Green Crack & White Cookies: Mainlining Under A Sunplix CMH

Day 11 of flower:


Praying to the light.

Yea i heard the same but at 11/13, especially for sativas. These are indica dom so they are just getting the extra hour a night, definitely wanted to see if this helps with potency, aroma and flavor.

Not sure what the equation for light cycle stress is but I'm also on grow 1 with black market seeds she turned hermi but I think it's only because I stretched her life out 6 months or so to see what I could / couldn't do before I started taking on more and more flowers.
Yea i heard the same but at 11/13, especially for sativas. These are indica dom so they are just getting the extra hour a night, definitely wanted to see if this helps with potency, aroma and flavor.
I run my flower tents at 11/13. Seems to finish them up pretty fast compared to breeder times. Looking good. Might not need the second net trellis maybe
I run my flower tents at 11/13. Seems to finish them up pretty fast compared to breeder times. Looking good. Might not need the second net trellis maybe

Oh i think it definitely will be, i peeked at them this morning and they are all almost at the 2nd trellis with the stretch just starting. The tent is gonna be packed!
I noticed more aroma at 10/14 than 12/12

Interesting....definitely something I would like to experiment with, especially when I have a second tent going. Would be interesting to run two flower cycles with two different strains and at least two plants per strain. Have one plant each of each strain in a 12/12 cycle and then one of each in 11/13 or 10/14, or even perhaps reduce down in increments with a few weeks at 11/13 and then dropping to 10/14. This way you are comparing the effects on different strains (I would prefer to do it with a Sativa strain and an Indica strain, and perhaps a solid 50/50 hybrid). Then you can compare it truly as apples to apples.
Yea i heard the same but at 11/13, especially for sativas. These are indica dom so they are just getting the extra hour a night, definitely wanted to see if this helps with potency, aroma and flavor.
It will help with lowering yield . If It's an 8 week strain, it will finish in 7 weeks or sooner.
My garden felt like it was missing something, then it occurred to me, i don't have a gnome! Remedied that, and the wife jazzed him up with some paint and a doobie.


Him settling in nicely on his perch.


Day 13 of flower.


Bud formation so far.


Node stack.


Panoramic canopy shot.

Gotta have a gnome, every garden should have a mascot.

There's a gnome in there somewhere keeping the beasties at bay.
Sorry my space bar died on my computer, so not much info with post.

I have been struggling finding the right mix of cal/mag with the RO water. I was getting mag deficiency issues but over compensated and locked everything out with too much calcium. I flushed them and the leaf damage stopped, and everything has been trucking along steadily, even if the 2 green cracks girls on the left look a little ragged. That was where my CO2 generator was, so I think they look worse than the other plants simply due to feeding harder. I have since removed the CO2 and am basically taking a KISS approach to the rest of the flower run.

I top dressed with a compost mixture last night and watered with innoculants again. My compost mixture was composted cattle manure, veggie compost, mushroom compost, and home made worm castings. Each pot got 3 solo cups full dumped on top and then watered in.
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