Grandpa Likes To Squeeze Stuff: Solventless Extracts, Rosin, Pressed Here!

OK, so I took another stab at this pressing stuff and I think I came out a little better this time. It seems like the best thing to do is to start with a good rosin producing strain. I used Sour Diesel Lemon Kush for this run. I ended up with about 12 oz of flower and ended up getting 75 gr of rosin. If my calculations are right, it should be about a 22% return. I did a couple presses of the best bud I had on this grow and got about 30% return. But after pressing all the smaller buds it came out to 22%. I'll take that and be happy.

That is soo sick, I would wear 75g of Rosin around like a fake beard....hehe.
Awesome work!
Outfreakingstanding @HayStack

How long did it take you? What did you squish with? Awesome...seriously awesome!
It took me and a friend most of the day to bag and press. We probably could have done it faster if we didn't use the quality control method throughout the day.

We used a 6 ton press that we got from Harbor Freight. But I think they are kind of cheap. And we have 3x7 press plates. All in all it worked pretty good but we managed to warp the press shaft a little bit. I need to get a better press like a nugsmasher or something. My brother in law just got a 2 ton electric press. I forget what brand it is, but it works a lot better. You just press two buttons and watch. But he paid 1200 for that press and the plates are only 3x3 or 4x4. So you can only press one bag at a time. But it's do soooo easy to use. But I think I'm gonna spend my money on upgrading my lights to a quantum board setup before I upgrade my press.
It's been a busy day:


I'm currently using Size 2 capsules with 150mg of decarboxylated, ground flower. The problem has been inconsistent dosing, as some capsules had far more trichomes in them than others. My goal was to produce consistent meds with strength equal to to the average of my current capsules. The image shows my computations and materials used.

I had about 5ml left after filling the hundred capsules. This represents the extra 3ml of coconut oil I used, and the volume of the rosin. This gave me an extra 14 capsules.

I used what I had on hand. This was a learning experience. Next time I plan on using coconut oil that is solid at room temperatures. I want to see how the capsules survive at room temperature. Water would dissolve them, so an air-tight container will be used to keep the humidity out.
It's been a busy day:


I'm currently using Size 2 capsules with 150mg of decarboxylated, ground flower. The problem has been inconsistent dosing, as some capsules had far more trichomes in them than others. My goal was to produce consistent meds with strength equal to to the average of my current capsules. The image shows my computations and materials used.

I had about 5ml left after filling the hundred capsules. This represents the extra 3ml of coconut oil I used, and the volume of the rosin. This gave me an extra 14 capsules.

I used what I had on hand. This was a learning experience. Next time I plan on using coconut oil that is solid at room temperatures. I want to see how the capsules survive at room temperature. Water would dissolve them, so an air-tight container will be used to keep the humidity out.
Love it! Nice presentation and directions. Bookmarking it now.
Wow thats a massive pile! :) I've noticed some of the strains I grow press great and some hardly dribble.
Yes, in my post above I got a 17.9% return. The flower was harvested two months ago, dried and jarred with a 67gm 62% Boveda pack in two quart Mason/Ball/Bernardin jars.

My Nightingale with a similar dry and cure only yielded 7.9%. That was my first two presses. I'll need to give it another go, as I have more experience now.
Nice work Salt! Are you getting the expected response from them compared to the flower capsules?

I keep Candida EVOO in gelatin capsules in a pill bottle in the cabinet and they seem fine for a month, and I'm in a pretty high RH climate.

I'm trying them tonight for the first time, so I'll get back to you on that.
Thanks Marz! Will silicone gummy bear molds work?
I would recommend not using gummy bear molds unless they are jumbo size. The candy mixture gets thick and hard to pour into small molds. Id say you have about 1 minute to get the candy poured before setting up too much. Have a silicone spatula and silicone matt at the ready so you can scrape and pour any excess out. I got on the zon n got a candy funnel that really helps. I'd recommend doing a run or 2 with non medicated material just to practice. Only like $2 to do a plain batch
Great, thanks! I have some bigger molds as well. Closer to 20ml each.

One more much oil did you put in? I don't want to mess too much with the consistency.

Not sure on dosage with rosin. I used alcohol tincture. I'd use 1 cup tincture and reduce to 10ml. My tincture consist of...
60 gram sugar trim
24 ounces 190proof grain alcohol
Probably, but I know for certain I won't be buying a press. A bottle of Everclear from some neighboring state is much more likely :).

Those were my initial thoughts. Everclear 190 proof is not available here, so I's have to distill my own. That wouldn't have been a problem. I've run a still before. I strongly suspect I'd be sampling the alcohol too much, so I went to the press. I don't know what Everclear costs down there, but I recommend a reflux column to recover your Everclear. Liquifying the vapor is much safer than letting it loose in the air. There's a good company BrewHaus that makes reflux columns. I'd go with their Essential Extractor PSII Moonshine Still Column for $179. You could get a kettle, but I'd use a pressure cooker, and have a fitting for the column welded to the top. Get the Ceramic Raschig Rings rather than the copper packing for the column.
Those were my initial thoughts. Everclear 190 proof is not available here, so I's have to distill my own. That wouldn't have been a problem. I've run a still before. I strongly suspect I'd be sampling the alcohol too much, so I went to the press. I don't know what Everclear costs down there, but I recommend a reflux column to recover your Everclear. Liquifying the vapor is much safer than letting it loose in the air. There's a good company BrewHaus that makes reflux columns. I'd go with their Essential Extractor PSII Moonshine Still Column for $179. You could get a kettle, but I'd use a pressure cooker, and have a fitting for the column welded to the top. Get the Ceramic Raschig Rings rather than the copper packing for the column.
Can't get Everclear here so I would need to source it elsewhere, and if I'm spending money on a reflux column I could put that toward a press, which I don't want either! I just wanted to makes some hard candy to see if any one wanted some. That's worth a $20 bottle of Everclear, but that's about it.
You'd need to triple distill to get 190 proof or double distill with a thump. You can order extracahol, think they are a 420 sponsor to.
They are a sponsor and damn expensive o_O
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