight, they have had heavy ff nutes the last two waterings.

Seriously considering removing the indica bagseed and transfering it outside. If i do it, i need to do it now, before the brains stems stiffen up too much. I hate to even think of it, but im running out of options. The brains has a 9-12 week flower time so its got a aways to go.

Its hot outside, it wont like it.....thoughts
Well i did it, the brains was into the light and the indica had been completely over run by the brains. So indica is outside in the sun, guess ill bring it in at night, still trying to figure out how im gonna try and manage keeping it flowering.

The brains i have named Katrina, cuz shes a mess now and looks like she got blown over in a hurricane.

So here is what i think i am gonna do, unless someone has better advice.

Let the indica soak up sun for about 7-8 hrs a day starting at noon, then bring it inside around 7-8 and place it next to the cabinet w the door open. Then at midnight when the lights shut off it will just be in a windowless basement until noon the next day.

Only issue is, were gonna have mid-low 90s for about the middle 4 hours of that 8 hr sun bath, once again guess were gonna find out how tough she really is.
Well day one in the sun and the indica seemed to like it, although it was only 86 and low humidity today w a nice breeze. Tomorrow will be in the 90s. But today some of those lower bud sites really swelled out from nothing in the sun. Either im doing ok, or i have mucked up so bad no one wants to tell me lol.

Im hoping that although this is day 29 of flower that it will still work out. According to the info i have read, brains escape has a 63-77 day flowering time. So im just at the half way point, and i have a feeling it will be at the latter end of that. I did very little damage in all this as well, one super skinny small stem broke off, and 1 stem basically got super cropped but i made an electrical tape cast for it. Other than that it went pretty smooth, Katrina is still pretty flexible and bendy. Im not gonna mess w her anymore.
Well day one in the sun and the indica seemed to like it, although it was only 86 and low humidity today w a nice breeze. Tomorrow will be in the 90s. But today some of those lower bud sites really swelled out from nothing in the sun. Either im doing ok, or i have mucked up so bad no one wants to tell me lol.

Looks good to me. gotta do what you gotta do . Looks like it's moving to the light in the cabinet . if possible try to add one of your romex lights outside the cabinet to help with that.
Seriously considering removing the indica bagseed and transfering it outside. If i do it, i need to do it now, before the brains stems stiffen up too much. I hate to even think of it, but im running out of options. The brains has a 9-12 week flower time so its got a aways to go.

Its hot outside, it wont like it.....thoughts
It should be fine. I wouldn't worry too much I have a Skywalker bagseed going right now with a/c issue she's been in min. 80° max. 95° since she popped 6 weeks ago. Just drinks a little more water.
Day 32 of Flower, the brains seems to be bouncing back nicely. Applied some neem oil to both this morning, gave em a both a full dose of tiger bloom and grow big as well and the brains seems to have really taken off since.

Here is the indica at day 32 of flower. Just brought her back inside. Boy these plants really do like sunlight lol. Almost wish i started putting em both outside.

Leaves are a tad curled under, wondering if too much nitrogen, or just a lil sun shock. I dont think it looks unhealthy though.......
Day 34 of flower, everything seems to be ok so far. Did a flush today, first real flush since the start.

The indica is loving its 7.5ish hours of direct sunlight.

The brains is coming along nicely since the redux.
Day 42 of flower. The brains seems to have a sativa pheno to this plant, it is still stretching. But i think it may finally have slowed down over the last few days. Im guessing another 4-6 weeks before harvest.
Here is the Indi back inside for the night. Im starting to think the bagseed might turn out better buds than the brains escape. She sure looks like she has the potential to fatten up. I have to say though i have been very fortunate with temps outside ever since i started putting it out. Has only been 4 or 5 days above 86° and even those were low 90s just for a few hours. Average daily temps have been high 70s low 80s, nice and breezy too.
So back in early may i did some cutting on the indica and started playing with making clones. Really didnt know what i was doing, but i took one and literally just stuck it in the dirt at a shady spot at the back of my property.

I checked on it for a time and it looked like hell so i just figured i would let it die.

About 2 weeks ago i was back there and sonofagun if it wasnt still hanging on. Only about 6 inches tall, but i figured if it was this tough it deserves a better spot.

I cant do much for digging w my back so i just ran a screw type post hole digger about 18 inches deep, filled the bottom with FFOF soil, and transplanted it from the shady spot to the 7ish hours of sunlight area and again waited to see if it would die from transplantation into direct sunlight. I watered it with some veg nutes for last few weeks and now its a lil more than doubled in height. Gonna keep giving it nutes and treat it with neem oil and see what i get out of it.
Day 48 of flower. The brains is coming along, it has ALOT of budsites, but im not knowledgeable enough to say if they are gonna fill out alot or not. Im glad i have lil clone of it coming along that im gonna mother.
Day 48 for the indica, she is still coming along nicely spending noon to 715pm in direct sunlight, then inside til midnight. Had a lil mishap, not sure how it happend but i think it occured during transport from inside to outside. Broke one of the tops, well supercrop type of break. I Elec taped it up, not much else to do but it looks ok and didnt seem to slow it down.
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