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I’m growing an Auto Glueberry plant, I honestly don’t remember how old she is but she’s between 60-90 days old. Hasn’t started flowering yet. 1 LED light (1000W ?) grow room 5 x 4 x 2.

Soil: promix

Gluey is getting too tall for her tent.

Kinda worried now.


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Need more info. We need pH of solution going in, rh, temp, distance to light and info on watering practices i.e. How much you feed and how often.
Need more info. We need pH of solution going in, rh, temp, distance to light and info on watering practices i.e. How much you feed and how often.

pH of solution is usually between 5.9-6.6. Temps not to sure but it gets hot so I leave the tent open to help with air circulation. It’s distance from the light is almost none, k have to move the light to the other side of the tent so the canopy wouldn’t hit the lights. I watered every 3 day or so and I had just recently started using maxibloom (Lucas method) but I maybhve started off too strong. I fed twice over period of 2 weeks and around the same time is when the leaves started to droop.
Unless you figure out your temps and try to narrow things down a bit more I would super crop her right now. Light distance issue solved...
I take it you are in the stretch phase of pre-flower? I also see it's auto and it's not normally in best practice to super crop an auto but I have read about lots of people doing it when stuck in a light distance situation like you with great success.
The only other thing I would be concerned with is that those leaves don't really look like it's from the light? It looks like root issues but you still have a light distance issue no matter the health of the plant.
I’m not experienced at all, but 60-90 for an auto that hasn’t started flowering yet seems to me a bit too much. Are you sure that this is not normal plant?
...... honestly don’t remember how old she is but she’s between 60-90 days old......

Soil: promix

Gluey is getting too tall for her tent.

Kinda worried now.
pH of solution is usually between 5.9-6.6........
...........I fed twice over period of 2 weeks and around the same time is when the leaves started to droop.
I am not as experienced as many of the others who are active on this msg board but I noticed several things. My suggestions might be helpful. Here is what I noticed and what should help with this current grow and any you might want to do in the future.

You mention that the plant is getting to tall for the tent and has not yet started flowering which I have the feeling was why you started the tread. I get the feeling that most of us so far have noticed a bigger problem with the very noticeable leaf claw over the entire plant almost like the pictures of dragons feet in some fantasy artwork. Those leaves are not droopy like a flag in a calm wind. Instead there is a certain amount of rigidness to them which is noticeable since they are so clawed that they are forming a sideways U

In the first msg you say "..... honestly don’t remember how old she is but she’s between 60-90 days old....". That is one heck of a time frame, especially considering that it is possible to grow a marijuana plant for a small seedling to harvesting and drying the flowers in 90 days. I will slow down my plants to the point where they seem to be dormant, barely growing, but I know the date the seed was planted or the cutting was made if I am trying to create a clone, every time it is transplanted and the date that it enters the cabinet to start flowering. Keep track of dates.

In the other msg you mention the pH of the solution with "pH of solution is usually between 5.9-6.6....". I am fascinated by hydroponic or water culture growing and have done a bit of reading up on how it works and what the grower needs to do to make it work. Not knowing the pH except that the range is somewhere between 5.9 and 6.6 sounds like it could develop into a bigger problem. That pH range of the solution does make it harder to figure out a problem and solve it.

I am pretty sure that it would be helpful if you can mention the complete ProMix info. If I am right they have several different mixes with different levels of peat moss, fertilizers and other goodies added in. Sometimes the mix has something not added in that the buyer thinks are there.

@Greenlizard mentions super cropping the plant. That would help solve the height problem but not the lack of autoflowering or the clawing leaves. Read up on "super cropping" by doing a search using those words while we wait for some more experienced members of the msg board to respond.

Don't panic or go overboard. I am pretty sure the problems can be taken care of .
Hey man, I really appreciate your response. I know I have to be a lot more detailed and pay attention to these things which will help with my grows. Ive done 3-4 in the past but nothing special. Just the basics really and my plants have grown... just not how they're supposed to if one were to take proper care of them. This plant in particular is starting flower now, pistils coming in. I'll take it day by day. Thanks again though.
I’m not experienced at all, but 60-90 for an auto that hasn’t started flowering yet seems to me a bit too much. Are you sure that this is not normal plant?
I’m positive it’s not and she’s getting worse


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Ya that pot does look to small for the plant it could be root bound

I grow in pro mix pro mix has nothing added to it so you need to be sure you are using the correct food and food strength for the stage of life your plant is in.Your ph of your water going in should be 6.0- 6.3 do you have a ph meter or something to measure the ph?

Are you sure you are in the flower stage what light schedule is the plant under? I can't see any pistols in your pics.
If it's not in flower you can transplant it and in a couple of weeks it will recover.

You could also try lst to get it under control just gently pull the top over and tie it to the side of your pot. you could use binder clips to attach to the side of the pot and tie your string to that.

Also wondering about how your watering your plant. You should be watering until run off then letting her dry out until the pot feels light when you lift it that is the time to water again
Oh yes. Now that we all get a better look we see your pot size is very small. This may quite possibly be your main issue. Up size immediately if you want a good chance to save her.
Looks root bound to me...
Get a 7-10G pot, mix up a good batch of soil, add some mica on the root ball and hole, then water until it’s full inoculated. (20% Runoff)
She’ll bounce back.
Wow looks like you have got some major issues here, looks like toxicity with the clawing. I would suggest giving a really good flush, then starting over with the proper PH 5.8 and proper amount of nutes. Check every day on the dryness level and get that light up off the plants it could be too much heat in the tent. If you do not have a fan head to walmart and pick up a cheap 16 inch one for circulation and to help with the heat. Hope you are able to save her.
Its possible what you may have there is a situation where you have a very small amount of soil that has a lot of salt buildup, the salt buildup surrounds the roots and actually draws water from the roots in a reverse osmosis action.
So even if you water just to run off the plant still is not getting water.
I'd transplant into a much larger fabric pot filled to the brim and flush the hell out of it with RO water with Yucca extract in it.
Looks root bound to me...
Get a 7-10G pot, mix up a good batch of soil, add some mica on the root ball and hole, then water until it’s full inoculated. (20% Runoff)
She’ll bounce back.
We’ll ask the watering pro’s opinion @Emilya ... :surf:
Root bound - watering issue?
most certainly root bound... just look at that plant and then try to imagine the mirror image down below in the root system. If this was not in a smart pot I suspect this plant would have died already, but I think it can still be saved. Transplant it immediately into at least 10 gallons of soil, and when you manage to peel the present bag away from those roots, use your hands and pull those tightly knit roots apart a bit before putting them in the new soil. This will help ALL the roots in that tangled up mass to get a fast fresh start in the new soil.
That being said, I have to say wow! Great job @WCJ11 on getting that huge plant this far in that small amount of soil. You appear to have quite the green thumb... just overlooked how big this thing could get!
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