Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing

Plants are looking great man and it seems your cloning game is on point.

Glad you had a good time in FL. I figured that’s why we hadn’t heard from you. My mother in-law just moved back here from FL. I’m ready to send her back. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Can I bother you for a little more advice? My plants are starting to put off a lot of odor and I’m going to exhaust outside my building. UPS and FedEx unload within 30-40yds from the building and I’d rather them not be aware of my activities. What kind of filter you running in your tents? I’m prepared to spend some money on this just want to make sure I’m getting my moneys worth.

Thanks for the props bro and great question...I use an 80-pound (yes I said that) can filter in each tent. Even at peak of flower I can't smell a thing. I also vent the rooms into the attic space and it diffuses out the soffit vents so it spreads it out some. Those big carbon filters are money (though not all that much actual money) and certainly worth it!.

Harvest starts tomorrow...I freaking can't wait!

Peace, Hyena
Well, Sunday night. The last four days have been exhausting.

So, here's a HYENA'S GROW HOUSE update!

Wednesday I tripped up to the GH with evil intentions. The reaper cometh... :rip::eek::p

Don't fear the reefer...at least that's what I thought they were saying for a number of years...so I walked in and here's where it started...

Intimidating to say the least. I'm already scarred by the daunting amount of work the first 4 harvests have been, and this one looks bigger...

So it took me a couple hours to get settled in, all the tools, and get mentally ready to begin.

Now this room is like the stables at Churchill Downs in May...full of champions! Here's a tribute to Cannabis in all her glory, the beautiful intersection of Mother Nature and Man's hand. Enjoy, my friends!

Fruity aroma, tight, colorful nugs...

A good amount of purple here and there

Finally, my masterpiece: THE TWIN TOWERS

Can't wait to go 9/11 on those babies!!

Yes the whole thing looks perfect, and there are about 1/3 cloudy trichs and maybe an amber here and there but I couldn't see many so ready to go! I attacked like a fat lady locked in an ice cream store.

The first plant:

The first six hours I got two plants done but I felt my pace needed to be faster, that it should have been faster, because I backed off this time on the level of trimming, just taking off the major leaves and maybe hitting each branch with a bit of tidying but nothing like my previous efforts...I prefer to see if getting the leaves "crispy" then finishing them aggressively with the Trimbag is the best way. Here's an example of the rougher trim level I'm going with...

So how could I be behind pace? Then I realized why: there's a LOT more weed. The first couple plants when hung took up WAY more space than previously and I quickly realized my really big drying closet might not be big enough!

The colas thumped into the box, cola after heavy, super-sweet-smelling cola, and the weight just kept piling up...

At the Thursday midday mark I was still only on plant #5. These things were simply huge!

Another one bites the dust...

It seemed endless, the hours dragged by in my stoned haze, snipping and snipping like a mad hobbit. I noticed a fair number of tiny male "flower" structures, like this one, but none that seemingly produced any visible pollen.

I also squeezed a number of buds along the way (like we all do) just probing for seeds, without any luck. Any bad luck I should say. Looks like we avoided any ruinous pollination problem. Hopefully.

So the final hang looked like this...

I had to add another bar to be able to hang everything. I have no idea how much it will come to but it's more fresh pot than I have ever seen in person and it looks mighty, mighty good! The complete satisfaction of finishing such a harvest is almost impossible to describe if you haven't been there...most reading my humble thoughts know full well the pride and pleasure it gives to complete such a complex and delicate task and reap the richest of rewards.

I was pretty selective so there was a lot of frosty larf as well...

Can you say lots of bubble hash? All this from a 10x10 tent. So cool!

But every rocking, all-night party has its bitter next morning cleanup...so it is with weed. The tent looked like whatever was in there had exploded. It took two hours to remove the cores, vacuum all the remnants, scrub the floor, and treat the buckets. Rather than drain my system in between runs, I put Res Clear into all the buckets and the main res and cycle it fully once. It's some sort of acid solution that kills all the crap in the water. By dropping a modest amount of that stuff in every now and then I maybe won't totally prevent algae, but I can knock it way down.

Then time to plant my next generation! The clones have over a foot of roots each so I just got some 6 inch plastic net pots and just wound the roots around in the bottom then added Hydroton.

I handle plants in a manner that looks rougher than it is. I know they need discipline, even a little slapping around. They complain some but you know inside it's the only way they will truly respect you. Respect tinged with a little fear perhaps, but in the end isn't it better if the Captain steers the ship? The next morning every single one was a perky as it gets. Respect.

A couple hours later all in their new homes, everything like a hospital room and me as tired and sore as it's possible to get.

So there it is, and yet there was still another matter, the blooming plants in Tent #2.

Everything in there right on schedule as there's a sea of frosty white button blossoms appearing. I like the canopy height, I like the density, I love that every leaf looks perfect. And the circle of life continues.

I'll go back up Tuesday to buck and finish everything, hopefully with record results. Huge results.. Results so huge no results have ever been huger...no huger in all of history, which is also huge. Everybody knows it. And our hugeness is going to be huger than the hugest huge ever was in the entire huge history of hugeness...

That's what Trump would sound like if he smoked. Yeah, I think he needs it actually. :thedoubletake::laughtwo:

Peace, Hyena
Excellent my friend....That crop is Huge. I'm thinking the twin towers might make the 2021 calendar
The first six hours I got two plants done but I felt my pace needed to be faster, that it should have been faster, because I backed off this time on the level of trimming, just taking off the major leaves and maybe hitting each branch with a bit of tidying but nothing like my previous efforts...I prefer to see if getting the leaves "crispy" then finishing them aggressively with the Trimbag is the best way.

Hey, Brother! Have you heard the good news about our savior C3PO? Wait, not C3PO, but... Tom! As in: Tom's Tumbler!

I've been using one for a couple months now, and let me tell you, they're the real deal. Similar to a trimbag, but a little easier on the buds. This is what I was messing with that I mentioned a while back, and let me tell you it's saved me time, aches, pains, and sanity. :cheesygrinsmiley: It sped up my process a ridiculous amount. Like from a full plant/day (12ish hours, not 24) down to about 90 minutes/plant, but spread across two days.

Chop plant, clip the big fans. Hang as usual to dry, but let it get a bit drier than with a wet trim. Crispy leaves, pushing around 56%-58% RH or so (if they were sealed up in a jar) kind of feel to it. This is the lower range of curing, and you want to stay just above it without going over. Mine have been taking about 2 weeks to get to this stage, and 2 of the 5 could have probably went maybe a hair longer even.

Once dry, buck down and into the tumbler. Bout 10 minutes later, give or take, out come your nicely trimmed buds.

The model I'm using is their smallest one (TTT-1600 manual crank), and will run 1/2lb-1lb per batch, give or take. Depends on size, density, etc. You fill it to about 2" below the axle and go. They have larger models that can handle more, and come standard with a small motor to do the turning.

I wasn't sure if I would like it or not, but took the $400 risk and that was that. I have found it does better with denser buds (overall in the batch) than fluffier sativa buds. They still work, but you may have a little cleanup to do. I found this out on a super lemon haze. The buds weren't really airy, but you know how sativas can be. Kinda more fluffy than a denser nug of a hybrid or indica.

I looked at others, but they either shave the buds or were a bitch to clean/maintain (looking at you, trimpro, lol) and would be a pain.

This is just a tumbler. No shaving, no giant ass mess you have to clean up. It's all contained in a bag under the trimmer.

Here's a quick vid:

It really, really needs crispy leaves. That's the whole premise of the trimmer. Crispy leaves, tumble the buds on themselves, out come trimmed buds.

Where I'm not 100% comfortable yet is how dry. Twice I thought it was alright, and it didn't get as nice of a trim as it should have. (So I cured it, and let the rest that was left crisp up that way and run it again later.) Where I'm sketchy is the bottom RH% for curing, and how this plays into that. Don't wanna blow the cure, that's for sure.

However, the results when I've gotten the dry right (3 of 5 so far, plant #6 just went into drying today) have been really good. It doesn't slice your buds and make them all uniform on the outside. So the buds still retain their given shape, but they're a tick cleaner than a hand trim. I'm sure you've seen this with the trimbag, so no real surprise there.

Anyway, thought you might find it interesting and worth looking into. I think something like that could cut your 4-day adventure into 2 days, and each of those 2 days being more manageable than each of the 4 are now.

You're up there once a week as is, so on one of those trips you can make it an overnight and buck it all down and run it. I say overnight as that's a lot of stuff to buck down, trimmed or not. :rofl:
Looking forward to the tonnage report on that haul!

Just out of curiosity HM, how much of your 10x10 space in your tents is MJ, how much working space?
Excellent my friend....That crop is Huge. I'm thinking the twin towers might make the 2021 calendar

I think you may be right! :morenutes:Thanks Jim!

Peace, Hyena
Looking forward to the tonnage report on that haul!

Just out of curiosity HM, how much of your 10x10 space in your tents is MJ, how much working space?

Great question. The answer is, it starts at 90% working space and 10% grow, and ends up almost exactly the opposite! My droppable permanent scrog frame uses about 60% of the 10x10 area and the canopy eventually expands far beyond the edges.

Tonnage report to follow soon!

Peace, Hyena
I'm dieing :rofl: you made quite the joke after that photo :rofl:

Thanks for getting my jokes...not everyone does. Even me sometime. :oops:

Peace, Hyena
Highya HM,

Very nice work. Looks like you have the science down very well. Mostly like an assembly line effeciency now. Well done. Happy Smokin'
Hey, Brother! Have you heard the good news about our savior C3PO? Wait, not C3PO, but... Tom! As in: Tom's Tumbler!

I've been using one for a couple months now, and let me tell you, they're the real deal. Similar to a trimbag, but a little easier on the buds. This is what I was messing with that I mentioned a while back, and let me tell you it's saved me time, aches, pains, and sanity. :cheesygrinsmiley: It sped up my process a ridiculous amount. Like from a full plant/day (12ish hours, not 24) down to about 90 minutes/plant, but spread across two days.

Chop plant, clip the big fans. Hang as usual to dry, but let it get a bit drier than with a wet trim. Crispy leaves, pushing around 56%-58% RH or so (if they were sealed up in a jar) kind of feel to it. This is the lower range of curing, and you want to stay just above it without going over. Mine have been taking about 2 weeks to get to this stage, and 2 of the 5 could have probably went maybe a hair longer even.

Once dry, buck down and into the tumbler. Bout 10 minutes later, give or take, out come your nicely trimmed buds.

The model I'm using is their smallest one (TTT-1600 manual crank), and will run 1/2lb-1lb per batch, give or take. Depends on size, density, etc. You fill it to about 2" below the axle and go. They have larger models that can handle more, and come standard with a small motor to do the turning.

I wasn't sure if I would like it or not, but took the $400 risk and that was that. I have found it does better with denser buds (overall in the batch) than fluffier sativa buds. They still work, but you may have a little cleanup to do. I found this out on a super lemon haze. The buds weren't really airy, but you know how sativas can be. Kinda more fluffy than a denser nug of a hybrid or indica.

I looked at others, but they either shave the buds or were a bitch to clean/maintain (looking at you, trimpro, lol) and would be a pain.

This is just a tumbler. No shaving, no giant ass mess you have to clean up. It's all contained in a bag under the trimmer.

Here's a quick vid:

It really, really needs crispy leaves. That's the whole premise of the trimmer. Crispy leaves, tumble the buds on themselves, out come trimmed buds.

Where I'm not 100% comfortable yet is how dry. Twice I thought it was alright, and it didn't get as nice of a trim as it should have. (So I cured it, and let the rest that was left crisp up that way and run it again later.) Where I'm sketchy is the bottom RH% for curing, and how this plays into that. Don't wanna blow the cure, that's for sure.

However, the results when I've gotten the dry right (3 of 5 so far, plant #6 just went into drying today) have been really good. It doesn't slice your buds and make them all uniform on the outside. So the buds still retain their given shape, but they're a tick cleaner than a hand trim. I'm sure you've seen this with the trimbag, so no real surprise there.

Anyway, thought you might find it interesting and worth looking into. I think something like that could cut your 4-day adventure into 2 days, and each of those 2 days being more manageable than each of the 4 are now.

You're up there once a week as is, so on one of those trips you can make it an overnight and buck it all down and run it. I say overnight as that's a lot of stuff to buck down, trimmed or not. :rofl:

Hey thanks for that info and I must say I looked quite hard at Tom's products right after reading the similar post you made earlier.

Partially because of your report, this run I went with a rougher trim and will dry for crispier leaves as you described very well...hopefully the Trimbag will produce the same effect as the Tom's, as it has for me. I do like that there is a "feel" as you use the Trimbag, you can feel the mass of buds scraping against the wall of the drum and kind of tell when it evolves into nugs with the shake removed, and I don't mind the arm work, heck, I need the workout. :laughtwo:

Seriously, I have been pretty satisfied with the Trimbag . But if I'm not getting exactly what I'm seeking I will not hesitate get a Tom's. $400 is nothing if it saves me days and days of work. HOWEVER, I'm not entirely sure if that's the part that is taking so much time...I went with a much faster and completely rough trim that I really can't make go any faster...the final bucking takes some time but a lot less, and the Trimbag part isn't more than an hour or two of total work. So it's the rough prep trim for hanging that takes freaking forever. Some varieties are leafier than others but even the best take up a lot of time just to pluck all the major fan leaves and do a quick trim.

I will post the final weight and some pics later this week and all can judge the nugs.

It's so fun!

Peace, Hyena
Highya HM,

Very nice work. Looks like you have the science down very well. Mostly like an assembly line effeciency now. Well done. Happy Smokin'

Thanks so much my friend! It is getting very fun. Of course, tomorrow there could be mites, fungus, mold, thieves, fire, flood, drought, Trump could say something non-combative, aliens could land...who even knows?

But today, it's all pretty cool. Weight and smoke report later this week!

Peace, Hyena
Seriously, I have been pretty satisfied with the Trimbag . But if I'm not getting exactly what I'm seeking I will not hesitate get a Tom's. $400 is nothing if it saves me days and days of work. HOWEVER, I'm not entirely sure if that's the part that is taking so much time...I went with a much faster and completely rough trim that I really can't make go any faster...the final bucking takes some time but a lot less, and the Trimbag part isn't more than an hour or two of total work. So it's the rough prep trim for hanging that takes freaking forever. Some varieties are leafier than others but even the best take up a lot of time just to pluck all the major fan leaves and do a quick trim.

Well, bigger models are a little more, but the small one does just fine. The trick is getting it just right on the drying part. I may run over to the parts store or something like that and get a small motor for mine. Not that cranking it is a big deal, but it would be nice to turn it on and do other things as it runs.

In some of the videos, Tom mentions something like a 5% internal RH of the bud is "optimum", but I need to do more digging on that. It has to mean something, or he has to mean something, other than what I'm thinking. My thoughts on hearing that initially were "dust", but that can't be right. Just to use it can't mean you need to kill off your cure. (Which made me think of another thing that I want to look into around curing and dry trimming.)

When I head down to the garden after bit, I'll try to remember to grab a few example nug shots. A few that worked, and a few that probably needed to be dried just a hair longer. I'm still learning it obviously, but I'll get it pretty quick. I'm tinkering with branch size and its effect on drying time/quality. I think most of the Blue Dream branches were just a tick big. So tried to go a hair less on the GDP I just cut yesterday. I also think that any pre-harvest crisping of leaves (right at the end) isn't a bad thing for this process either. More studying and experience will improve my use for sure.
In some of the videos, Tom mentions something like a 5% internal RH of the bud is "optimum", but I need to do more digging on that. It has to mean something, or he has to mean something, other than what I'm thinking. My thoughts on hearing that initially were "dust", but that can't be right. Just to use it can't mean you need to kill off your cure. (Which made me think of another thing that I want to look into around curing and dry trimming.)

Sorry. Tom's says "dry until the outside sugar leaves are dry and brittle, but the inside is between 5% and 12%."

Which surely means something different than I think it does, as it makes me think you just blew by the cure zone. :rofl:
Quick question: what exactly is “bucking”
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