DgC's Multistrain Hempy LED Grow 2012

Flowering Time: 18 DAYS

:tokin: UPDATE :tokin:

Well here we are day 18, girls looking nice day before yesterday i decided to go ahead and defoliate the rest of my girls seeing as buds seem to be forming around same rate, and the wonders it does for the circulation in my given space. Sorry for last update got 2 high while writing.....and my "later today" was actually like 2 days later (420time) but anyways started feeding the girls the recommended dosage for bloom as stated on BPN 3part line and i gotta say they look happy no nute burn or deff. Hope to rig something soon for smell or enclosure....also my moms aint so hot right now trying to make them happy so i can take clones for second run as soon as i harvest well on to the pics....






My Sativa looking bagseed



And one away from light......




Lower buds that have formed since defo


other than that looking into getting a bloom booster because im slightly skeptical on this led still but to late to turn back now don't get any funds at this point but BPN got this Liquid Blue Bloom Booster 2-4-10 i was looking at anyone use before? Over I'm enjoying this grow but at same time I want every fighting chance i can take for a bountiful harvest...anyways again thanks lookin and stay high and safe ppl :blunt:
:tokin: UPDATE :tokin:

Well end up cleaning room some and moved my grow area to otherside of the room and shrinkwraped the shit outta it in attempts to make it airtight....I'm broke and got growroom needs gotta improvise. so heres another set of pics from Day 21






The one in the front is WW you cans see buds forming all the way down:circle-of-love:






Lights off for better pic


I'm also dealing with two mutating twins now they came from bag seed were the first to show sex had to many practice plants so took 2 clones and killed but when before i did moms where under 24/0 and then when i moved 2 18/6 she began flowering and after time producing trichome but the first day i seen i moved back 24/0 but still continued to flower so took my two clones but whole time in the cloner i kept shooting new pistils and when then i finally put to flower with the rest of em but all the leaves were single blade leaves nothing close to mj looking at all......from what i read sounds like some type of auto flower but this came from some bag seed and caught my eye so kept around. anyone had plant that would not stop shooting pistils even new mom i took is doing it under 24/0. well today i decided to defo and man its crazy flowers EVERYWHERE up down side middle top lip its crazy both looked exactly same after trim

Before Trim

A little snip here


A little snip there


and look what we got Teenage Mutant Mari-Buds


that big clump in bottom is just a cluster of flowers its crazy
well until next time my ppls....
I got to try a small sample of power kush pulled from a plant thats coming down soon (not part of my grow but going on 2floors up) let speed dry on top my reciever for few hours like 10 or so its real small i smoke in a parachute when I'm gettin to the end of the bag to make it last so it was small piece but filled up my bottle wit smoke and u can get a sense of the taste to be citrusy and kushy but the high/buzz was nice i was doing something and lost track for a second or so (ithink) and when i realized i was staring at my tv that was off and I was smilling cuz i kinda didnt know what i was trying to do in first place.....i lost my train of thought and had to catch a new one....lol can't wait till i can harvest i just hope everything stays in time constraints i set up and if so ill be finished drying and ready to cure day before my bday and as i saw what this strain is like speed dry no cure makes me wonder if any of these dealers around here got cured weed cuz it literally tastes like everything else i smoke for 55/8th but you know comercial guys want the bread so when its good enough its good enough....lol they like let it cure in the baggie.....na but shit first harvest my ass smoking a lil something on my bday and cure the rest
very nice, im glad the problems in the beginig worked out for ya.. Ill be following ya, and thanks for poppin over to mine ;)

I was also thinking of going the LED route.. looking forward to seeing the end result for you.

I have your Power kush strain from Dinafem as well. They start to turn into rocks right around 4-6 weeks, mine usually finish in 7, 8 at the most.

Also rip off those lower nugs on your plants... they are eating up good nutes and they arent going to produce much weight at all...
Ya it really depends on the strain, but most that I have grown really pack it on in the last two weeks, I've made the mistake of harvesting early and missed out on a lot of weight. I found out the next grow with that strain when I let them go longer and got a lot more dense, and fatter nugs. The other thing, I'm sure you have all heard this before, but be weary of seed companies flower times that they report, mine always seem to take longer to fully ripen and swell up. Probably just companies trying to make them look like a faster flowering plant. This isn't too cool, because those last two weeks are crucial, and this also messes with growers flushing schedule. Keep that in mind
ALLRIGHT! so glad to see your doing SO MUCH better this round. I got a big old smile on my face when the page from OCt. or Nov. with the new and improved plants. I know your stress has got to be lower. So happy for you bro. I think in another week or so youll really be amazed at the size of the buds. I like the mutant, single leaf plant.Were you using water thats been softened by salt pellets? I had a similar problem before. Congrats on your states MMJ law. Im jazzed that states are passing them and that now we have 2 rec. states. Bout time.
A+ Bro Im Sub'd
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