Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

I'm no expert, but doesn't that root ball look a bit small?

It's confusing. The root ball looks like it might have been root bound at the gallon baggie size. But it also looks like roots were taking off from the root ball. If the plant were root bound I would expect failure to grow long before the plant dried out.

This is multiple plants now. Can you take the rootball to a local agricultural dept at a college? I would suggest agricultural extension agent, but I think they would be too nosy about the type of plant:)
Lem, you have too much sand there in my humble opinion, hence the water drains quickly. Compost helps retain it, so maybe you could start adding it to the soil. Just an idea.
Yeah, how there is not more roots than that on the big plant I do not know lol.

Conrad I think he amended the soil in the beginning, but I believe by now it has all been broken down, and your right the soil gets dry real quick where he is. Probably could use some kind of mulch-based compost. I like Kelloggs stuff from Home Depot (here in the states ofc), they have some good stuff. One of them is called "N-Rich" Anyway, yeah I don't see how that plant could survive without any deep taproots to get where the water is. Must have dried up like a bone.

Have a good Skunkday Lem, with the wicked single digit humidity and 100+ temps we've had down here I am not super surprised to see some casualities. You do the best damn job you can. Keep it up :thumb:
Well my friends all your Ideas have merrit, But I think its the Sensi Bloom shit. The reason the root balls look like that is because I just grabed the stalk and ripped it out of the ground and then smacked the root ball on the ground to get rid of the dirt. LOL.It seems that the fuck up ones, fucked up right after I gave them the Sensi Bloom and thats the only thing I did drifferent this time. Who Knows.I took another branch of SLH. Heres some pics.:
I dont know why these pictures came out so well I didnt even use the Tri Pod. I guess its time for another Update so tomorrow.Alot has changed sense the last one.Conradino your right this natural High Desert Soil is comprized all most completely of Sand, Clay and Rocks.That only promotes good drainage. I hope all your plants are doing better than mine, at least the ones on the hill. Right before I started writing this I, smeared a paper with some BHO and rolled a joint of SLH and now Im so High I got to go. TOAST LOL
You know I heard about this three leg-id dawg that limped into the saloon and said "Im lookin for the man who shot my paw"and coinsadentaly in that same saloon earlyer there was a mushroom buyin every body drinks.Boy was he a fungi to be with. ( I know dont quit my day job )2014 Outdoor Update (2amPDT) I was feeling kinda frisky,but the old lady wasnt so I did a night time update.Every one of the plants on this side of the hill are now all replacement plants.
and thats the hill. Now for the cage.:
The top of planter #2 :
Planter#1 and Waterfall.:
Im going to be going thru planter #1 and pullin the buds that arnt right.:
Boy that planter #2 is smokin like a motherfucker. At least one things going right LOL Well im a gona smoke the other half of that joint from earlyer and go lay down . Later TOAST
Good morning weed Toast. Buds are looking pretty dam nice. There is going to be a lot of jars full at the end. Very nice. As far as the plants that are dying I have no clue. I does kind of look like nute burn. I had one that I screwed up with and fertilized twice in the same day and it looked a little like yours. Happy Days :passitleft:
This picture does not do the Moon justis. At 4:00am it was 68 degrees and at least as light as it is 15 min.before dark. You didnt need any flashlight or Headlight in my case to traverse the hill or any place else you wanted to go. Its funny but I think it would actually be darker in town then where there is no external light sorces. Any way have a good one TOAST.:
The next installment of the dismantling of Planter #1. Heres a few more branches I took out of the planter.:
Boy let me tell you I am warn out. I woke up this morning about a little after 5 am, Litterally lieing in a POOL OF BLOOD, around a quart. The Tumor broke open, witch it does on occation,(no big deal) and took hours to clean up.Bloods a bitch. Later Fellow Babies. TOAST
Hope you have it under control now, lem! It didn't sound so cool!
Wow! Glad to hear you are feeling better today. That was a wicked update, those SLH plants grew so cool. Really awesome branching on them. Really cool man!

Say hi to the Ol Lady me and have a great rest of the day brother Lem!
Nute burn or sunburn? Not sure... I know that in Florida there are toxic grasshoppers that spray the plants, but haven't heard of those kind over in Socal.... I'm thinking more along the lines of nuteburn though. Over fertilized? I dunno. Just guessing :passitleft:
I second that, probably nute burn. Ain't ya cookin' this soil of yours a lil' bit too hot, lem? :)
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