Crop King Seeds - Northern Lights Auto - First Grow - Very Basic

Well, I got a hold of some mylar and have the area shielded a bit. Not as good as it should be, but better than it was. When this adventure started, I was hoping to have something to celebrate with by Christmas, but it looks like I'm still at least a month away from harvest, and a couple weeks drying and curing, so at minimum probably another six weeks from sampling. (Unless something unforseen should happen to one of the small Now, that could have many explanations, feeding, watering, light etc. so I'll just put it down to inexperience. It's coming...just slower. Now, back to the girls. Number 1, on the left, has been going gangbusters for a month or so now. So many bud sites, and they're just starting to fatten up now and get bigger. Number two, on the right, was stunted a bit right from the start, as she came up with a seed cap and needed some help to shed it. She was stalled for a few weeks and has just started to really throw some hairs out and form some buds. Also, she has almost doubled in height over the last week, but it might not show as I have been doing some serious LST on her. Anyway, it's a waiting game, and I'm learning patience, but it's hard...


I have found the Northern Lights Auto Flowering plants to grow with some variability as to height and density. Ranging from very bushy 24 inches (aprox.25%) varying to about 40 inches and less bushy but still naturally multi branched with good yields of many buds! They are so easy automatically that I do not bother to prune or practice LST! I have found very little difference between plants that have been fiddled with and those left to go naturally, if the light and all else is equal! While growing larger or non Auto Flowering plants may benefit from more interference and manipulation techniques, I think it has little to add to Crop King's Northern Lights Auto Flowering plants! The ones that grow short and bushy will do that no matter and the ones that grow taller don't seem to benefit either from pruning/LST, but it may help you confine them somewhat in a grow with little headroom available. The nice crop of dense buds one gets from these seeds is so easy I am a great fan of them! Congratulations on your first auto grow! You made an excellent choice of plants to grow and your attention and care by improving your lighting and grow area has obviously paid off! Merry Christmas! I think you just might be able to smoke a bit about Christmas time judging from your last pictures though you may have to rush a bud or two to do this! New Years looks happy to me!
Top job mate!:goodjob:
So happy to see your gals thriving and more adding the reflective material around the grow!:high-five:
I won't get into a debate on continuing lst on your autos.
What I will say is...try to raise the shorter plant on the right to be equal in height to the one on the left.
Well done! Have some +reps my friend. :passitleft:
Well, here it is...Day 73. Girls are making nice progress, although still a ways from finishing. #1, which is the taller of the two has stopped stretching, and is pushing out some nice buds. #2 has finally started to bud and is still growing some, although it went crazy for a week or so, and now is slowing considerably, but it is still quite a bit shorter than #1. Here are a few shots of the ladies...first shot is a bud close up of #1, and the second picture is the budding on #2. Third shot is a buddy shot of both girls.



Nice update. Are you feeding the plants grow or flower nutes?
I would start flowering nutes at this point if they have stopped stretching.
BTW... Noticed you raised the smaller plant to be equal in height to the taller one! Good job my dude.
Well, almost day 80. A shot of a bud area on both plants. The first pic is from #1. The buds are loose and not real big, but there are lots, and they are stiiiicky...and they smell. Number two, however, seems to be a couple of weeks behind #1 in the budding dept. The buds are much more compact and bigger, but they really have no smell or trichomes to speak of...yet. I think once her time is up, #2 will have the nicer buds, but time will tell. I did end up accidentally breaking a small branch off a week or so ago, and there were three real small buds on it. I didn't want to waste it, so I dried it, and just tried it tonight. Quality is fantastic, and while kinda harsh, I did expect that. Anyway, hopefully #1 will meet her maker in a couple or three weeks, and #2 should follow in a couple of weeks after that. I thought I could see some trichomes going milky on #1, but it could have been my eyes. They mostly seem clear yet, but the pistils are starting to go brown. Not a big percentage yet, but it's coming. Looking forward to seeing the results.

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