Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

Six days for the LK & DTF. 😁
Six days for the LK & DTF. 😁
Full moon right? Chop the Wizard tonight and the other 2 in a week. Not sure why, sounds good though 😆.

Looks amazing btw, close up and far away!
looks like it was taken of a bud that suffered physical damage,
I did take a few more pics of Wizard, but didn’t post. The majority have that withered look. Might have been damage from that same heat episode that took out peyote forum? 🤷‍♀️ Not a very good showing for Justin’s gift. :(
Not ready.
Too late. 🪓
Since no one knows what CBD degrades into with amber I try to wait for all my clears to go cloudy
Lol, that was my reasoning for not waiting! 😄 And I’ve been going by what Amy advised back when she was still bopping around. Maybe different lights produce different timing results? But I’ve always harvested Candida at 8 weeks.
I'd say another week for that.
Thank you!
I'd say a week there too!
Lmao, I’m noticing a trend..
What he said...^^👍
You're gonna be a busy lady a week from today, HH!🔪✂️
Busy bee indeed! I’ve already harvested Candida and Wizard, so it won’t be quite so bad.
Six days for the LK & DTF. 😁
Lmao, thanks GDB. Those are the ones I was curious about. Foxtails always make it so dang vexing! :hmmmm:
Full moon right? Chop the Wizard tonight and the other 2 in a week. Not sure why, sounds good though 😆.

Looks amazing btw, close up and far away!
Thank you Justin, and thank you again for sharing!! I’m really looking forward to Wizard. Hopefully I didn’t burn her up too badly. I think I may need to try growing Wizard again (alongside Wookiee!!) to get a true representation for her.
I am with Shed few more days on the last to and the DTF ? first one done 🪓 They look great
Thank you SB, I’ll be patient for one more week for the DTF and Limonade skunk. Give my trim hand a break too. ✂️
Back again with harvesting deets + more. Whew! I’m not sure which was more of a PITA, candida and her floppies or Wizard and her crusties. 😄


Poor, poor Wizard
So crunchy.

Here they are, hanging next to GG (not shown). Candida split into two.

It was a rough time for Wizard, but she managed to get pretty bulky despite her abuses.

Gorilla glue was cut down on Xmas day, so I’ll probably give her a spin in the bowl cutter either today or tomorrow, and then let her settle her rh in a turkey bag.

That leaves us with Limonade skunk in the 4x4


A while back I found some nanners on the tops of some of her colas. I snipped just the tip of those nannered colas, just to see what would happen. Here is a snipped tip.


I also have a bonus Candida, hiding in the middle of the tent. I was planning to harvest her today, but I want to give Shed’s harvest timing a chance too. In the past I mostly used it all for doggo oil, so I’ve kept it pretty uniform. Lately I’ve been smoking Candida more often, so now I’m thinking I’ll leave this girl for another week or so and see if there’s any noticeable differences with more cloudy trichomes, plus whatever ambers might pop up.

And the last bit of news is the little revegging candida, left by her little lonesome self in the 2x4. I switched the light to a small fry that VG recommended a while back for clones and seedlings.

No signs of reveg yet. I’ll feel a whole lot better once I see a little single blade leaf pop out.

Whew! With the light change, plus I was able to turn off the dehumidifier, we can finally start to save some electricity $$! Plus the noise is down as well. Lots of reasons I’m happy to be putting this grow behind me. I have some major cleaning to do once the 4x4 is emptied. But after all that, I’m considering doing an auto run in the 4x4. I haven’t used the watering system on an auto before. And with the positive results I’ve seen with photos, it’s got me curious how an auto might perform in there. I’m also thinking of going back to mega crop, since I’m struggling so hard with the super soil in the finishing stages. Lots of time to sort all that out, but that’s what’s percolating in my little noggin. And now, I’m gonna go lay around and do a big fat nuthin! I hope you all get a chance to do that too. :)
Congrats on taking down the two toughies! Candidas are always completely floppy (for me anyway) with tons of larf no matter how much I try to stay on top of it. On the plus side I bet it was easy to get the fans off the Wizard in that state of crispness. :)

The DTF look terrific and taking the top just made it push out more foxtails below. Mamma I want to grow! And as long as the revegging Candida has roots and isn't dead, I wouldn't worry about it one single bit. :thumb:
Thanks Shed. The Candida does have roots. She has been blooming alongside the others, I just put her back on a 18/6 light schedule a week or so ago (?), I’ve lost track of time. o_O I’m kind of glad to not be harvesting the “hidden” Candida just yet, so I can really see evidence of reveg before I chop. Candida’s too important to me.
Good morning Miss Prettyface :)

It can take me up to 70 days to Reveg a little monstercrop. While there’s green, there’s hope.

I’ll be watching that one with interest.

Have a great day :)
Happy New Year HH to you and Ohana! Aloha! :ciao: :passitleft:
Belated Holiday Greetings, HH and congrats on all your harvests. I hope the smoke/high is what you're looking for.
Congratulations on all your harvests during the busy holiday season! I hope you and family are doing well so far in 2024. :circle-of-love:

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the well wishes, we’re all doing good. :love: I’ve been enjoying the nothing for a while now. The only plants I have going are a revegged and growing Candida, and a not quite so revegged, but showing one new, tiny, green leaf Candida. I still have so much tent cleaning to do, Trala might be horrified if she saw the current state of my grow space. :eek: I’ll face this daunting task sometime soon, I need to get a new grow going. Plus, I got some new grow tools/pieces to try out. 😁

I did keep track of all my harvest deets, so I’ll gather that and make a big reveal post. Just wanted to stop in and say a quick hey to my grow buds! 💗
Okie doke artichokes! I have compiled the photos I took for each of the harvests from this last bunch. I overrated past me’s data collection, it was not as clear and concise as I thought it would be, but I think I managed to sort it all out.

First harvest - as you may remeber, was Peyote Forum.

I have no pic of the scale, so I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it on this one. 😮

Next up on the chop block was Gorilla Glue

Consistent so far….

Next up was Durban Thunderfuck
hard to read, but it says 132g.

Wizard and Candida were harvested together, but I set Candida aside since it just went straight into oil - it was just about 2 oz.

The Wizard

hard to read - 62g

I only get one more picture, so the last one will have to come separately ….. you know how I like a big reveal. 😁

Stay tuned.
The last harvest for this run was indeed the crowned queen. I should’ve known that a Boo seed would give me a Boo sized plant! ;) :kiss:

Limonade Skunk
hard to read again, but it says 187g because LS friggin killed it!

This was a crazy run and I really hope past me learned some growing/planning lessons from this. It feels so good having some serious stock built up again with no trips to the dispensary in sight.

I really want to thank my seed fairies @Virgin Ground @Chris Scorpio @Justin Goody @BooWho2 and @InTheShed. I really do think of each of you when I have a little toke, you’re there with me in smoke-spirit. 💗

A little snag that I found when harvesting - DTF ended up being seeded. I had found nanners on her around week 7 or 8 and clipped them, but when it was harvest time, I found several more. I trimmed her by using the salad spinner bowl trimmer and I think that actually helped by knocking out the seeds into the trim. I haven’t gotten a single seed while smoking (so far), so that’s an unplanned benefit!

I got a large amount of trim from GG, DTF and Limonade Skunk, and I’ll definitely be using it to make some oil. So far I have only done the GG. I’ve only used it twice so far, but it may not be quite strong enough on its own. I’ll probably run the oil again with some buds to strengthen it up a bit more, or perhaps use one of the other trim bags and make a combo? 🤔

Well, I think that about wraps up the harvest deets. Sorry for such a long gap for reporting the results! I have no clue what’s next other than more Candida. First step is getting everything cleaned up, I basically just harvested and ran, so it’s a real wreck in there. After that I can start the planning again.

I hope you’re all doing well and that 2024 is being good to you so far. Sending you all lots of loves, as always. :love:
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