Gorilla Seeds Blueberry Twist 6 Week Flower Let's Find Out

Remember Anticipation, the song Carly Simon did?
Ye I do to be honest.
But these ladies need to finish up now im over this one mate ;) like 10 weeks now. But I won’t lie they have not had the best of lives so that would have slowed things up. thanks for dropping in

Ladies today.




Ye I do to be honest.
But these ladies need to finish up now im over this one mate ;) like 10 weeks now. But I won’t lie they have not had the best of lives so that would have slowed things up. thanks for dropping in

Ladies today.




We grew the critical purple that looked just like that . Seemed to be a struggle till the end . I squished some made some stony sleepy capsules.
@Skunksta do you attribute the foxtails to the strain, I’ve had them too on different strains. Your gonna have a nice yield and the buds look nice regardless.
Defo a strain thing , but i dont think i have helped much with how high she got and close to the light.
It has never been over 50% power the light but the high r/h forced me to use a dehumidifier.
So temps was also in the high 20's when the dehumidifier was working hard.
It has thoese type of buds from top to bottom but not as bad as the tops.
But never had a strain with trichomes like this if im honest

Thanks for dropping in and lets hope i get a nice yield and i find no rot.

Really is covered never seen anything like it to be honest in any of my grows.

That’s some serious frost skunksta , weeds gonna be awesome. I’ve never had that much on any plant I’ve grown. I’m hoping the new lite will get me there
Really is covered never seen anything like it to be honest in any of my grows.

That was weird it didn’t post, that’s insane that much frost. That’s gonna be sticky AF when you trim her, beautiful brother
Think i wll give them a bud wash.
First time im trying this so if you see any mistakes please let me know.
Really just the dust but i got my baking soda and lemon juice ready.
Wont wash it all half and half i think.
Its the drying thats little scary i pretty much dialed in with just cut and dry.
I assume be careful waiting on the drip dry.
Im in jars around 10/14 days after a dry trim burping.
I guess washing going to turn that into a few more weeks.
Any way thats the plan :) ;)
Did someone say 6 weeks 🦜 🦜🦜🦜🦜

LoL call it 10
The breeder did a ninja edit 6-7 weeks it stated when i won them.
A few weeks later on there webby its 7-10
But for free i wont moan much :)
thanks for dropping in.
Poodle cuts! :)
LoL i like a nice fade myself ;) there hanging now half washed.
Will pop some pics up when i can.
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