Dangle them by their toes, and let them shrivel

The inhale of smoke is much less harsh on the throat and lungs almost like it had been curing a month. It also keeps more terpenes intact if Thats your thing:)

That songs on all my playlists! Thanks for the compliment VG
Stuff in the fridge ends up with an almost silky texture to it. You can feel it in your finger tips as soon as you touch it. Also noticable when running it through a grinder. The ground product retains a very silkylike texture to it as well. The smoke is a smooth crisp note, not creamy, but naturally smooth.

I've only tried it with two bag seed strains but I was impressed with the results.
I like me to brake the plant down and do selectively harvesting. I’ll take all the top and big side buds and hang them in a very cool room roughly 60-60* I’ll hang them there for a week The bathroom shower curtain pole. And I’ll use close hangers. But I trim a majority of the leaf. And hang for a week then trim again. I’ll put them in a jar for a week with a humidity meter 65% Is the key. After that week I add a bovida humidity 2 way pack. It gives and takes. So I don’t have to burp or really check on the nugs until use. I’ve bin using the same packed for 3 years now.
I pulled mine by the roots and hung outside upside down under the eave strung between a couple of chairs. It's still summer so warm during the day but less humid. I'm also harvesting basil and mint and drying those right next to the buds also kind of hides them - the gas meter man came and went, didn't steal any so thats good. But am looking to dry the rest. Topped the last one and there are still nice white stamens so letting it grow for another week or so.

I topped a few first and they dried pretty quickly, less than a week. I trimmed and put them into jars into the fridge. Take em out of the fridge every day to breath for a bit, not long just to air out and recirculate. Am quite pleased, they are not harsh at all though they did have a nicer fragrant smell when they were growing, I don't smell them as much now. Maybe just my sense of smell got overwhelmed!

No place indoors to put them, am lucky they weren't too stinky or at least the smell wasn't coming into the house, keeping wife happy more or less.
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