H00k's Not So Hillbilly This Time Grow - Girlz 2017

Thanks Woody...and hopefully not too full!...lolool...I'm liking working in there with the lights up that high...much easier than hands and knees...lolool...still getting use to all the LED fan noise and its a lot warmer in there than I'm accustomed to, but have that somewhat under control for now, although it is cooler than normal for this time of year here...

...Manufacturer has been good in response to the 2 light failures...have 2 new boards on the way(they did think it was odd I hadn't used them for 6 months since purchase tho')...they sorta' think humidity might have been the culprit...I don't think so...but whatever, parts are on the way and should be functional in the near future...

...The main room girlz were feeling thirsty today so got a drink of straight water along with a foliar feed of organic seaweed solution...they're all doing well...Purple Mexicans and 1 Lilly are looking to be basketball players...in fact I topped 1 PM again, and some LST is in the future...1 Malawi needed some trimming to expose bud sites to light...quite bushy and not really structured for LST yet...the others...Sugar Loaf...Orient Express... other Malawi and Lilly are where I would expect them to be at this point(gotta keep an eye on the SL's tho'...they wanna' reach for the stars)...

...The auto's in their own lil' room are doing good as well...smaller than I would have liked...but...end result should in some good product...sampled a small bud from the OG a couple days ago...even tho' it was quick dried...was smooth and had a fruity taste(according to Missus' h00ks palate)...(I'm not really good at discerning tastes or describing tastes or smells)buzz was pleasant...not too relaxing!...The OG could possibly get chopped this weekend...we'll see...

...so...some pics from this morning...first up...a couple group shots of the main room girlz...

environment at 10:00 a.m....

up next some auto shots...





...Thats pretty much it for tonight...was hoping to finish the reno manana...but...gotta' chauffeur missus h00k to a MRI appointment and prolly cut Dad's grass...thats kewl...nice thing about retirement is you have more days than the weekend to get chit done...lolool...Cheerz!...h00k...:hookah:

Hey there Hook, girls are looking might fine. Too bad about the lights. I got tired of messing with them and went to COBs.

I really dig the pics of the ladies out on the dock/deck getting some sun. I'm sitting here on the dock at our Cottage looking up the lake and it looks very much like your view... we don't live here full time but will be here most of the summer. Fishing season just opened last weekend and so trying to keep the line wet!

Yeah so good luck with the lighting and fishing too... girls look fantastic!
Thanks bob...yeah if I had it to do over...would all be cob's...have 3 in there now...like the light way more...but the lighting was done on a shoestring over a year and a half or so...get some extra money...get a light/or two..

Yup Woody/Gaz...1974 Johnson 4HP Seahorse...just dug it out of the shed...been in there for about 10 years...got it going, but its running rough and super hard to pull...got some fresh gas and plugs and some seafoam today...see if that helps with performance...might have to pull flywheel off to see whats up with the hard pull

You need to bust afew deer or bear so you can throw some horns or a bear skin on that log cabin. A huge set of Elk antlers with the skull? Give it more of a rustic look. Pretty place tho... Keepem Green
BTW I had one of the old 3 HP Evinrude. It was old went I got it,, and it was old, and still working,,, when I got rid of it.. Great motors. Should just need alittle run time to get loosened up again GL and Keepem Green
Good afternoon!...Had the girlz from the big room outside yesterday for feeding and some sun...until the clouds/rain moved in so missed that photo-op...put tomato cages around the the 2 purp mex's...one lilly may get one soon as well...usually just use stakes...just trying something new...a few of the dreaded blurple shots from this morning...




...The autos were outside this morning for some sun and trimming...73 days since hitting the dirt, and the OG was showing amber trichs on a half dozen buds I checked, so she came down and is now sitting in a paper bag(my preferred method)...maybe get a zip from her...we'll see...The PE will be another week or so by my guesstimate...put her in the big room with the other girlz and shut down the auto box for now...still debating on starting another two...dunno yet...anyway...heres a few shots of them...


OG close up...

...so thats it for today...everyone have a great week...150 year celebration coming up this weekend for us Kanucks...WhooHoo...Cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Looks great. I have afew auto's outdoors this year. Something I found strange is the expected yields with an auto are so different when talked about inside compared to outside. Mine have airy buds. Well we don't get alot of sunshine here, yet. Could be part of the reason?
Yours are looking great... Keepem Green
Thanks Woody...will have to do another try with autos...maybe this coming weekend or next season...see if I can get some better results!...don't know if the electric costs justify running two rounds of auto's...but should probably try one more to see if I can dial in new strains...soil...light...growing outside would be nice...but given the weather...which is inconsistent. and at times volatile...really not a viable option in my mind for these parts...oh to be a few degrees of latitude south...but...then I would have to worry bout' Trump...lolool...Happy Birthday to the Missus!...Cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Yeah buddy growin on the lake... ahh my dream and it's about to happen. I've got a cottage on an island on a lake in Canada (Cottage # 420 no shit HYDRO gave us the number when we got electricity - that's the pic in my avatar) ... about to go legal and I ain't reportin nuthing to the government... old ways die hard. Fuck that shit.... yeah come to our cottage and take a look around, no thank you very much. Not going to happen.

We have an old Evinrude engine in the boat house... it's a little 20hp one sitting on a stand. For you're engine that has been sitting for 10 years, replace the lower unit gear oil before going out too far. Thank me later! Kayaks FTW ...

Here's our view from the front porch summer solstice 2017 @ about 10:30PM ... I wanna grow some Rudiralis up there in some peat bogs. My version of gorilla grow... wait.... I have a peat bog on our island! I still have time! I'm heading back up there with some seeds on Thursday! Get the garden going. 60 days is going to be end of August. Perfect timing... We love lake living, jelly of your year round living. Where we are there's a serious winter and cottage not winterized. Brrrrrrr

Yeah buddy growin on the lake... ahh my dream and it's about to happen. I've got a cottage on an island on a lake in Canada (Cottage # 420 no shit HYDRO gave us the number when we got electricity - that's the pic in my avatar) ... about to go legal and I ain't reportin nuthing to the government... old ways die hard. Fuck that shit.... yeah come to our cottage and take a look around, no thank you very much. Not going to happen.

We have an old Evinrude engine in the boat house... it's a little 20hp one sitting on a stand. For you're engine that has been sitting for 10 years, replace the lower unit gear oil before going out too far. Thank me later! Kayaks FTW ...

Here's our view from the front porch summer solstice 2017 @ about 10:30PM ... I wanna grow some Rudiralis up there in some peat bogs. My version of gorilla grow... wait.... I have a peat bog on our island! I still have time! I'm heading back up there with some seeds on Thursday! Get the garden going. 60 days is going to be end of August. Perfect timing... We love lake living, jelly of your year round living. Where we are there's a serious winter and cottage not winterized. Brrrrrrr


Awesome I do envy you, but for some reason Island / cottage / alone BRINGS UP
some troubling movies I have seen ;) But don't think that could keep me away :) :thumb:
lolool @ Gaz!...Nice view as well bob!...if I were a betting man, I'd say outside the GTA...many years ago, spent a week sailing Lake Ontario with friends on a 36' Catalina...Fun times...although a lil' crowded at some of the anchorages...and those cigarette boats...OMFG!! ...My stomping grounds are in NWO on the big lake they call Gitcthigoomi...so, my winters are fierce as well...hence the once a year grow,and a yearly sojourn to Mexico for a few months...once an avid downhill/cross country skier, Jan/Feb/Mar are more appealing in warmer climes these days...yeah...maybe a few/couple Northern Lights would be a good bet for the island get a way...as for the motor advice...Yup, have gear oil and will change it before any serious use...was just one of those retirement puttering things that popped up...if I feel its dependable...may put it on my 8 foot Zodiac(former tender for my bigger boat)...be good training for my step grandson...almost a rite of passage in my parts, after knowing how to swim and how to paddle a canoe/kayak...Good Luck with the the get a way grow...Cherz...h00k...:hookah:
Shitty day...grey, wet and cool...
(thats 61F, not 51)...

girlz room is not bad...
...will cool down once the lights go out...was going to do some LST'ing, but just trimmed a few leaves on the Malawi(bushy lil' bushes) and tucked some leaves on the others...hopefully get them outside in the next couple days and tie down a couple...

group shot...

one lilly...

purple mexi's...

pineapple close up...
...she still has a few days to go...

Overall I'm quite pleased with the growth so far...anyways...Cheerz...h00k...
Quick update...OG yielded 32 grams of bud...and about another quarter of that in popcorn and sugar trim...Missus h00k says Yummy!...slight fruit/herb taste (only a couple days into cure)...can't say say I'm an auto fan yet...will decide in the next couple days, whether or not I do 2 more auto's...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
So you grabbed +\- 60g of bud while prepping your garden for flowering and you say "not a fan of autos"? Lol

I agree with you completely, but when used in strategic times, they have value. Great garden hook!!

LOLOOL...Thanks Bud!...and... I agree with You...it's a great strategy(actually it was You who put the bug in my ear!)...was just hoping for a bigger yield...but, I think that's on me...what with first time dealing with them and new light and growing style(organic)...if we were bigger consumers of my produce...it would definitely be a regular plan...still may be...cause I'm a sucker for new strains and new challenges...lolool...(still have lots of vacuum bags left from last season) ...I'm thinking of starting 1 more once PE is out of the big room(think I have enuff' light horse power and space for one more...but have to keep a close eye on the Mexi's and Lilly's)...could probably finish at the same time as the photo girlz...would probably be an Incredible Bulk auto, or another Malawi(they're showing promise for a repeat performance)...

...Wanna thank You and Penney...Woody...bob...and any silent members for following along...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
quick update...few shots of the girlz from last evening...in natural light...

group shot...

...Purple mexi's...


...Sugar Loaf...


...Oriental Express...

...Pineapple express...still a few day's out...


...lil' heat wave today(30C)...had to put some frozen bottles in front of a fan today before lights out(can you say hillbilly!??...lolool...)...these LED's DO throw out heat when you have enough of them...still controllable tho'...not supposed to last...really hate to have to add AC...have been thinking about upgrading to a 6 inch extraction since last year, so maybe time to do it!?...just had another hillbilly idea for those HOT days after I acquire the 6 inch...take an old cooler and run the 4 inch pushing thru' it full of ice...Hmnnnn?...lolool...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
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