Brains Escape & Unknown Indica

Hit them with what? No idea... lol

I kinda think the size may have to do with how stressed this plant has been, shes been tough, but wayyyyyy too much training and defoliation going on together. Im still waiting for it to hermie, but shes tough. I think when I bring her clone up properly and under sufficient light it will be a good yielder. Im hoping for a 1/4 off of her at this point
Did I miss the show?! Subbed in for the rest of the ride, keen to see what the brains yields, nice big plant! Phosphorus will increase flower size .
Nice Grow journal bud
Thanks grim, i kinda went all wrong, but i figured i would keep going with it since i can find no other completed brains escape journals. Even if mine is a bit of a train wreck. But i plan to mother my clone and do clones outside next year. Ive lived here 18 years and never realized what an incredibly perfect property i have for growing.

I actually have a brains escape seedling outside since the 1st. I figured what the hell, im just kinda experimenting w stuff. But its a regular seed so could be male, figure if its a male maybe he can have his way with the indica clone outside.
Also, ive been giving it FF Grow big and tiger bloom with about a tablespoon of organic blackstrap molasses every other watering. Is there any other way to increase phosphorus? I guess i could get a PH meter as i havent PHd yet, but our water is good, honestly taste like ice mountain out of the tap. I have a friend who grows using the same water and never has had a problem.
Would be interested in the outdoor Brain, that's where I would put them if I got some seeds. I hear they can grow 3m tall outdoors..
The nutes you are using should be enough, I think that tiger bloom stuff is pretty high in Phos.
Keep up the good stuff, brain is heavy sativa it could take 12 weeks till it's looking ready.
A sativa dom it is, and its still stretching at day 49 but could due be in part to a poor light. I think harvest is as far out as august 9th or longer...if the outdoor brains is female i dont even know if it will have enough time to finish before it gets too cold.

I think brains is better suited as an outdoor strain, or a more room than i have indoor strain.
Urban, welcome and thanks for subbing in, shes a stretchy girl, almost as hard to handle as my redhead ex girlfriend

Kabbal Ive just been giving em FF grow big, tiger bloom, and about a tablespoon of organic blackstrap molasses. I was doing plain water every other, but have started giving nutes every feeding now.

I noticed fungus gnats, just during last feeding, 15-20 so i sprayed w neem oil and made her wait an extra 24 hrs for a feeding to dry the soil out a bit. Then again soaked everything down w neem oil spray tonight and watered, only saw 2 or 3 tonight and gave em a spray.

I did 3 tablespoons of the GB and TB this feeding, 4 each the last teaspoons...i think..whatever it says on the bottle lol
Excellent go back to every other watering on nutes. You dont want to Over do it. Were running the same stuff. Except i add bembe to my last 4 weeks. If u only have a small gnat problem, just put out tupperware of cider vinegar and a little water with drops of dish soap mixed. If you over water in warmer temps this can happen. Especially after water dries out in the soil. No big deal. Keep up the good work!
Umm....wth is going on here? I just brought it in from outside and noticed these leaves, just a couple. Rest of the plant looks ok. It was around 97°
Ok, i went in and i just culled the affected leaves i could see and hosed it down w neem oil.

Whats the deal w neem and buds? Some say hose it down, some say dont get it on your buds.
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