ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

I've been looking into those - I'd only get a 1 gal set, saw some nice videos, one was "Frenchie" and he's got a stellar routine :peace:

Where did you see that stuff about those or the videos? I wanna learn more about doing that...would like info on it, if you could point me in that direction??
Looking GREAT! As usual!

A Big HOORAY on getting the BOAT back in the WATER! OH! YEAH! Catch some BIG ones! :surf:

Thanks Buddy as for the boat now im just waiting on the weather next weekend might be a wash to rough for my friend who basically is the guy who always goes with me he don't like getting beat up lol, I keep telling him the bites better when the water is rough on this side of the island :rofl:

I looked into making bho but the vac chambers cost a fortune over here, as does quality butane. I've decided to save up for bubble bags instead :)

even too expensive off amazon?

i really like the new live resin thing, which comes with a lot of fashions.

my personal favorites are cryogenically frozen and terpene extracted glanheads.

these arent exactly the kind of concentrates one can get on the "street" but one must absolutely taste them given the chance.

the easiest way to get a hit of some godlike extract is to attend a cannabis cup

these guys spare no expense and if you are nice to them they might let you hit their goodies ;)

vaping is really the future of this industry

a lot of people have already moved to exclusively doing concentrates and it wont be long until more people seek them.

wow cryogenics and I have friends who exclusively smoke concentrates make regular buds kinda weak for him
as for me once in awhile to help boost the high :rofl:
and I been vaping for years :thumb:

I've been looking into those - I'd only get a 1 gal set, saw some nice videos, one was "Frenchie" and he's got a stellar routine :peace:

I was gonna get like a 3 quart vac chamber :rofl:

Those girls are looking sweet man! I've really wanted to do that HGK for a min, but only have so much room, I'm curious to see how that turns out.

I hope I get the right phenol the right phenol is soo damn tasty the first one I had sucked the second one was the right phenol and no one else got a taste it was so good I kinda kept it o myself :rofl:

Where did you see that stuff about those or the videos? I wanna learn more about doing that...would like info on it, if you could point me in that direction??

they really don't like to have people talk about the process on 420 mag cause they don't want people blowing themselves up but im sure theres some utube vids on it and some of houses blowing up cause of it too :high-five:
Good evening weed cronic. :high-five: Great update. That afgooey is looking might fine my friend. good to hear you are getting the boat ready and have a plan to hit it. fresh fish mmmmmmm Happy Days :volcano-smiley:
Good evening weed cronic. :high-five: Great update. That afgooey is looking might fine my friend. good to hear you are getting the boat ready and have a plan to hit it. fresh fish mmmmmmm Happy Days :volcano-smiley:

Hey Brotha Bee nice to see you drop in I cant wait till you smoke up all your stash and start another grow
I hope the afgooey is as good as I hope itll be lol theres a definite strong afghani smell well see how she turns out
and im also hoping I have the right phenol for the holy grail cause if its the right one and I will be taking clones to make some seeds from it just in case cause if it is damn I don't wanna lose it like the first correct phenol I had or the second holy grail that I grew
cause its a definite winner as far as a complete package smoke :thumb:
Have a Great Night Brotha and again Thanks for dropping in Always Happy to see you swing by :high-five:
Where did you see that stuff about those or the videos? I wanna learn more about doing that...would like info on it, if you could point me in that direction??

Hey Kingsup - I just went to YouTube and put "ice water hash" into the search. YouTube has a lot of grow videos and how-tos. I set up a different YouTube account to watch them. Paranoid, maybe. But I take care on the interwebz. :peace:
Looking Awesome chronic..:Namaste:
I gotta get me a seed project going.:high-five:Bought a bottle of CS way back when Toker was around and is still sitting in the original package it came of room.
I know your a very busy dude at the moment but if you get a spare second there's a member by the name Peaky Blinder I have been following and trying to help when needed,He's running Oxygen pot system and is having issue's.As you know I don't do hydro and figured this be the best place to get him some solid help.It's a short read and if anyone would not like to stop in and give him a hand,,here's a link...
Peaky Blinder's - 1000W HPS - Ebb & Flow - LSD Grow - First Journal

Thank's Chronic..:high-five:
Good morning brotha Chronic, king of the beautiful island :)

The cheapest vac pump I can buy over here is £80/$123 For one with a chamber it's double that, if not more & good quality butane is £5/$8 for a 200ml/6.7fl oz.
Looking Awesome chronic..:Namaste:
I gotta get me a seed project going.:high-five:Bought a bottle of CS way back when Toker was around and is still sitting in the original package it came of room.
I know your a very busy dude at the moment but if you get a spare second there's a member by the name Peaky Blinder I have been following and trying to help when needed,He's running Oxygen pot system and is having issue's.As you know I don't do hydro and figured this be the best place to get him some solid help.It's a short read and if anyone would not like to stop in and give him a hand,,here's a link...
Peaky Blinder's - 1000W HPS - Ebb & Flow - LSD Grow - First Journal

Thank's Chronic..:high-five:

sure ill swing by you know la actually used that system if im not mistaken
ill see if he wont swing by himself but ill swing by and see if I can help :thumb:
you don't need a ton of space to get a seed project going you've seen the space ive been using except for this last one since I used 1 more plant and its a different strain needs more room but normally I just use a tiny space
im sure you can all it takes is 2-3 clones 1 to cs and 1 or 2 to pollinate even with 1 plant you can do over 100 seeds
im always happy if I can get just 50 total :rofl:
I usually get way more tho :high-five:

Good morning brotha Chronic, king of the beautiful island :)

The cheapest vac pump I can buy over here is £80/$123 For one with a chamber it's double that, if not more & good quality butane is £5/$8 for a 200ml/6.7fl oz.

the cheapest on I looked at with the chamber on amazon runs about 190 us they even sell cases of butane
although I don't think I can ship it over the ocean to here so I have to just go to the store here can run anywhere from 7-15 bucks a can depends what you buy

:passitleft: High Cronic....:circle-of-love:

High Sistah D :circle-of-love:

ok on another note hb 321 hd 1 for marijuana dispensaries and production centers have passed
so next year july 1st ill be standing in line for a license for a production center :thumb:
much easier and less stress that the cost for a dispensary which is what I originally wanted but cost prohibits it and I think id rather grow
and sell to the dispensary

check it

HB321 HD1 (?)

Report Title: Medical Marijuana; Dispensaries and Production Centers; Appropriation ($)
Description: Establishes a system of medical marijuana dispensaries and production centers. Prohibits counties from enacting zoning regulations that discriminate against licensed dispensaries and production centers. Clarifies the right of qualifying patients and primary caregivers to transport medical marijuana. Appropriates funds. (HD1)
Companion: SB1029
Package: None
Current Referral: HLT/JUD, FIN

Sort by Date Status Text
1/23/2015 H Pending introduction.
1/26/2015 H Introduced and Pass First Reading.
1/26/2015 H Referred to HLT, JUD, FIN, referral sheet 1
1/29/2015 H Re-referred to HLT/JUD, FIN, referral sheet 4
2/3/2015 H Bill scheduled to be heard by HLT/JUD on Saturday, 02-07-15 10:00AM in House conference room 329.
2/5/2015 H Broadcast of hearing/briefing available. See: Capitol TV
2/7/2015 H The committee(s) on HLT/JUD recommend(s) that the measure be deferred until 02-10-15 8:50AM.
2/9/2015 H Bill scheduled for decision making on Tuesday, 02-10-15 8:50AM in conference room 329.
2/10/2015 H Bill scheduled to be heard by HLT/JUD on Tuesday, 02-17-15 2:00PM in House conference room 325.
2/10/2015 H The committee(s) on HLT/JUD recommend(s) that the measure be deferred until 02-17-15 at 2:00pm in room 325.
2/17/2015 H The committees on HLT recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes were as follows: 8 Ayes: Representative(s) Belatti, Creagan, Hashem, Morikawa; Ayes with reservations: Representative(s) Jordan, Kobayashi, Oshiro, Fukumoto Chang; Noes: none; and 1 Excused: Representative(s) Tupola.
2/17/2015 H The committees on JUD recommend that the measure be PASSED, WITH AMENDMENTS. The votes were as follows: 12 Ayes: Representative(s) Rhoads, San Buenaventura, Belatti, Brower, Creagan, Hashem, C. Lee, Morikawa, Nakashima, Takayama, Thielen; Ayes with reservations: Representative(s) Kawakami; 1 Noes: Representative(s) McDermott; and 1 Excused: Representative(s) Woodson.
2/20/2015 H Reported from HLT/JUD (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 573) as amended in HD 1, recommending passage on Second Reading and referral to FIN.
2/20/2015 H Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1 and referred to the committee(s) on FIN with Representative(s) Aquino, Cachola, Cullen, Fukumoto Chang, Har, Johanson, Jordan, Kawakami, Matsumoto, Oshiro, Pouha, Tupola, Yamane voting aye with reservations; Representative(s) McDermott, Ward voting no (2) and Representative(s) Ito excused (1).
2/24/2015 H Bill scheduled to be heard by FIN on Friday, 02-27-15 3:00PM in House conference room 308.
2/27/2015 H The committee(s) on FIN recommend(s) that the measure be deferred until 03-03-15.
2/27/2015 H Bill scheduled for decision making on Tuesday, 03-03-15 11:05AM in conference room 308.
3/3/2015 H The committees on FIN recommend that the measure be PASSED, UNAMENDED. The votes were as follows: 13 Ayes: Representative(s) Luke, Nishimoto, Keohokalole, Kobayashi, Lowen, Onishi, Yamashita; Ayes with reservations: Representative(s) Cachola, Cullen, DeCoite, Johanson, Jordan, Pouha; 2 Noes: Representative(s) Tokioka, Ward; and Excused: none.

the actual pdf for this bill is on this page

Measure Status

finally after 15 years someone is thinking
Good luck with your application brotha Chronic, I'm sure you'll be successful :thumb:

its gonna be next year so I got time to save money to pay for it but I sure hope I can get it :thumb:
Hey Kingsup - I just went to YouTube and put "ice water hash" into the search. YouTube has a lot of grow videos and how-tos. I set up a different YouTube account to watch them. Paranoid, maybe. But I take care on the interwebz. :peace:

Hey thanks for the response there, I have looked at some vids about it on Youtube, but some didn't explain it very well. But I'll do some more research. I apologize for talking about it here if it's some kind of no, no...I really didn't know that. I do understand the concern, safety and need for ventilation. I've heard horror stories and realize the danger involved, and any accident could be extremely bad with those fumes around. I've been smoking more and more of it for the past couple years and would like to know more. Can someone tell me what vac chambers do and can it be done without one?? They keep it at a steady temp to help evaporate the butane, is that their function, right?
The vacuum is required to draw all the butane out of the product. Using heat draws out most of it but not all, so you need the vac to draw out the rest. Smoking wax with butane is harmful so don't do it without having a vac pump/chamber :)
Happy WeedsDaze Brother Chronic.....and congrats on the bill passing:).....and will keep you in the back of my head for a savings of positive vibes that you get your license next year:) between you saving the paper and me the vibes i think you got this:)lol......I hope all is well on the lava rock today my friend:)
Hey thanks for the response there, I have looked at some vids about it on Youtube, but some didn't explain it very well. But I'll do some more research. I apologize for talking about it here if it's some kind of no, no...I really didn't know that. I do understand the concern, safety and need for ventilation. I've heard horror stories and realize the danger involved, and any accident could be extremely bad with those fumes around. I've been smoking more and more of it for the past couple years and would like to know more. Can someone tell me what vac chambers do and can it be done without one?? They keep it at a steady temp to help evaporate the butane, is that their function, right?

Oh hey we're not on the same page. I was talking about bubble hash you get from mixing your sweet leaf up in ice water to strain out the trichomes. I'm not messing with any extractions, at least right now. I'm trying to keep things simple and affordable - sorry for the mix up. :peace:
ok on another note hb 321 hd 1 for marijuana dispensaries and production centers have passed so next year july 1st ill be standing in line for a license for a production center :thumb:
much easier and less stress that the cost for a dispensary which is what I originally wanted but cost prohibits it and I think id rather grow and sell to the dispensary...finally after 15 years someone is thinking

:bravo: Congratulations on your bill passing my friend :bravo:

You'll have people waiting in line to get your meds :cheesygrinsmiley:
Happy WeedsDaze Brother Chronic.....and congrats on the bill passing:).....and will keep you in the back of my head for a savings of positive vibes that you get your license next year:) between you saving the paper and me the vibes i think you got this:)lol......I hope all is well on the lava rock today my friend:)

Its going pretty well seems like its gonna be a fairly good year so far hope next year gets better
and Happy Thurweed day Brotha GreenZ:thumb:

:bravo: Congratulations on your bill passing my friend :bravo:

You'll have people waiting in line to get your meds :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thank you Catman :high-five:
congrats on the bill brother :high-five:

im sure your meds are going to be some of the finest one can smoke :thumb:
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