Icemud's Organic SCROG! Grow 3.0

Hey bro... since I read about your possible PM issues I've been thinking... Have you considered using straight, undiluted microbe tea as a foliar spray? I have a book on compost tea making that talks about vineyards using fungal dominated teas to combat powdery mildew, downey mildew and Botrytis cinerea one the grape vines. You could also use a very good balanced tea like Natures Own.

I'd be glad to look through it and post some excerpts and additional info if you're interested. I can also see what they have for fungal tea recipes in the book.

Hey bro... since I read about your possible PM issues I've been thinking... Have you considered using straight, undiluted microbe tea as a foliar spray? I have a book on compost tea making that talks about vineyards using fungal dominated teas to combat powdery mildew, downey mildew and Botrytis cinerea one the grape vines. You could also use a very good balanced tea like Natures Own.

I'd be glad to look through it and post some excerpts and additional info if you're interested. I can also see what they have for fungal tea recipes in the book.


I actually was using my compost tea, undiluted earlier in veg...maybe 3 weeks ago? At the time I wasn't noticing any PM so it could have been the compost tea keeping it away but not really sure...too many variables have changed since then to really tell. My next feeding after this EJ feeding will be a strait compost tea so I will definitely give it a try and watch for results if the PM keeps up... Today I looked at the girls and didn't see any PM...its weird almost as it comes and hopefully it's gone for good but we will see... Great suggestion, I was thinking the same thing as I really try to stay as natural as possible :)

I actually was thinking about using my Earthjuice Tea as a foliar, since its all natural things like guano's, soft rock phosphate, brewers yeast and other naturals... its very similar to a compost tea, what do you think?

So far I have found these things as effective in either preventing or fending off PM...

Milk and water at a 1:10 ratio
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and water (1tbsp per liter i think)
neem oil
potassium bicarbonate
potassium silicate
sulfur burners

From what I was reading, some of the effective methods involve raising the PH of the leaf above 8 and the PM can't thrive and dies off. Some of the other methods like the neem oil chokes out the PM by starvation and doesn't allow the spread of spores...

So far I have tried the milk, neem, potassium silicate, and baking soda, and its been keeping it very minimal..

I'm keeping watch at the RH and trying my best to keep it below 50% as well, but its really hard to do with the coastal weather, (marine layer). I usually try to keep my wall heater running all day to dry out the air slightly and have been only foliar feeding with the lights on, but raised as high as possible, and only lowering back down when the leaves are completely dry. When I have been applying the PM foliar treatments, I have been using a more harsh spray to blast off any spores and PM that I can, making sure to coat, leaves tops and bottoms and stems. If you find anything else that I haven't listed, I would love to see what ya have :) I just want to get rid of it completely before flowering if possible :) I would hate to have to scrap these platinum bubba's...
On Subcool's channel, his buddy Dave swears by lemon juice sprayed on to combat PM. Raises the pH, PM can't grow, use up till harvest.
I made a new grow video...not too bad I guess for a "non" pro My specialty is in music mixing and mastering but video is like a foreign

I made a new grow video...not too bad I guess for a "non" pro My specialty is in music mixing and mastering but video is like a foreign


Looks good to me! O yea, +Reps for the vid my it your 1st one you have posted? I dont think Ive seen any others if not...
Thanks everyone for the comments on the video! It took me a while to get around to making some more... I had made a few video's on my first grow but for some reason a while back I removed them from youtube, and then my computer those ones are just memories I will try to do a video every few weeks to show the progress, I find it a little easier to get the full "feel" of the grow by video, more so than a photo. :)

I also want to do some instructional video's at some point, right now its not my priority but I will get around to it eventually.

Well the girls today are looking great! I did burn a few of the leaves with my High PH foliar spray, it worked in getting rid of the PM (so far) but it did at the sacrifice of some leaves. Still nothing to worry about, much more worried about the PM... Since the girls watering the other day, they have again started to explode into growth and really seem to have taken on to there new soil and smartpots. I accidently broke a pretty large branch off of one of my Platinum bubba's and I tried to fix it by tape, but it just was too big to repair, so I stuck her in a root riot plug, put her under some light, and we will see if she roots... will be a pretty big clone if she does :)

The first one to hit the screen is the Silverback OG, she was the smallest of all the plants for the first few weeks and now has shot up to be the tallest, not too bushy though, she really didn't take onto the LST as well as the others, but still super healthy looking and very bright green!

As for the others they just aren't moving as fast as the holy grail and the silverback Og's. I am thinking a may switch out my 400w Ushio MH and put in my Ceramic metal halide soon, because it has slightly less blue, but very heavy red, good blue and full spectrum. I think the increased red will allow for the plants to stretch slightly more.

Ceramic Metal Halide

Ushio Optiblue

Ushio Optired HPS
In my video, do you see how the smoke in the beginning intro stays all close to the table... I have been wondering why it does this... It seems to have to do with living very close to the ocean, because at other places more inland the smoke floats upwards...but almost always at my place, after I smoke a bowl and set it down, the smoke pools up like spilled milk... its pretty cool :) anyone else seen this...

I know that you can do similar things with a cold mug so I wonder if it has to do with the pressure in the air or something being condensed? Any clues? I will try to make a better video showing it...
might have more to do than just being near the ocean maybe the temps and the salty humidity? lack of a breeze? who knows
were all near the ocean here and it still goes upwards lol
I'm near the ocean and yes when i set my milky bowl down it sticks to the table. its almost like the smoke at that point is so dense its heavier than air. I don't know if it has anything to do with the ocean? nice vid tho! +reps!
might have more to do than just being near the ocean maybe the temps and the salty humidity? lack of a breeze? who knows
were all near the ocean here and it still goes upwards lol

Yeah its a weird phenomenon, about a 1/2 mile away the smoke goes upward, but for some reason at my place (about a 1/2 mile from the ocean) the smoke goes down. I guess maybe its like the marine layer in how it hangs low to the ground..

I'm near the ocean and yes when i set my milky bowl down it sticks to the table. its almost like the smoke at that point is so dense its heavier than air. I don't know if it has anything to do with the ocean? nice vid tho! +reps!

Yeah I was curious if other's had this happen as well...Nowhere except for close to the water I have seen this... pretty cool to watch when medicated :)
Damn Icemud your grow video was dope. Plants are doing great as well.
Im on board for this. I have been MIA for awhileor else I probably would
have subbed first page.

Cheers and keep em green buddy.

Glad to have ya back Shottafire!!! Hopefully this will be even more exciting when I hit flowering in a few weeks :)
Here are some photo's of the would be day 46 of veg.






Today is day 48 Veg and the ladies continue to thrive! I mixed up a batch of 6-5-3-3 (calcium carbonate, soft rock phosphate, gypsum, lava sand) and topdressed each of the girls. I worked this re-mineralization mix into the top 1" of my soil as the girls will most likely get a watering tomorrow.

I also mixed up my next feeding, which is going to be a very light compost tea.

4.5 gallons of 0ppm R/O D/I water with:

nylon/teabag: worm casings (approx 1 cup) and Ancient Forest humus (approx 1 cup)
1 Tbsp of molasses
13ml of Advanced Nutrients Liquid carboload (sugars)
15ml of Hygrozyme (enzymes)
20ml humic acid

Here are the photos I quickly shot while mixing the re-mineralization mix and after I top dressed.





Astoundedddddddddd ASTOUNDED!!!!

Thanks Critik!!!! I am quite amazed myself!!! Can't wait to see what happens in flowering!
Thanks Critik!!!! I am quite amazed myself!!! Can't wait to see what happens in flowering!

yep id like to see how well this goes in flowering, your girls is looking top shape
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