First Closet Grow - Mars 400W LED

looking good.
Alright cool as for the light idk it was 12 inches away when it was like the back plant in the picture above but now idk I haven't checked but should i just drop the big plant down a bit lower or should I leave it.

I agree, last shots maybe over watered a bit but just let her dry out well. I have the same pots in 4 gallon, i punched extra holes in the bottoms to help drain cause the only holes on them are on the side, like a half inch up, right?
So tomorrow is Day 28 which will be Week 4 so I fed her the first nutes on Wednesday last week so should I feed her tomorrow first day of week 4?
As long as the pots arent moist still, you arent at full strength nutes yet so its probably fine to feed them again tomorrow, 9 days should be plenty of time.
Day 32 wanted to ask I have had the Growth Light on should I turn on the Flower Light as well or no?
Also I seen a few people bend the plants is that necessary or a option?


Hey! Looking good.

IMHO if you are not having heat troubles keep the lights on, the more the better (up to a point, of course). Moreover, given thats an auto you shouldnt have any problems as she will flower when her time is due and not because of the lights.

On the other topic, bending is usually done to increase yield (I did). So... if you bend her correctly you will have more parts of the plant with direct contact with the lights. That said, for the pics I think you are a little far along to bend the principal stem.
Hey! Looking good.

IMHO if you are not having heat troubles keep the lights on, the more the better (up to a point, of course). Moreover, given thats an auto you shouldnt have any problems as she will flower when her time is due and not because of the lights.

On the other topic, bending is usually done to increase yield (I did). So... if you bend her correctly you will have more parts of the plant with direct contact with the lights. That said, for the pics I think you are a little far along to bend the principal stem.

Ya I just watered her again so thats 2x in 1 week.


Not really at that stage, its just a little nutrient burn. From what i understand, a slightly burnt tip means you are right at the max level of nutes you want to feed. It does look like you have a few leaf tips that are curled down a bit tho too, which is a sign of early nitrogen toxicity. With the 2 combined symptoms i would say back off on the N a bit. I dont know if autos use nutrients differently but with those crowns forming they will need less N as they show less vertical growth, and more P as flower continues, both stages need a good amount of K.

Your next feed might be a good time to do a plain waterig or a light PK mix to get out some of that residual N, then after that continue as normal but with less N in the mix.

Just a thought
Not really at that stage, its just a little nutrient burn. From what i understand, a slightly burnt tip means you are right at the max level of nutes you want to feed. It does look like you have a few leaf tips that are curled down a bit tho too, which is a sign of early nitrogen toxicity. With the 2 combined symptoms i would say back off on the N a bit. I dont know if autos use nutrients differently but with those crowns forming they will need less N as they show less vertical growth, and more P as flower continues, both stages need a good amount of K.

Your next feed might be a good time to do a plain waterig or a light PK mix to get out some of that residual N, then after that continue as normal but with less N in the mix.

Just a thought
Ok so just keep it going do nothing new until next feed and just water it no nute.
I think this past feeding which was Week 4 I did 2 feeds and that's what fucked it up.
Well like b.real said, its very mild and they look great, just keep an eye on it until they are ready to be watered again and see how theyre doing, if it stays mostly the same then just back off the N a bit on your next feed and see what happens, if it gets noticably worse then a plain water might help.

Its nothing to really worry about for now, just something to be aware of; always good to have an idea if whats going on inside.
Well like b.real said, its very mild and they look great, just keep an eye on it until they are ready to be watered again and see how theyre doing, if it stays mostly the same then just back off the N a bit on your next feed and see what happens, if it gets noticably worse then a plain water might help.

Its nothing to really worry about for now, just something to be aware of; always good to have an idea if whats going on inside.
Idk just pissin me off cause the bottom leaves are yellowish the full lleaf
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