Lem's 2015 Indoor/Outdoor/Anywhere It'll Grow Journal

Dude, in the past I haven't had any problems growing plants in different stages together, as long as they are all in flowering stage and all females. Now I would not put a plastic bag over any plant, but a big card board box works bitchen, I've done that on serveral occations. Hope that helps buddy. TOAST

I tried to walk away, but then I read this and decided to start reading on the bus as I head back home. Definitely my kind of guy. How did I miss you? Guys, how did one of you not grab me? Geez guys. :laughtwo:
I'm still back on page two and DAMN!!! How glad I am to have been led here right before I started playing with clones for the first time later this week. This is one of the nicest things to have happened in a week of nice things. That MagicJim has turned out to be a sweet new friend.

Ok. Back to reading. Drat! Now I have to get off the bus and buy groceries. Who wants to think about groceries NOW!!

Later TOAST. I hope we get to be good friends. You make me laugh all the time. :battingeyelashes:

Oh yeah, nice soil beefcake shot on page one. Great hair man.
Ok I decided that the plants that came out of the tree house, need the sun more than the ones in the waterfall, so I switched them earlier this morning:
so that was a big pain, but I got er dun.
Well, POOP! Only 25 pages to get caught up on. Be back ASAP. :thumb:
OK, I only have one lifetime so I'll start here. What a terrific journal.:nicethread: Lembatoast, My wife says we look like brothers!(dirtpile photo on the beginning of your journal) Your hair is longer but my beard is equal, hair and beard are the sanme color.. Since I live in growing zone 3 all my stuff is indoors, I really like the use of your land.:peace:
I don't know where all you new people are coming from, but welcome, glad your here, hope you enjoy, and get some good laugh's, its all about having fun. If you really want to see some really beautiful plants, check out Cola Monster, his plants blow me away. High Kushtie, if you noticed, that's over the one end of the cage. That's why I moved the tree house clones into the water fall and the ones in the waterfall that only have a week or so to go into the cage. I'm just waiting for the Trich's to go cloudy and those are done. The plants I grow in the cage I have to rotate them every other day because of that corrugated crap. If I was to just let them grow under that green corrugated crap, the buds would never completely form. So I say no its not good for growing under. Hope that helps TOAST
OK, I only have one lifetime so I'll start here. What a terrific journal.:nicethread: Lembatoast, My wife says we look like brothers!(dirtpile photo on the beginning of your journal) Your hair is longer but my beard is equal, hair and beard are the sanme color.. Since I live in growing zone 3 all my stuff is indoors, I really like the use of your land.:peace:

Then we are all brothers. LembaT looks more like me than my natural brother. My hair and beard were that color, but I grew some brown back in the hair after escaping the first wife. My beard hasn't been that short in about 25 years (about the time of my last haircut) :)
Sweetie Sue, I thought we were all ready friends. I've been checkin you out, you do some way cool stuff. I'm not aloud to swear any more so it makes it hard to complete a sentence. LOL Keep up the good work girl, I think your real cool. TOAST Oh and thanks for the props.

We've been passing in the threads, but I never made the effort to stop and really get to know you TOAST, and that appears to have been a grave error. Let me catch up and then I can sit back and read some more early stuff when you were totally unfettered. You have the most delightful nature. I'm sorry they don't let you swear anymore. You did it with such panache that there should have been an exception. :laughtwo:

It's kinda nice bring in the company of all these sexy long-haired and bearded gray foxes. :battingeyelashes: Mmmmm
Sweetie SUUUUE, LOL, when ever, at some point in your life, go and read the last page of my 2014 Journal. Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal. Here's the thing with me, F. U . C. K. is an abreveation for, Fore Unlawful Cardinal Knowledge, how did this ever become a swear word. I mean there only words people, they only mean what you let them. My very best friend in to world is BLACK. He and his wife had two kids, a girl 12 and a boy 2 years old, when I met him 30 some odd years ago. The very first time I go to his house he is telling Johnathan his two year old, Nigga go get us a beer, Nigga go tell your mom were hungry, Nigga wipe your mouth, you get the idea. Now James doesn't talk Gangsta around any body but Johnathan. It started to Fore Unlawful Cardinal Knowledgeing pissing me off. Sorry 420, this will be the last time, but you got to admit its funny. I let it slide for a couple of years. Then one time we were doing shrooms and I say to James why the Fore Unlawful Cardinal Knowledge do you do that. ROTFL He answers me because when he gets in school and some one calls him that, it wont effect him like it did me when I was growing up. Now if that's not brilliant I don't know what is. You all see my point. Now I don't care , if you got polka dots, the only people I'm prejudice against, are MEAN PEOPLE. Well their's my RANT for the day. Hope nobody was offended. TOAST
Sweetie SUUUUE, LOL, when ever, at some point in your life, go and read the last page of my 2014 Journal. Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal. Here's the thing with me, F. U . C. K. is an abreveation for, Fore Unlawful Cardinal Knowledge, how did this ever become a swear word. I mean there only words people, they only mean what you let them. My very best friend in to world is BLACK. He and his wife had two kids, a girl 12 and a boy 2 years old, when I met him 30 some odd years ago. The very first time I go to his house he is telling Johnathan his two year old, Nigga go get us a beer, Nigga go tell your mom were hungry, Nigga wipe your mouth, you get the idea. Now James doesn't talk Gangsta around any body but Johnathan. It started to Fore Unlawful Cardinal Knowledgeing pissing me off. Sorry 420, this will be the last time, but you got to admit its funny. I let it slide for a couple of years. Then one time we were doing shrooms and I say to James why the Fore Unlawful Cardinal Knowledge do you do that. ROTFL He answers me because when he gets in school and some one calls him that, it wont effect him like it did me when I was growing up. Now if that's not brilliant I don't know what is. You all see my point. Now I don't care , if you got polka dots, the only people I'm prejudice against, are MEAN PEOPLE. Well their's my RANT for the day. Hope nobody was offended. TOAST

I'm just now getting to know you and I absolutely adore you. :laughtwo: Looking for someone to carry that soil and water? :battingeyelashes:

Couldn't agree with you more. Respect given raises strong solid personalities. I live in a ghetto. The stories I could tell..... I always want to stop and say "When he's 15 and cussing you out, remember this moment, when you taught him that." I'm a maverick mom who homeschooled hers primarily because I didn't want any other adult telling MY children what to do. That was my job. I wanted shepherds, not sheep, so I raised them to be self-motivated and free as hell. It worked out right nice, if you discount the fact that the son lost his balls somewhere after marrying, but whatever.
And this is what 102 plants, clones and seedlings look like after being put to bed. Theres 120 plants total.
All right that's really it. TOAST

Dude you a rocking it hard! I'm just amazed by how many plants and the knowledge you have. Yes I'm one of those youngsters you talk about but I thank you for bringing this old school (better school IMO) approach to my eyes. I love learning from people who are older than me :)
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