Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

I think she is looking beautiful! I can see what you mean about the quick N usage. I hope it ends up being an amazing harvest either way.

Yeah, I usually have a plan.
Then, I kill a few seeds, and the plan changes accordingly... :oops:
:laugh: That's me right now! Haaa
I finally gave her a shot of nitrogen
on Thursday (2g Scott's Turf Builder33-2-8)
I enjoyed reading this.

There is a bunch of various nutes I have around. I was tempted to run a plant or two with some unconventional nutes to see if I can find some success and the difference in taste.

good stuff seems to happen very slowly in soil...on the other hand, bad stuff seems to happen overnight! :oops:
One of the things that scares me about soil. If deficiencies shows up, you're looking into the past. It takes a while for changes to take effect too. Slow to take and slow to show.

There was no school today, so I've been watching the 5 year old granddaughter all day...
But the kiddos come 2-4 at a time between the ages of 1-5.:love:

Too cute Carcass & Nev. I miss my kiddos in those stages so much! Blessings on you amazing people for showing these little ones love and time. Blessings for your little loved ones too.
Hello C U posted Tuesday coz Monday is long gone mate!

Omg that plant is amazing! The structure alone is so impressive. I don’t know how you keep such a level canopy the whole way through. Your grows are like walking through an art gallery and I’m not just saying that coz I love your guts either!

There is something so special about being a hands on grandparent isn’t there? The love they automatically give us overwhelms me. My grandsons allow me a second chance at parenting. I can give to them everything I was unable to give my son.
I agree with everyone else. Your Blueberry Hill is absolutely beautiful. I love your canopy.
I'm late again this week!

No matter, the same knock-out plant is still on display! :Rasta:

She's killer, Carcass! Those yellowing leaves at this point would bother me about as much as getting a dog hair stuck to the sole of my shoe! It's that time. :laughtwo:
Better late than never... ;)

There was no school today, so I've been watching the 5 year old granddaughter all day...but, mom just picked her up, so it's time for a late Monday Update!

Blueberry Hill is doing pretty well, although she's looking a little yellow lately...

118 days old, flipped 55 days ago, spotted first flowers 43 days ago...
I gave her a little extra N to try and lose some of the yellow-it did very little, so she's just on 6.5g/gal of mc from here on in....probably got about two weeks left, and I don't want to ruin her by trying to fix her, so it is what it is..

The SaugaView®:

The buds are still pretty green, but the fan leaves are .....not :)

A closer look at a couple of buds...

The buds are getting a little fatter every day, and they're a bit frostier than they were.

She's a stinky one...not exactly sure what she smells like, but it ain't blueberries, I can tell ya that....
although- if a tomcat peed on some blueberries, that might be close... :oops:

silhouette shot...


The lights went out at 5:30, so here's a last pic with the flash.I don't like flash pics, so I don't take many.

And there you have it!
Sorry it's a bit late, but it is still Monday in a lot of places....:rolleyes:

Thank You for looking, I appreciate the support :love:

And please , continue staying as safe as possible out there!
Waaaaaayyyyyyy to show off lol pics and plant are on point....fantastic job
I can see what you mean about the quick N usage.
I tried it as a last resort, but it didn't work very well..didn't hurt, but didn't help much either...
:laugh: That's me right now! Haaa
Yeah, it's about time for me to kill sprout a few... :oops:
Omg that plant is amazing!
Thank You, Trala!
There is something so special about being a hands on grandparent isn’t there?
Grandkids are definitely the best thing about getting old... :love:
Your Blueberry Hill is absolutely beautiful. I love your canopy.
Thanks, HashGirl! The fact that she didn't stretch very much helped with that canopy..
Those yellowing leaves at this point would bother me about as much as getting a dog hair stuck to the sole of my shoe! It's that time.
Yep- 2 weeks is enough worrying, she's just doing her thing now...
pics and plant are on point....fantastic job
Thank You, HH88!
Looks great! Complaining about that yellowing is like a supermodel saying she's fat...
Thanks, DeeBoy!
Yeah, it's not slowing the buds down, so no worries from here on in...
Do you spend a lot of time tending to her?
Thanks for asking, Trala!

Not a lot at this age- I just make sure none of the tiedowns fell off overnight, and I rotate her 90 degrees a few times a day, and that's about it. Oh, and just lately I've been spending time watching her turn yellow... :)

When they're little, I probably spend 15 minutes a day tying branches down and tucking leaves out of the way, but I only have to do that for a month or so.

Seems like if you can make an even canopy early on, it's easier to maintain as the plant gets bigger.
I don't really care for supercropping, so I try and make it so they don't need it...and so far, that's been working out ok.
Thanks for asking, Trala!

Not a lot at this age- I just make sure none of the tiedowns fell off overnight, and I rotate her 90 degrees a few times a day, and that's about it. Oh, and just lately I've been spending time watching her turn yellow... :)

When they're little, I probably spend 15 minutes a day tying branches down and tucking leaves out of the way, but I only have to do that for a month or so.

Seems like if you can make an even canopy early on, it's easier to maintain as the plant gets bigger.
I don't really care for supercropping, so I try and make it so they don't need it...and so far, that's been working out ok.
I think I spend at least 90 minutes on my plants each day and I’m not even joking!

I really do try so hard to make an even canopy. Fail every grow mind lol. One thing I have noticed. I’ve got MC Mimosa in the veg tent on 12:12, and I’ve noticed the confined space seems to be keeping her canopy more level. It’s only been 4 days, but she seems more level.

Another question, I hope you don’t mind me asking it here, as you know I recently birthed. My seedling is around a week or so. I have her in the veg tent on 12:12. When does she need 18 hours? Like the latest possible timeframe?
When does she need 18 hours? Like the latest possible timeframe?
I really don't know for sure, I've never ran a seedling @ 12/12, but I'd say as soon as possible- you don't want her hormones to decide it's flowering time- I wouldn't wait more than 10 more days , but like I said, I'm not really sure what the limit is.
When can you switch the veg tent to 18/6?
Thank you, candy- She's a little yellower, but a little fatter too!
I really don't know for sure, I've never ran a seedling @ 12/12, but I'd say as soon as possible- you don't want her hormones to decide it's flowering time- I wouldn't wait more than 10 more days , but like I said, I'm not really sure what the limit is.
When can you switch the veg tent to 18/6?
I don’t want to clog your thread up with my grow skullfuckery.

I think I’ve found a temporary 3 week solution. I hope anyway. It’s in my tent thread :)
She's killer, Carcass! Those yellowing leaves at this point would bother me about as much as getting a dog hair shit stuck to the sole of my shoe! It's that time. :laughtwo:

FTFY. ;)

Thanks for asking, Trala!

Not a lot at this age- I just make sure none of the tiedowns fell off overnight, and I rotate her 90 degrees a few times a day, and that's about it. Oh, and just lately I've been spending time watching her turn yellow... :)

When they're little, I probably spend 15 minutes a day tying branches down and tucking leaves out of the way, but I only have to do that for a month or so.

Seems like if you can make an even canopy early on, it's easier to maintain as the plant gets bigger.
I don't really care for supercropping, so I try and make it so they don't need it...and so far, that's been working out ok.

I have a question about LSTing in flower. I know you're not supposed to continue LSTing in flower since the branches are more brittle but you and many other growers still have all your tie-downs in flower and I'm wondering why? Are they still doing anything? I've been removing my tie-downs because they don't appear to be actually doing anything and it's easier to water without them in there.

Another question, I hope you don’t mind me asking it here, as you know I recently birthed. My seedling is around a week or so. I have her in the veg tent on 12:12. When does she need 18 hours? Like the latest possible timeframe?

12:12 is a flowering schedule. Why are you giving them 6 less hours than a normal vegging plant?

I keep my seedlings under a fluorescent light for 18 hours a day until they're a couple of weeks old.
I see the signs of the old PK burn on the lowers but they don't seem to be yellowing, so I'd say they're not nitrogen deficient. As long as it's bulking up (and it sure looks to be doing that!) and holding on to enough green to power through to the end I'd say it'll come through with flying colors. :)

you and many other growers still have all your tie-downs in flower and I'm wondering why? Are they still doing anything? I've been removing my tie-downs because they don't appear to be actually doing anything
If the limbs don't move when you untie it then it's okay to untie in flower. The reason you want it to maintain its shape in flower is for the same reason you want it that shape in veg: you still want the growth hormones to build the lower flower the same way it did with growth during veg. If you untie it and the tops spring up again, the lower buds could be smaller as a result.

Also, when growing under lights, maintaining a flat canopy is always a good thing when possible.
I have a question about LSTing in flower. I know you're not supposed to continue LSTing in flower since the branches are more brittle but you and many other growers still have all your tie-downs in flower and I'm wondering why? Are they still doing anything?
Good question, HashGirl! Actually, Shed pretty much covered it- you basically want to keep the plant the same shape till the end, so some of the tiedowns will have to stay on till the end or the branches will lift back up. Usually, about half of them need to stay on till she's done. A few of mine aren't holding anything down, but they're pulling the buds into the open area in he center of the plant...I try to keep the buds from touching each other (because I'm weird that way ;) ) and that's how I have to do it.
I see the signs of the old PK burn on the lowers but they don't seem to be yellowing,
Yeah, she's still about 50% green, so that'll have to do...That might just be K burn- I didn't add any additional P except for what was in the Easy Weed, and that's not much (1-2-18)
But, evidently, whatever I added was a bit too much.... :straightface:

Also, when growing under lights, maintaining a flat canopy is always a good thing when possible.
Yep- no use training it for a flat canopy if you're not going to maintain it all the way through...
Although- I've been "lucky" :hmmmm: and the last 4 plants I've grown haven't really stretched much
at all, which makes the flat(ish) canopy thing a lot easier...
Hey Mr C!

I think you need help in the candor area so here's a bunch of add-on FTFYs.
so some of the tiedowns will have to stay on till the end or the branches will lift back up...
...and my box and I have a reputation to maintain.
I try to keep the buds from touching each other
...because I have a reputation for mind-blowing silhouette pics to maintain.
I didn't add any additional P except for what was in the Easy Weed, and that's not much (1-2-18)
...and I'm never using that shit again.
Yep- no use training it for a flat canopy if you're not going to maintain it all the way through know. :)
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