Clones In Soil: Hybrid Perpetual Grow 2021/2022

if I should be topping or fimming, while doing LST?
Just stick with the LST for now. Topping with LST shouldn't be necessary when it's done correctly. Have you read my LST thread? The link is in my signature, and it explains how it's done and why it works (when it's done correctly ;) ).
I will start will a foliage spray in between watering every other day.
Is that plain water or with something added? I would skip plain water spray and let the plant get its water from the roots. If it's got stuff mixed in, what are you using?
I was thinking I would stick with FF for now
Using up what you have is certainly a reasonable idea!
I still have some grow big and tiger bloom left
Do you have enough left to finish the grow? If not, it's time to discuss what to go to next. And that list is quite extensive. I'd like to get an idea of your comfort level with multiple products. You already use three in the FF trio, but some have 6 or 7 different things to mix, so I'm curious as to what number you'd like to max out at.
I was going to order some recharge to use as a tea.?
Skip the tea. Teas are for folks using water-only living organic soil, and even then there are nay-sayers.
Just stick with the LST for now. Topping with LST shouldn't be necessary when it's done correctly. Have you read my LST thread? The link is in my signature, and it explains how it's done and why it works (when it's done correctly ;) ).
Hey there shed, sorry for such a late response but you know that thing that’s always getting in the way of EVERYTHING, I think it’s called LIFE! Lol anyways… I actually have your LST thread bookmarked, bc I was always planning on trying it out on my second grow, if all went well on my first. so here I am, I’ll get to read later tonight. I want to make sure I’m doing it the correct way.
Here are the girls today, their looking a lil yellow. A couple things happened to their environment. I gradually turned up the light to 60%, bad idea so I took it back down to 35%. The humidity is around the 50%-60%. We are 60 days Veg today. How do I determine when to begin Veg from clones, I’m
Counting from the first day I transplanted them into soil.?





420giirl said:
I will start will a foliage spray in between watering every other day.
Is that plain water or with something added? I would skip plain water spray and let the plant get its water from the roots. If it's got stuff mixed in, what are you using?

I was going to use ff grow big. As directed on the bottles label. I haven’t started anything yet.
If I need to count veg days with clones I start with the day I first see roots in the clear plastic cup. That would be much earlier than transplant though. How about cutting day + two weeks if that's about how long it takes your cuttings to root?

LST looks good, but are those the final pots? Might pretty crowded in there! LST takes up more room than topping.

Also quite a difference in growth rates if you're planning on flipping them all at the same time.

In terms of light intensity, a $35 lux meter will give you a lot of piece of mind if it's in the budget. I like my Dr. Meter 1330B-V from Amazon.
I was going to use ff grow big. As directed on the bottles label. I haven’t started anything yet.
I can't see any reason to foliar spray them. What week are you on in terms of the FF feeding schedule?
Do you have enough left to finish the grow? If not, it's time to discuss what to go to next. And that list is quite extensive. I'd like to get an idea of your comfort level with multiple products. You already use three in the FF trio, but some have 6 or 7 different things to mix, so I'm curious as to what number you'd like to max out at.
I have 2 of the 3 bottles left, grow big is almost full and tiger bloom is less than half. So I’d say it’s time discuss what’s next. I actually don’t mind using several different nutes or additives as long as I have someone to guide me bc I get so overwhelmed with listening to so many different opinions lol so idk let’s say 6, give or take. I think I am ready to really start growing, now that I’m not so afraid of killing them.
If I need to count veg days with clones I start with the day I first see roots in the clear plastic cup. That would be much earlier than transplant though. How about cutting day + two weeks if that's about how long it takes your cuttings to root?
Ok perfect, I was thinking to use the day I transplanted into the solo cup which was about 2 weeks after cutting. Bc that’s when I first saw roots coming from the pods they were started in. So yeah sounds about right.

LST looks good, but are those the final pots? Might pretty crowded in there! LST takes up more room than topping.
Yes, these are final pots. Should I rethink doing LST and top instead, before they get bigger?

Also quite a difference in growth rates if you're planning on flipping them all at the same time.
Planning on flipping at the same time, yes. Growth rate?

In terms of light intensity, a $35 lux meter will give you a lot of piece of mind if it's in the budget. I like my Dr. Meter 1330B-V from Amazon.
Perfect, thanks!

I can't see any reason to foliar spray them. What week are you on in terms of the FF feeding schedule?
So yeah sounds about right.
Should I rethink doing LST and top instead, before they get bigger?
Not if you don't wait for the slower growers to catch up before you flip.
Growth rate?
They are all growing at different rates (unless you cut them at different times!). The smallest is way behind the biggest.
Perfect, thanks!
I have 2 of the 3 bottles left, grow big is almost full and tiger bloom is less than half. So I’d say it’s time discuss what’s next. I actually don’t mind using several different nutes or additives as long as I have someone to guide me bc I get so overwhelmed with listening to so many different opinions lol so idk let’s say 6, give or take. I think I am ready to really start growing, now that I’m not so afraid of killing them.
I'm about to head out, so tomorrow I'll list a few choices so you can see which one best matches your style!
I can't see any reason to foliar spray them. What week are you on in terms of the FF feeding schedule?
This is all the bottles show

I'm about to head out, so tomorrow I'll list a few choices so you can see which one best matches your style!
Ok sounds good, have a great night! :snowboating:
Now, onto what to do when you run out of the Trio!

[Not sure if it's clear on whatever device you use to browse the forum, but I often drop links in my posts, so keep an eye out for those. Also, the word "sponsors" is often automatically linked to the sponsors' page by the website.:) ]

There are loads of nutrient manufacturers and some of them are sponsors. Our sponsors are great but I haven't grown with most of them or even seen many grows with some. There are also other ways of fertilizing our plants than sticking to a single nutrient brand.

In the sponsor category, I've seen some good grows using Prescription Blend's line. They are available at Amazon and their rep is often on the site answering questions and solving problems. You can follow Virgin Ground's new grow to see how she's doing with them. BooWho2 also ran most of her summer grow using them. Also, beez0404 had a great grow using them and won August Plant of the Month from that grow.

You also might be able to get a free sponsorship from them! Rules here:

Another way of feeding plants is by mixing nutes into the soil and then top-dressing every two weeks from then on (until transplant, when you would mix some into the new soil and start the process again). One product that works that way is our sponsor GeoFlora. Many folks are growing nice plants using it, but others are having troubles with deficiencies that are hard to overcome without mixing some regular nutes into waterings because of the time lag between feedings. It's an easy mostly-water-only product, but like I said, I've seen mixed results and had them myself.

Another method of fertilizing is to mix and match products to try to achieve specific goals. This method is based on attempting to hit target numbers for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Sulfur. It sounds like a complicated task, except that there are a few folks who have already paved the path forward. As I mentioned in your other thread, Farside05 is using three products available at Amazon and is growing beauties in his tents: Tezula Plants MSU 13-3-15 fertilizer, Pro-Tekt silica, and Potassium Sulfate (all mixed into tap water). All you need is a good scale.

So that's a lot of reading for you! Let me know your thoughts before I go any further.
Hey guys I’m baaackk, I was gone for a minute but now I’m back. The girls are just growing away. They are 12 weeks Veg. I’m still doing LST im not sure when I stop LST, do I take off the tie downs at some point? I still have a lot of reading to catch up on regarding LST. I actually have @InTheShed article booked marked on the subject and just need to make the time to actually read lol Thanks again shed for all the info you posted on my journal, I really do need it, that’s for sure! I was actually hearing a lot about these nutes and I was wondering what your thoughts are on them. It’s the humboldt’s secret base A&B and bud candy, as in using them together and that’s it?





Have you already bought the humboldt’s secret base A&B and bud candy? If so, can you post a pic of the guaranteed analysis on the label?
No not yet, All I’ve been giving is grow big bc that’s what I have left. I had 6 plants but the last 2 aren’t doing so well that one died and the other is dying not sure why?
Hard to diagnose without pics or history!

Without digging into the micronutrients, Humboldt’s Secret Base A is 4-0-1 and B is 1-4-2. They seem to want you to use equal amounts according to their feed schedule, which puts you at 5-4-3. That won't work for cannabis, where the N and the K should as least be equal (with a bit higher K in flower). Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy has an NPK ratio of 0-0-1 so I don't see where that helps (other than their bottom line).

I don't recommend that mix. If you want to use three non-sponsor nutes, I'd recommend the ones I listed in my post above:
Tezula Plants MSU 13-3-15 fertilizer, Pro-Tekt silica, and Potassium Sulfate (all mixed into tap water). All you need is a good scale.
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