Icemud's Breeding Projects And Motherchucking Pollination Extravaganza

I, uh, I er, I um, OMIGAWD! I am trying to click my ruby shoes together to get back home to Toto and Auntie Em, but I don't really want to leave. Is this really today? Is Icemud a reincarnation of my dreams while I am still alive? Or is my tongue tied instead of my shoe laces? Holy fucking shit! This must be the land of Oz. How, how, how did this wonderful garden happen behind my back? I have been trudging through this community for the first time after a decade, sniffling a little (just my sensitive nature), thinking I am soooo out of step, thinking I am still an imposter, thinking the early,eager, desperate (ok, ok, yeah I am being slightly dramatic) newbie I used to be is kinda redundant and maybe even pathetic. :: trying my best to look forlorn:: Ad now? Here I am, smack dab in the center of a paradise my poor little newbie self didn't know enough to dream of! Congratulations, Icemud! Sucks about your car, for real, but...more tongue tied shoe laces ... what a ride you have!
Hey Erie,

LOL love your post :) made me smile my friend!

Welcome to my journal! Glad you stopped by to say hello :) Yea I have quite the project going right now and a lot of strains that I have been "hoarding" lol over the years and this current one is probably my last seed project for a little while, as I decide what to thin out of my garden and what to keep, as well as to produce some good flower for myself as right now I'm stuck with dispensary buds which are either expensive or just poorly grown (for the cheaper stuff) so need to re-up my supply :)

Anyhow thanks for stopping by and welcome! Glad to have ya here!
' Morning Icemud. Just checking in on things real quick before i walk out to go to work. Just started a new job as a laborer, yeah, my old ass still out there with these youngsters in there 20's, 30's swinging a shovel and breaking concrete, or whatever needs to be done. Supposed to be laying some asphalt today but as im sure you also already know, the rain may be an issue. Id honestly be ok with getting rained out for the day and staying home but ive got to at least go check in real quick. Was shoveling all day yesterday and my old out of shape body is soar as heck! Anywho- id better get going.
Will check in on ya later. 😊
' Morning Icemud. Just checking in on things real quick before i walk out to go to work. Just started a new job as a laborer, yeah, my old ass still out there with these youngsters in there 20's, 30's swinging a shovel and breaking concrete, or whatever needs to be done. Supposed to be laying some asphalt today but as im sure you also already know, the rain may be an issue. Id honestly be ok with getting rained out for the day and staying home but ive got to at least go check in real quick. Was shoveling all day yesterday and my old out of shape body is soar as heck! Anywho- id better get going.
Will check in on ya later. 😊
Hey Sparks, great to hear that you are still outshining those youngsters! I was a Union construction laborer in my early 20's (thanks to my pops for getting me in) and I honestly can say out of all the different jobs i've worked, it was definitely the toughest, but I also enjoyed it more than anything else I did thus far work wise. There was something just very satisfying about busting my butt all day and then having that cooldown beer or smoke after a hard day and it just made me feel good and accomplished. I loved working construction because I looked at it like I'm getting paid to be outside all day and work out... aweseome...LOL..

I think though now 20 years later, I probably may have a different opinion as my body aint the same ripped youngster anymore and my back, shoulders and joints probably would get the best of me. Thats great to hear that you are still outdoing those youngsters! Glad to hear that ya got some work going!

I'm still on the car hunt... its honestly demoralizing looking for cars right now... I mean I really am starting to feel defeated. At first I was looking for something good and reliable under 20K... so I didn't have to finance.. well, there isn't much in the market right now under 20k that is reliable... thats for sure.. at least not with under 100k miles. Its insane how expensive these used cars are right now. My next thought was, maybe I will just find a junker that runs for the time being until our economy comes down back to earth.. and they want 14K for cars that are 20 years old with over 100K miles on them.. like WTF! lol might be time for me to just get a mountain bike and ride my ass to work everyday for a while.. would definitely help lose some weight for sure and get this old body back in shape. I definitely am not giving up, but i really am not happy with the used car market right now... such a crock of dookie! lol

Well the plants are looking good, I fed them just plain R/O water 4 gallons mixed with 1 gallon of tap water to balance the pH and give some micronutrients and just added some enzymes, superthrive and mycos/bacterias. The plants are definitely getting fatter and the seeds are really starting to show now, but they still have about 4 weeks to go about.

I decided to get rid of my Alien Antifreeze #3 and my Roasted Garlic Margy that I have in my clone/veg tent. The RGM grows like a socal og kush, lanky, pinecone buds but the terpenes I just wasn't fond of, as they did smell like onions and it just wasn't appealing to me, and the other traits like structure, bud size and frost weren't anything special. The Alien Antfreeze 3 was not as good as my Alien#2 which the terpenes are absolutely amazing. They have that hot rubber + OG kush funk terps and I definitely like what I am smelling on #2 so I kept that for future grows. The #3 was also very good, and I Liked the shorter more indica style growth traits on #3, but the terpenes and frost on 2 was just slightly better so I kept it. Both are still in my current seed project but I just culled the clone/vegging duplicates to clear room for something else.

Well I will try to get some pics tonight or tomorrow to upload. Hope everyone is well and enjoying the holiday season!
Thanks for the update Icemud! I hope you're trying to enjoy your weekend. Its always hard trying to decide wich strains, cuts, phenotypes, and cultivars to keep, and wich have to be tossed out. Especially when its due to making space for something else. Im sure all of us small batch home growers have wished, hoped, and prayed for more grow space at one time or another. Lol! 🤣 But it usually never happens or comes in the time that we need it. So instead we're left with the difficult decisions of who gets to live...and who gets the chop! But hey on the brighter side of things you've been pollinating, preserving, and crossing a really nice collection of some very nice strains over the last good handful of years and should have quite a bit of variety to choose from all of the offspring, especially since most of the time, if not everytime, you used multiple fathers/males in sense creating an open pollination type of breeding process that will leave you with great genetic variables to choose from once you do decide that the time is right to pop some of those gems in bean form that you've been working on for so long. I mean its really like creating art pieces that can be enjoyed for years and years to come in the future.
Anywho, i wish you the best on your continued car hunt, and hope you find something that suites your needs soon.
Im out. Sparks.
Freaking cars, freaking Inflation, freaking pandemic! Freaking 2020's! Time for a nice long smoke. :passitleft: Whew, I think I am over it.

Hey, I have a ❓. (Who, me? What a surprise!) I was looking back at my old journal and realized I missed asking some questions because I was so focused on my shit. Hermies...I missed something important there. I have had it in my head that hermies are worthless junk that needed to be killed as fast as male plants, but that's wrong, right?

The whole seed thing was just not on my radar beyond buying a few then cloning/mother. Thanks for any info!
Freaking cars, freaking Inflation, freaking pandemic! Freaking 2020's! Time for a nice long smoke. :passitleft: Whew, I think I am over it.

Hey, I have a ❓. (Who, me? What a surprise!) I was looking back at my old journal and realized I missed asking some questions because I was so focused on my shit. Hermies...I missed something important there. I have had it in my head that hermies are worthless junk that needed to be killed as fast as male plants, but that's wrong, right?

The whole seed thing was just not on my radar beyond buying a few then cloning/mother. Thanks for any info!
Ive heard from somewhere or anothet that some of the most recognized strains have come from hermies. I cant recall where i recently heard that from, or wich strain names exactly that they were referring to, but i do remember being like "oooohh....woooow....that came from a herm?!!!. What the....?
I can neither confirm nor deny that any brain cells were fried while trying to remember the facts of this story by smoking on some good good while trying to pull these memories from deep within the jelly of my brain while hearing the theme song from the Twilight Zone and Rod Sterling speaking as i did so." 🤣👍
Ive heard from somewhere or anothet that some of the most recognized strains have come from hermies. I cant recall where i recently heard that from, or wich strain names exactly that they were referring to, but i do remember being like "oooohh....woooow....that came from a herm?!!!. What the....?
I can neither confirm nor deny that any brain cells were fried while trying to remember the facts of this story by smoking on some good good while trying to pull these memories from deep within the jelly of my brain while hearing the theme song from the Twilight Zone and Rod Sterling speaking as i did so." 🤣👍
::: Blasting Pink Floyd to drown out Twilight Zone::: 🎼🎶🎶🎵
You know, what I would love to see is how our lovely ladies were grown a couple centuries ago. Did some really awesome wise medicine woman manipulate the light? Did she have multiple grow spaces for her boys and girls? Were wild plants all herms before she tamed them? Would she love The Dark Side of the Moon? 🌚 Can you imagine the killer shit she could grow now with the centuries old wisdom plus today's tech?

Freaking cars, freaking Inflation, freaking pandemic! Freaking 2020's! Time for a nice long smoke. :passitleft: Whew, I think I am over it.

Hey, I have a ❓. (Who, me? What a surprise!) I was looking back at my old journal and realized I missed asking some questions because I was so focused on my shit. Hermies...I missed something important there. I have had it in my head that hermies are worthless junk that needed to be killed as fast as male plants, but that's wrong, right?

The whole seed thing was just not on my radar beyond buying a few then cloning/mother. Thanks for any info!
Hey Erie,

So in my personal opinion, Hermies are definitely worthless as the don't really suit the needs for smokable flower, or for breeding purposes. From my understanding a hermie will weaken the future gene pool as it breeds instability into the progeny. So anytime I see a hermie, its chopped immediately. If I'm growing for flower, a hermie can drop pollen and seed an entire room so I want it gone immediately. If I'm growing for seed, I want the stability of my future seeds to be the best it can be, therefore eliminating hermies from my grow will up the chances of not getting hermies in future generations.

Now with that being said, I've been listening to "The Potcast" which is an excellent cannabis podcast in which they interview legendary breeders and well known historical cannabis people and from what it sounds like, most landrace strains at one time (before human intervention and selective breeding) had a lot of heraphrodite tendencies, and through selective breeding and humans influence for the purposes of using cannabis for smokable flower have bred these hermi traits into the past.... however the hermi tendencies do remain in some strains. I've noticed that strains that have been bred with Cali-O seem to have hermi tendencies (both my tangie and my Orange FPOG had hermies in them). I also have heard, but not experience that the blueberry line has hermi potential, and even in the case of the legendary OG kush, the current story points to it originally being a bagseed that hermied under a set of stairs in florida before it made its way to the west coast.

So overall I'm not a fan of hermies, but unfortunately they do exist and have a place in the cannabis world, just not a desired place for most growers and consumers.

With that being said... chemical induced reverse sexing is definitely a very important pillar in cannabis breeding (using STS or CS to reverse females into producing male pollen sacks with and the creation of feminized lines). Many current strains have had S1 reverses in their lineage and I've heard a lot of legendary breeders scowl at the use of them, and many other legendary breeders rave about using them to lock in certain traits. Personally with my breeding I'd prefer to stay away from using Selfed/reversed strains, but so far I have had some friends grow out strains that I used male (regular) strains and hit S1 strains with the pollen and the resulting plants were epic.... So "forced" reversing or chemical induced "hermies" are welcome in a lot of breeding programs and by many growers in seed form.
Hey Erie,

So in my personal opinion, Hermies are definitely worthless as the don't really suit the needs for smokable flower, or for breeding purposes. From my understanding a hermie will weaken the future gene pool as it breeds instability into the progeny. So anytime I see a hermie, its chopped immediately. If I'm growing for flower, a hermie can drop pollen and seed an entire room so I want it gone immediately. If I'm growing for seed, I want the stability of my future seeds to be the best it can be, therefore eliminating hermies from my grow will up the chances of not getting hermies in future generations.

Now with that being said, I've been listening to "The Potcast" which is an excellent cannabis podcast in which they interview legendary breeders and well known historical cannabis people and from what it sounds like, most landrace strains at one time (before human intervention and selective breeding) had a lot of heraphrodite tendencies, and through selective breeding and humans influence for the purposes of using cannabis for smokable flower have bred these hermi traits into the past.... however the hermi tendencies do remain in some strains. I've noticed that strains that have been bred with Cali-O seem to have hermi tendencies (both my tangie and my Orange FPOG had hermies in them). I also have heard, but not experience that the blueberry line has hermi potential, and even in the case of the legendary OG kush, the current story points to it originally being a bagseed that hermied under a set of stairs in florida before it made its way to the west coast.

So overall I'm not a fan of hermies, but unfortunately they do exist and have a place in the cannabis world, just not a desired place for most growers and consumers.

With that being said... chemical induced reverse sexing is definitely a very important pillar in cannabis breeding (using STS or CS to reverse females into producing male pollen sacks with and the creation of feminized lines). Many current strains have had S1 reverses in their lineage and I've heard a lot of legendary breeders scowl at the use of them, and many other legendary breeders rave about using them to lock in certain traits. Personally with my breeding I'd prefer to stay away from using Selfed/reversed strains, but so far I have had some friends grow out strains that I used male (regular) strains and hit S1 strains with the pollen and the resulting plants were epic.... So "forced" reversing or chemical induced "hermies" are welcome in a lot of breeding programs and by many growers in seed form.
:thanks: the Potcast sounds like a great rabbit hole to fall in. That really cleared up my thoughts. I didn't REALLY think I could revolutionize the seed seed world with awesome Hermie breeds.:rofl: Ive been looking back at my old journal and realized I missed something very early on when I was waiting to sex my bag seeds babies. Someone said probably 50/50, unless the seeds came from hermied pot, in which case I could end up with all females. I freaked and only focused on getting stuck with too many plants to fit.
:hmmmm::thedoubletake: Anyone here surprised that the experts completely disagree about anything??? All the conflicting/different online advice I found cruising ten years ago drive me completely bonkers. "Pop a seed in a wet napkin." "NEVER pop a seed in a wet napkin." "Run veg lights 24 hours." "It's important to have at least 6 hours of dark during veg." :eye-roll::rolleyes:🙄. I worked past that, eventually...
Hey everyone.. I just wanted to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy holidays and a healthy, happy, exciting New Year 2023!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying good food, festivities, family and staying warm and safe!
Same to you Icemud! I hope you and yours are doing well and have a Happy New Years mate!:Namaste:
Same to you Icemud! I hope you and yours are doing well and have a Happy New Years mate!:Namaste:
Thank you Cola Monster! Happy New Year 2023 to you as well! May the year be full of amazing nugs, great memories and good times!
All the best to you and your's Icemud, and especially your Dad if he's checking whether you're up to date with your posts! And too, all the other good folk who've graced your thread.
Thank you Stunger! Hope you are having a wonderful holidays and cheers to an amazingly dank 2023!
.. and a Merry Christmas to you and the loved ones too Icemud.
We've all definitely had and been through our own share of problems this past year so lets turn the page and try to kick off the new year with a bang!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my entire 420mag fam!
Hey Sparks! Merry Christmas to you and your family too!

Yea 2022 has been a rollercoaster of mostly good with a few ups and downs to keep it exciting. BTW I found a new car finally! Well a Newer car, new to me that is :) I'm so thankful for sure to finally have a nice ride (SUV) and one that should last for many years to come :) Santa must have had me on the good list this year... LOL .

Happy new Years 2023 and may this year bring many great frosty nugs, good vibes, good luck and all the other beautiful things life can offer!
Merry Christmas 🎄
Merry Christmas to you too 420 Magazine, Rob and Staff! Thanks for keeping such a good forum for canna-enthusiasts globally!

Best wishes and cheers to an amazing 2023!
Hey Sparks! Merry Christmas to you and your family too!

Yea 2022 has been a rollercoaster of mostly good with a few ups and downs to keep it exciting. BTW I found a new car finally! Well a Newer car, new to me that is :) I'm so thankful for sure to finally have a nice ride (SUV) and one that should last for many years to come :) Santa must have had me on the good list this year... LOL .

Happy new Years 2023 and may this year bring many great frosty nugs, good vibes, good luck and all the other beautiful things life can offer!
Oh right on bro! Glad to hear that you got some wheels again and don't have to be worrying about that no more. And like you said, its new to you so its still kind of exciting, ya know. And it seems that gas is finally starting to go down again, or at least a little bit. Lol! Anywho- so glad to that things are starting to go your way.
Lets keep the momentum going right on into the new year! 🎄😊
Happy New Year 2023 everyone! Hope everyone is off to a great start of the year. Today is my last day off work and then back to the grind, but I actually like my job so really not a bad thing at all :)

Well the 88g13HP grow/seed project is coming to an end... as today is day 67 of flowering from the flip. I am not sure what happened to this grow, as the same crap happened again that has been happening. I really think it might be one of the bottled nutrient additives doing this because I can't figure it out.

The plants were in perfect health and growing very well, I fed them nutrient less feeding of just R/O water and 1/4 tap water, with added enzymes, microbes and that was it... and a few days later... all of the plants, ALL of them showed the fan leaves dying and starting to brown. This happens every single grow lately right around day 50 of flowering and I can not figure it out at all. I've been trying to keep everything standard and watching my pH, watching the feeding volumes and I just don't get it.. So frustrated with growing as of lately. I feel like I'm getting worse at it with time... and a lot of it probably has to do with my interest level in it fading rather much lately. I just don't have the care that I had before to research, and perfect my grows... anyways as you can see I'm extremely frustrated with it lately.

Anyhow, since we are at day 67 and some nice tiger stripe seeds are showing, its time to kill the lights, and start harvesting these plants to hang dry and get ready for de seeding.

In general, the 88G13HP really was not impressive at all to me. Probably has a lot to do with only having 2 females, but there is nothing special at all about the female that I have, trichome production is average, terpenes are not special at all (smells like just cheap mexican brick weed) and the buds are kind of airy and not very dense. I'm sure some of this has to do with my not caring lately but still my "mothers" clones in the same grow have far better buds, and more terpenes.

Well at least I know what it is and hopefully it breeds well into the other strains to create something fantastic. I will have to re-explore these in the future as I really would have liked to find a better phenotype to run with as the one I have is just not really amazing, and just average.

Other than that, not sure what my next grow, project will be. I've really been kind of wanting to start exploring some of the genetics I made and have a few of my creations in veg right now. I'm really contemplating on getting rid of most of my "mothers" as I just don't want to take care of so many plants anymore. I think I'm past that "plant daddy hoarder" phase where now I just want simple. LOL.

Well other than that, the new year is off to a good start. Got a newer vehicle so no more uber/taxi to work for me. Got a great deal on a really nice used SUV so pretty stoked overall and it should last a long time hopefully. Will have to do a little body/paint work as I discovered a nice paint missing spot on the roof that I missed when I bought it, but nothing major that either a simple spray at a paint shop will fix, or some self done priming and painting in my free time.

Well hope everyone is off to a great year! lets make it an awesome one!

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