Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Progress will be easier with those nits finally out of the way, the sky's the limit now, Trala!

Thank You, Stunger! It's almost time to figure out what the one after this one's gonna be... :hmmmm:
You mean you don’t pick the next one and change your mind, over and over? Or is that just me?
Yeah, I usually have a plan.
Then, I kill a few seeds, and the plan changes accordingly... :oops:
Good Monday Morning - I hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Now it's time for a little UPDATE on the Blueberry Hill...

She's 111 days old, flipped to 12/12 48 days ago, first flowers showed up 36 days ago.

Remember how nice n' green she was? Not so much anymore...I finally gave her a shot of nitrogen
on Thursday (2g Scott's Turf Builder33-2-8), and she looks better today than she did then...that's not saying much, because she still looks like shit, but she is slowly greening up again...

I'm not sure if she just needs a lot of N, or if the N was locked out due to excessive K, so I gave her 2 root rinses, 12 gallons of plain water through the pot both times. The first time, I went back in with too much K again (brain fart) so I did it again on Tuesday morning, ( Thank You for the good advice @InTheShed ) and she got just mc after that one. (6g)
This really didn't seem to do much, that's when I decided to feed her the additional nitrogen, and she is slowly improving since then.

My thinking is that, even though I know N isn't needed as much during flowering, yellow leaves don't photosynthesize well, so greener leaves will do more for the plant in the time she has left.
I might be wrong, but what's done is done...and so far, so good. ;)

The SaugaView®:


The Buds are doing fine, it's just the fan leaves that are a little sickly right now...


A bud:

I think she's got about 3 weeks to go, hopefully she gets a little more frost on her before the end....

Out of the box

Silhouette shot- she's a little more chonky than last week.

And that's about it for today!
Thank You for looking, I appreciate the support :love:
And please, continue to stay safe out there...
2g along with 6g of MC, you are feeding it:

Allegedly, the STB is time release, supposed to feed for a month or so, when applied to the soil (sprinkled on top and watered in) The stuff I used is from an old bag of Turf Builder that was at my mom's house, that may be why you can't find that exact npk- it's pretty old stuff.
So she's not getting a huge dose all at once, it's probably spread over 3 weeks or so.
And she's about as far from N tox as she can be right now, so hopefully, all it does is green her up-so far, it's working.
Correction: 32-2-8, not 33-2-8 not that it makes much difference :)
Lovely pics of her Carcass!
Thanks, Stunger- not as lovely as last week, but she'll have to do!
Sorry about your N troubles but it looks like you’ve got it under control.
Thank You, Boo!
I seem to have it under control, but I'm not going to declare the battle won for 4 or 5 more days..good stuff seems to happen very slowly in soil...on the other hand, bad stuff seems to happen overnight! :oops:
Good Monday Morning - I hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Now it's time for a little UPDATE on the Blueberry Hill...

She's 111 days old, flipped to 12/12 48 days ago, first flowers showed up 36 days ago.

Remember how nice n' green she was? Not so much anymore...I finally gave her a shot of nitrogen
on Thursday (2g Scott's Turf Builder33-2-8), and she looks better today than she did then...that's not saying much, because she still looks like shit, but she is slowly greening up again...

I'm not sure if she just needs a lot of N, or if the N was locked out due to excessive K, so I gave her 2 root rinses, 12 gallons of plain water through the pot both times. The first time, I went back in with too much K again (brain fart) so I did it again on Tuesday morning, ( Thank You for the good advice @InTheShed ) and she got just mc after that one. (6g)
This really didn't seem to do much, that's when I decided to feed her the additional nitrogen, and she is slowly improving since then.

My thinking is that, even though I know N isn't needed as much during flowering, yellow leaves don't photosynthesize well, so greener leaves will do more for the plant in the time she has left.
I might be wrong, but what's done is done...and so far, so good. ;)

The SaugaView®:


The Buds are doing fine, it's just the fan leaves that are a little sickly right now...


A bud:

I think she's got about 3 weeks to go, hopefully she gets a little more frost on her before the end....

Out of the box

Silhouette shot- she's a little more chonky than last week.

And that's about it for today!
Thank You for looking, I appreciate the support :love:
And please, continue to stay safe out there...
Hello C Sunrise :)

She looks absolutely beautiful!

She is almost a fluro green. Do you think she might just be a lighter in colour strain? My Tangerine Dream is a very lime green as opposed to the Peyote who is quite dark.

You and Boo have a very similar grow style with those even choka block full canopies full of budilicious Coca-Cola’s :)
When you’ve raised the level of the bar so high that even your grumpy girl without question is still one of the best looking plants on the forum.

I’m not sure if that is a curse or an accolade but at some point I’d sure like to experience it.
Beautiful :meditate:
Hey, Carcass!

I'm slippin'. It's been a month of Sundays since I didn't get to your Monday update until Tuesday!

Hopefully my comment will not be out-dated as a result of whatever may have happened overnight.

She's still lovely! (I think that comment will stand the test of time.) :Rasta:
Do you think she might just be a lighter in colour strain?
Thank you, Trala! She's always been sort of pale green, I'm used to that, but lately there's more yellow than green, and that worries me...She's actually a little greener today in a few spots, but I think most of the yellow may be here to stay...the buds seem to be doing fine, though, so that's good..
I’m not sure if that is a curse or an accolade but at some point I’d sure like to experience it.
Thanks for the kind words, Nev!
The way your autos are going, you will, in about a month!
She's still lovely! (I think that comment will stand the test of time.)
Thanks, GDB! Yeah, but her girlish good looks are fading fast... :)
Super dope pics carcass
Thank You, HH88! and Thanks for stopping by! :thumb:
Better late than never... ;)

There was no school today, so I've been watching the 5 year old granddaughter all day...but, mom just picked her up, so it's time for a late Monday Update!

Blueberry Hill is doing pretty well, although she's looking a little yellow lately...

118 days old, flipped 55 days ago, spotted first flowers 43 days ago...
I gave her a little extra N to try and lose some of the yellow-it did very little, so she's just on 6.5g/gal of mc from here on in....probably got about two weeks left, and I don't want to ruin her by trying to fix her, so it is what it is..

The SaugaView®:

The buds are still pretty green, but the fan leaves are .....not :)

A closer look at a couple of buds...

The buds are getting a little fatter every day, and they're a bit frostier than they were.

She's a stinky one...not exactly sure what she smells like, but it ain't blueberries, I can tell ya that....
although- if a tomcat peed on some blueberries, that might be close... :oops:

silhouette shot...


The lights went out at 5:30, so here's a last pic with the flash.I don't like flash pics, so I don't take many.

And there you have it!
Sorry it's a bit late, but it is still Monday in a lot of places....:rolleyes:

Thank You for looking, I appreciate the support :love:

And please , continue staying as safe as possible out there!
She is absolutely gorgeous!!! :love: That little plant should have some yellowing leaves with everything she’s shoving into those buds!
Thank you, Boo! It's definitely all about the buds now, she's treating the leaves like yesterdays newspaper...
What a lovely big girl she is - I wish one would float past me in the pool on a pool noodle looking like that!
Thanks, Stunger! I dunno, you just don't see many pot plants hooked to a pool noodle ;)
I've been watching the 5 year old granddaughter all day
I love it when the little ones come by but I kid you not after a full day with them I’m pretty worn out the house is a disaster zone and I’d never make online to do an update!
But the kiddos come 2-4 at a time between the ages of 1-5.:love:

so it is what it is..
And that would be some gorgeous colas rising from the soil.
Lets hope it doesn’t taste anything like the smell.
love it when the little ones come by but I kid you not after a full day with them I’m pretty worn out the house is a disaster zone
The 5 year old is not much work to watch, she entertains herself pretty well, and it doesn't hurt that she's just a nice little girl...the two year old is the one that wears us out- that little lady has waaay too much energy for us old folks to keep up with...we get her on Wednesday, so I need to rest up tomorrow!
Lets hope it doesn’t taste anything like the smell.
Thank You, Nev!
That's what Mrs C. says...and she doesn't even smoke! :hmmmm:
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