Donpaul.p's Latest 400 Watt HPS Grow

Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

cool, delivery is very quick for me, if i order at dinner time then they arrive the very next day so delivery to you should also be pretty quick, very discreet as well,
the best part is the free seeds are not just cheap seeds, ive had some very expensive seeds for free, herbie has even thrown in a ken estes gpd for free and from my comment above you can clearly see that if their are any problems then herbie will sort it out,

just remember if you not in an mmj state or country then you cant discuss germination, so word it carefully if you have any problems and herbie will look after you,

ive had plenty of free bonus seeds, i usually only buy 2 or 3 seeds at a time which means i get the 3 free seeds, but many times i have had an extra free auto fem or free auto seed, just let herbie know you came across his site from recomendations on 420mag then he will know we are all from the same comunity, many growers have given my name with their order so if you tell anyone about herbies then if their a new customer just get them to give herbie your name so he knows your promoting his business which im sure anyone who shops their does, then you will be looked after,

ive never had bad service, prices are good, delivery is fast and cheap, ive only ever had 2 issues with seeds out of the many i have bought, not herbies fault as the seeds where from other breeders but as soon as i let him know he sorted me out replacements, the first problem i had was with some blue mystic seeds, several growers on this site and others had problems with them dying a few days old, so when i told herbie he said he all ready knew and had pulled the seeds from sale, then he told me to quote a ref number with my next order and i got a few free extra seeds, and the other problem was the fem jack flash, it turned out to be a male, i told herbie he said i was the only one who had said anything so said i might of just be unlucky and get the only male seed in the batch as all fem are never 100% fem else they would call them female seeds and not femenised, i wasnt expecting herbie to replace them as its not his fault, but he was good enough to give me free replacements with next order,

so you cant go far wrong by buying from herbies,

theirs 2 companies i always try and promote on here, 1 is herbies head shop and the other is coreys blue planet nutrients. cant fault either compant, corey is always their to speak to and ask questions and the same with herbie, both top blokes
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

heres the pics of my clones and how small i now do them, i found bigger clones where a bit hit and miss as i dont have a loner, i will build a bubble cloner as im told these work better than most so will build one out of old plastic box and see how it works, but these pics below will show you how big my clones are and what i use to make sure they grow roots

this pic of the 1st clone is a monster cropped clone, it was taken late in flower from a lower branch, its about 10 days old and has started to grow new leaf so i guess its not growing roots but ill keep the cup over for a few more days


now this pic shows the size of the clone and the size of the cup i use, its one of those small medicine plastic cups, you can see by the condensation how moist it keeps the clone, when i used a bigger tub and had many clones in one tub i found moisture levels didnt stay high enough and clones would die or take forever to root, using this method i have not had any problems and all clones rooted

now i have not sprayed the clone or watered it in well over a week, i find using these small domes means i dont need to keep spraying the clone to keep it moist,

these below are rooted clones, these dont have anything over them now,



more of the same, these are roughly 2 weeks old and really started to grow now


all these clones where taken in flower so will be monster cropped plants,
the nods will be very close and branch growth will be crazy, a great idea if you want bushy plants or are doing a scrog

this below is not a clone but thought id show you a revegged plant in case anyone wonders how much bud to leave on or how it works, this is about 2 weeks old so new growth has just started and all the weird leaves are just starting to grow,



Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

looking good mate think i may try this method i have a plant in here which is the result of accidental breeding lol, was only 3 of the seeds and i have em, im sure the buds are turning purple and this is the last of the seeds so wont ever have it again and i aint even tried any so will give it a go see if i can keep it around for a bit lol

also reps for the advanced system care
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

cool, thanks for the reps, advanced system care is pretty damn good for free, its well recomended by all top computer mags so its not something risky to use, just make sure you uninstall your old malware protection as it will just slow things down, but its by far the best comp program i have come across and solved many problems on my laptop, i think the first time i scanned it found around 7000 issues, all other scanners i used found a few but this found lots and fixed them and laptop is as good as new,
i just run a scan once a week and it finds the odd problem, much better than anything else i used, the next best software would be microsoft security essentials but i find avc is by far the best out at the moment,

with the reveg just make sure you leave a few buds on the bottom and a few small fan leaves, that reveg above has been growing about 2 weeks now and new leaves have only just started growing so it does take a while to recover and go back into veg, you will have some very crazy leaf growth though but after about week 3 they start growing normal leaves again, i have not found a plant that cant be reveg and ive even revegged a plant which just had 1 branch about an inch long left on the plant with a tiny bud on it, took a while to get going but it grew and i got a decent plant out of it.

growers say a reveg produces about 20 to 30% more buds the second time round, but this is only because it turns from a regular plant into a monster cropped plant, so it will end up really bushy, when you have reveg it and got it to the point where you want to put it back into flower it best to go through the plant and remove the many small branches that grow on the inside and bottom part of the plant, i took around 50 small branches off my last reveg, all branches that was getting no light, thats what all my clones are, all the crazy monster cropped branches so you will have endless clones, id say this method would be perfect for a mother plant and you could easily take 200 clones off in one go.

i reveg under 20-4, all my clones,seedlings and reveg grow under just 2cfls, i got 2 x 30watt 6400kelvin cfls, thats all i use for clones and seedlings, they are cheap to run and node spacing is really close, plants seem to respond well to cfls, so just keep your reveg watered and use a nute mix suited for seedlings, you just want to put something back into the medium as you may of flushed or not fed nutes for a couple of weeks before harvest, so just a very weak nute mix is needed and give it some time, they take anything from 2 to 3 weeks to actually start growing and going back into veg,
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

whats cracken don P, long time no see.

I see im not the only one with weird ass revegs :)

i still cant decide on if I should pull the buds off it or just let it roll and leave em on for the next 3 -5 months till harvest.
Re: Donpaul.p's latest 400watt hps grow,

hi jimmy, good to see your still around and growing,

ill come and check your grow out,

if you mean the buds on the reveg just leave them on, all the new shoots will grow out of the buds, the buds are mainly made up of leaves so all these will grow out as new branches, you will end up with monster cropped plant, the buds will sort of stay on the plant but have crazy branch growth which will increase yield, i removed what was left of the buds just before i put them back into flower,

all my reveg plants get crazy and deformed leaf growth, seems it stresses them out as their not meant to do this so you end up with curly single blade leaves, then round leaves that look nothing like cannabis leaves, but about week 3 they grow normal leaves then the crazy branch growth starts, so leave the buds and just grow the plant and get it back into veg, then before flipping to flower i trim off any small branches and any bits of bud that are left, its best to leave them on until your plant is back in veg and growing properly again,

im sure you will be pleased with the results, i find its best to use some lst to pull the plant open a bit before flipping into flower as node spacing is very tight and you will have many many branches, i get branches growing out the stems of the leaves so id say you end up with between 10 and 20 times more branches than the plant had first time round,

but you will be impressed with the results, just give it time to go back into veg, give weak nutes as well to start with,

ill come over and have a read of your journal,
something i found in my grow book,

i wonder if anyone has tried his or even heard of this, if it dose produce 30 and 40%thc levels then im willing to give it a try if i can get hold of the chemical needed to make these new polyploids cannabis, it will be interesting to try and if it does do what it says then will be a nice plant to grow, not sure how old the info is or if it has been tried before or even if their are strains out their like this, but by the sounds of it it cant be grown out from seed so im pretty sure you cant buy seeds of this type, i might be wrong so ill read what i can


Origins of Pink Kush, OG Kush, Chemdawg:

During my research of polyploid cannabis. I have come up with what I believe to be the initial source of this super weed. UBC Professor David Suzuki, doing genetic research (1977), created a polyploid plant (tetraploid) by treating it with colchicine based upon the work of Menzel/Brown and Warmke. This plant was originally a hybrid of Thai (sativa) x Purple Afghani (indica) and was then treated with Colchicine (Autumn Locus bulb). There are certainly other clones that were created by other breeders, especially in Hawaii, but the initial commercial tetraploid was developed in B.C. by the Canadian Government and UBC for Cancer patients. I would estimate that the THC content of polyploids to be well over 30% and maybe up to 40% if grown correctly. Fully grown mother tetraploid plants have been known to sell for $10,000. Clones have been known to sell for $1,000 in the past compared to the standard $5-7 range for diploid clones. Tetraploids are extremely difficult to clone (10-20%) unless special care is taken. The end product is far superior to anything commercially available and even compared to excellent connosseur diploid product due to the doubling of THC.

The resulting F1 hybrid seeds were then grown out and used for cancer patients at UBC. Somebody stole one of the clones that the Canadian Government and David Suzuki had created. It became famous and was then re-created and sold out east as Diesel and as OG Kush on the west coast and as ChemDawg in Colorado. These were all colchicine treated plants based upon their work and the popularity of UBC Chemo.

My understanding is that some clones were stolen. This would make more sense. Diploid and Tetraploid crosses produce Triploids that are infertile due to chromosome mismatch. These are known as "Terminator Seeds" (e.g. Diablos Pink Kush) as customers must buy seeds for each crop due to infertility. The resulting generations of seeds will be diploid. Triploids can be treated again, with Colchicine, to create a Hexaploid. This can be then crossed with a tetraploid or diploid to produce tetraploid plants again.

How To Identify Polyploids:
You can identify a polyploid be mere physical appearance and no need to examine the chromosones. Most people have never grown or smoked these real legendary plants. The gangters rap about OG Kush because they had the money to buy this extremely rare connoisseur product. Most product out there is just "wangsta OG".

Polyploid Traits:
Four sets of leaves at the nodes
Stretched (doubled) flowers
Dark green leaves
Double bud sites
Heavy feeder
High water consumption
Thick meristem
Pistil discoloration (pink pistils under black light)
Extreme potency
Vigour and extra growth on first generation

If your plant (OG Kush or Chemo or Pink Kush or Chem Dawg or Master Kush) does not have four sets of leaves at the nodes then it is NOT a true polyploid plant and it not the real deal. UBC Chemo is a polypolid and had four leaf internodes. These tetraploid cuttings have different names but are believed to all be the famous polyploids named OG Kush, Pink Kush, Chemdawg, Diesel, Master Kush etc. These are really heavy feeders due to the double size buds and double the number of leaves and buds and THC glands. This plant is very strange and has a chemical smell to it. UBC Chemo, for example, has a Haze and Kush taste due to the Thai sativa and Afghani indica influences. Polyploid plants are almost twice as strong as diploid plants due to the doubling of THC molecules. These plants are extremely difficult to clone and grow very slowly due to the doubling of leaves unless fed correctly. Water consumption is extremely high. If it only has two leaves then it is a normal diploid and will not have the same effect as the three molecule THC of a polyploid. Three leaves does not necessarily mean it is polyploid as it could be just whorled phyllotaxis (just created by stress, removing leaves and the subsequent regeneration of leaves is deformed). Four leaves does mean polyploid. Triploids, being sterile, must be treated to create hexaploids. These hexapolid can then be used to create seeds that will be polyploids.

WARNING: Colchicine is a extremely toxic alkaloid and is highly poisonous. Long term contact can result in white blood cell anomolies. You cannot smoke a plant that has been treated, post germination, with Colchicine. You can only consume the grown out product of the seeds. You can smoke product that was treated prior to germination. Selective breeding is not genetically modified cannabis. This is genetically modified pot as it was altered at the chromosonal level. Never treat a plant with Colchicine as it will become toxic and will eventually revert to diploid with further treatment. You are changing the molecular structure dynamically and none of the product can be consumed. The correct way is to treat the seeds.

G-13 The story on this is that it was created by the University of Mississippi under the aegis of the infamous Carlton Turner. Apparently this cannot be true as U of M never did genetic engineering. If you Google G-13 you will find it is made by Suzuki. Well David Suzuki did create a GM Genetically Modified plant - Chemo. What letter is the 13th letter of the alphabet? M. So we have G-13 or GM for genetically modified and made by Suzuki. Sounds like an great code name to me. I strongly suspect that G-13 is just the Chemo clone and yet another name for it.

I was offered a cutting of the Chemo plant in Ontario back in the mid 1980's. I had been transferred from B.C. when the recession hit. Several other people from B.C. went to Ontario as well in search of work. We brought out seeds, clones and technology with us. There was a guy who ran a Hydroponics store in Toronto that had the Chemo clone for sale. I cannot remember the price but it was FAR too much money. I did not comprehend the value of this plant at that time and thought he was crazy. Now, after having seen it, I understand.

Famous Tetraploids:
UBC Chemo
OG Kush
Master Kush
Pink Kush
Tetraploid marijuana plants have a real dank smell. It is really obvious when you know what you are looking for. I do not recommend growing these plants out as they take far too long to vegetate and require more attention, food and water than normal diploid plants. They could be used in a Sea of Green method but you are really relying on the genetics and not on proper plant development of hormones for optimal THC production. The resulting product is not nearly as good as a full grown plant but it is not bad for the Sea of Green method which normally produces mediocre marijuana at best. If you want to try some triploid Diablos Pink Kush seeds then check out the Seeds


right quick update with some pics,
first few pics are buds from one of my own unnamed fem seeds, harvested the top of the plant, these buds are now dry and ready to be trimmed and jarred up, which i just done







now a quick look at the defol plants in flower, im pretty sure i tried this to late in flower on the one plant so cant say if this is going to be a fair test or not,
so i have started another defol plant, i got 2 sleestack skunk seedlings growing, 3 nodes high, i started defol on the one and left the other with no defol, also on my auto its coming close to harvest, so i defol 3 of the smaller branches to see how them buds compare with the rest of the buds at harvest,

now with the 2 plants i defol in flower i got to say the one has made very little difference but its late in flower and pistils are now turning brown so i recon it was a bit late to defol that plant, but the other plant in flower that i use defol on the plant has grown a lot since i removed all the leaves, buds seem to have got bigger and the plant has suddenly started getting much taller, so ill see how it goes and compare buds at harvest,

i think a more fair test will be done with my next round of plants as i got clones that are same size and seedlings the same size so my next defol test will be a more accurate assesment

now in this pic below you will see the 2 plants side by side, the one on the left is the plant that the buds have got slightly fatter and the plant has got a bit taller, well quite a bit taller, the plant on the right is getting close to harvest so this plant wont benefit from defol method unless it fattens up in the last few days

this below is the smaller plant i used defol on and its not far from harvest



this below is the bigger plant thats a few weeks from flower so defol might be ok with this one


@miwa, if you google Polyploid cannabis pictures then click on the google images link with all the pictures on it that show up in the search then it will show you some of these polyploid plants,

from my own reveg attempts i have ended up with 3 or 4 leaves growing out of 1 node, ive had leaves growing out of the stem of other leaves, ive even had branches growing out of the stem of leaves, ill see if i got any on the plant im revegging now, they start off like little bumbs on the stem of leaves and they either turn into leaves or branches, i know this is not polyploid but its not to far from the same looks,

if i find a pic ill put one up of the poly plant with the leaves but the code on some of the pics is 30lines of data long, so couldnt post all the pictures i wanted to post, but if you use google as the search and look for polypoid cannabis pictures it will show you pages and pages of polyploid plants, i know for sure i have had 3 leaves growing at the nodes on reveg plants and branches growing out of the stems of leaves,

if you cant find the pic give me a shout back and ill go through the pics, its just the line of code that needs to copy n paste is well over 30lines long, not sure why as most are just 2 or 3 but one of the poly pics i posted was at least 30 lines long of code to copy n paste, but their all on google images,
heres a quick pic of a topped clone then topped again, its given me 4 main cola sites, this is all ill do to this clones, its in veg now and ready to transplant into a bigger pot, its been grown under cfls since taking from its mother plant but now its under hps under 18-6

so you can see when i took it off the mother plant it had all ready been topped, i rooted it just below where it was topped so this game me 2 branches growing out of soil level, when i transplant it till bury it a bit deeper so the base of the 2 branche is below soil level, this should enable more roots to grow hopefully at the base of each branch giving the plant a much stronger root mass

below you can see the 4 tops i have now got, this was topped once the clone was rooted and growing, i topped it then removed the top set of fan leaves to force the plant to focus more energy on the new growth at the nodes, it seems to of worked out well
yep, its sure does and its suppose to make huge buds and high thc levels,

the strain hunters your on about was some inbreeding trait if i remember right, it involved something called flat stem, ive seen a few pics around the net from time to time, it basically grows thin and tall and the stem looks flat instead of round, but inside this flat stem another stem or 2 can be growing until they become thick enough to break the flat stema and grow out on their own.

id have to watch strain hunters again but im sure they called it something else and im sure it was to do with the same strain been grown over and over and this faulty gene came out in some of the plants, cant remember if it was gene related or some kind of disease, ill try and find which episode it was and have another look, but i seen some pics as well somewhere, the stem grew like the way celeray grows, a sort of flat curve
@miwa, very strange mate, never seen nothing like that before, did it have a flat stem or just a really thick stem,

i cant really tell by the pic but did you have several leaves growing out of the same place, the pic certainly looks like that.

ive only just learned about this polyploid type plant, but their is also triploid as well, tri would suggest 3 so maybe the plant you grew had the triploid trait, i really dont know enough about this to say either way, but i think the poly is 4 leaves at nodes and the triploid was 3 leaves at nodes, i think you can use a triploid to grow a poly by crossing 2 triploids, but dont quote me on that, i only read about this yesterday
yep..theres more pic in my had a flat look like two stems with a membraine between them..i saw them on strain hunters morocco..i'm watching that now...i got those plants from bagseed i had smoked from...i got plenty bagseed..maybe i;ll get another one growing...this time if its a male i'll try to get some seeds from him...
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