Buzz's 2nd Journal: Karolyn, Blueberry & Skunk

Your plants are looking great @buzz62
I've also had an encounter with the off, auto, on timers in the past lol. Great to see another canuk from the prairies on here. I'll hang out a bit if you and PW don't mind the company.
Yeah, we have outages a lot so a mech timer will creep, and these do not! The Apollo's I have all say not for digital ballast, and the Hydrofarm brand, which look exactly the same but a bit deeper, came with my digital MH light.
Your plants are looking great @buzz62
I've also had an encounter with the off, auto, on timers in the past lol. Great to see another canuk from the prairies on here. I'll hang out a bit if you and PW don't mind the company.

Welcome aboard!! :ganjamon:
I've always run my leds with Apollo and they've worked fine for that application.
Theyre great for LED's, and old school transformer hid ballasts, but I was told they can burn up using them with a digital ballast MH/HPS, something to do with RF backfeeding if I remember right. But I'm old, and I hardly ever remember right these days!!
Day 69: the Karolyn is stretching out, 36 inches high. I gave all the plants a shade trim and removed the odd fan if it was over a bud tip. The Skunk is starting to stretch a bit as well. The Blueberries are growing, but like the first time, slow. Could be weeks to flip, but what the hey, I loves Blueberry! ! They are very dense so I really trimmed them out in the interior, but you would hardly know it.

Room 1 600 Watt HPS and 200 watts Cree Cob 3590's Just Flipped

Tent 2 300 watts Cree Cob 3590's in veg​

Great setup and plants Buzz. I'm going to find some blueberries now.
Thanks Oldbear Skip Crop King, I am not convinced I have a good example of the breed. Scrogsters Canuk Seeds BB looks freakin awesome over on the Blueberry Thread on DV- Travis's links!
I've done grows with Crop King seeds in the past. I've moved on as I didn't think they're genetics were very good.
Yeah, The Skunk I got was not impressive, a lot of dbl flowers that wouldn't dry well and a very vertical plant. I do have new seeds from Crop King, feminized Casino Royale for the next run, a high THC/CBD variety, and a White Widow auto flower which is destined for outdoors come spring. But I need a better Blueberry!
Learned something about electrical PH pens today. They don't work that well in plain RO water due to the absence of hydrogen ions.
My BlueLab pen is a two point calibration ph pen, and reads near instantly in nutrient mix or my well water, but reads RO water as Ph 9 or 10 when you first put it in and then slowly drops over 10 minutes to not the right reading ph 7.8 or so! Now usually RO water starts near or at 7 and then drops in contact with air, so I contacted the company and they enlightened me! So for RO, the old dye method is actually more reliable, and Blue lab says if you want an accurate reading of RO water with their pen, to add cal mag to the solution to at least 250 mg/L and it will read right and will not affect the ph reading.
Learned something about electrical PH pens today. They don't work that well in plain RO water due to the absence of hydrogen ions.
My BlueLab pen is a two point calibration ph pen, and reads near instantly in nutrient mix or my well water, but reads RO water as Ph 9 or 10 when you first put it in and then slowly drops over 10 minutes to not the right reading ph 7.8 or so! Now usually RO water starts near or at 7 and then drops in contact with air, so I contacted the company and they enlightened me! So for RO, the old dye method is actually more reliable, and Blue lab says if you want an accurate reading of RO water with their pen, to add cal mag to the solution to at least 250 mg/L and it will read right and will not affect the ph reading.
That sounds like a total pain in the @ss.
Love my well water more and more. The scale sucks. But health nuts love it
That sounds like a total pain in the @ss.
Love my well water more and more. The scale sucks. But health nuts love it

Well, not really a total pita, I had been assuming it was close to 7 and then adding 2 ml vinegar to 4 gallons which was giving me 5.5 or so with the old dye method and is probably fine. I hit the big girl with 3 gallons on top and she doesn't even seem to notice so I think its good! Thing is I didn't trust the dye method at first and the pen gave me totally different readings for RO water which was confusing me! I use RO once a week for a heavy top water to wash down accumulated salts. I don't treat the RO I use with my Advanced Nutrients nutes as it accounts for that and tests out at 5.7 after its mixed up, and the company recommends RO water to avoid other problems like cal mag lockup. . I can't use my well water, the peat turns hard and white, and then the plant growth slows eventually . Here's why...

Seriously hard water!​
My 4gl smart pots got hard and turned white after a 111 day run. Got 2 zips per plant. Hard water sucks. I'm going to try 2lt 100% perlite hempy sog and see if that works better with my well water. Here is where I'm at. Only clones so far in hempy

And here are the mothers

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