Look Noobie Ash is Freezing Bubbling 2L Hempy's at the Blue Planet

good weed to you Ash:)
hi, just flicking through these journals,
fish cake is spot in with the 20-4 for doing a reveg, 18-6 is also ok but takes a lot longer, you would need around 2 to 3 weeks for a plant to reveg, it goes through some crazy growth and some funky looking leaves but it sorts itself out, after your left with a monster cropped plant,
a plant thats revegged grows like crazy and you get many many branches, you get branches all over the place, id say 5 to 10 times more than the mother plant had, but it takes time to reveg,

its also possible to reveg using a cfl, you would only need 1 cfl per plant to reveg or if the clones/ plants are small then 1 cfl will put a few plants back into veg then you could put them under glr to veg them for a while, but getting them to reveg under glr would not be possible, if anything it would make them turn hermie due to interupting their flowering cycle with light during the dark period, its not a problem in veg but once the plant is flowering it would just stress it and make it go hermie,

i know its a pain setting up another light but it would only need a desk lamp with a 30watt 6400k cfl or hang a couple of them 20watt cfls around the plants and have them on 18-6 or 20-4 or even 24-0, i guess 24-0 would be the quickest option to get them to reveg, but its a slow process and ive had plants take anything up to and over 3 weeks, for the first week their is not much change, the 2nd week they grow some weird leaves, some curl like spirals, some leaves have leaves growing out the stem of the leaf, it really makes them do some crazy growth, but by week 3 the leaves are sorted then you get the crazy growth.

its interesting to try if you have not reveg before, ive done it a few times, i harvest my plants and if i like that look of one of them and i didnt take clones then i harvest most of it and just leave 2 or 3 small popcorn buds on it after harvest then wack it under some cfls to reveg, you end up with a plant that has many tops as if its been grown under a scrog, its more of a bush than a tall plant,

but the results are good and plenty of bud after its revegged and flowered again,

just my 2 cents worth,

More like 200 cents:Namaste: Thank you for sharing your experiences. :high-five: For sure something to think about.:cheesygrinsmiley:
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :woohoo:

The first plant is turning, caught just a couple amber tric's in the scope. :). What kind of time estimate can anyone give till I get to 10 to 20% amber. Trying to figure out when to start flushing. She's just shy of 8 weeks since the flip. Little thing lived through my first grow :) Won't be much to trim but I like the quality and it has a pungent citrus smell. :bigtoke:
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :woohoo:

The first plant is turning, caught just a couple amber tric's in the scope. :). What kind of time estimate can anyone give till I get to 10 to 20% amber. Trying to figure out when to start flushing. She's just shy of 8 weeks since the flip. Little thing lived through my first grow :) Won't be much to trim but I like the quality and it has a pungent citrus smell. :bigtoke:

Congrats Ash! Could be as little as a couple days. Keep a close eye on her. You going to put her in the dark for a few days?
Yes I was going to. So tomorrow morning, Would you flush and put in the dark before lights on?

I'm not a big proponent of flushing unless you fucked up so bad it's your last resort. I would just give her straight water, enough so she won't wilt while she's in the dark. And unplug the lights whenever.
i agree about the flushing also, i think its only really worth flushing if you have really messed up by giving to much nutes or some other problem that could kill the plant,
i grow both 2ltr dwc hempies and grow in soil as well, all i do in soil is stop giving nutes for the last 2 weeks, let the plant use up what it can and you dont need to worry about flushing which in itself can cause problems and make the buds take longer to dry out i find with a soil grow,

with the 2ltr dwc hempies they just need a couple of days of strait water, plust BPN is organic so a flush is really not needed,

as for when its best to harvest it all depends where you checked the plant for amber trichs, if you only seen them on 1 or 2 buds then id leave it a bit longer, i wait until i can see amber on the bottom buds as well,
with my soil plants i always follow this rule, if the plant looks ready to harvest then give it another 2 weeks, you want them calyx to swell right up, these do this in the last week or 2 of flower, basically all them white pistils are attached to seed pods, when these pods get pollen they swell up with a seed inside, but a sensi crop produces no seeds but these calyx still swell up and look like that got seeds in, (sorry if im explaining stuff you all ready know but its good for new growers to read as it helps everyone)

another thing is when you want to harvest, some growers harvest at 100% cloudy trichs, this is when thc is at its strongest, when the trichs turn amber and start to wilt this means the thc is turning into cbn's, which does increase the couch lock affect, i like to keep mine going until most buds have around 25% amber trichs, just have a good check of all the buds and make sure you got amber trichs on most the buds, after harvest the trichs will continue to turn amber slightly for a few days.

at the end of the day its your grow, do what you feel is best, you can grow more plants and we all live and learn, i always harvested way to early, i was pretty shocked when i was told to give the plant 2 weeks more which i dont think yours need by the sounds of it, id say your not far from harvest, but when i waited and all the pistils turned brown and shrivled then the calyx swelled right up, then when i dried the buds they did not shrink as much as buds that was harvest early,

so if you happy with the way your plant looks and its ready to harvest then i wouldnt flush as its not needed, just water for a couple of days before putting into dark, ive only given my plants 24 t0 48 hours of dark period once and i could not see any difference between the plants i was growing of the same strain, but many growers swear by it and say it helps the plant produce more trichs, if this is the case then these trichs would be imature if their new trichs, ive not really looked into this much so not the best to advise but when i sampled buds from a plant harvested without dark and a plant given 48 hours of dark,

maybe its not the trichs that benefit from the dark period, maybe i dont know enough to know what it does, i know many growers use this method, maybe if i knew more about it id give it another try,
at the moment im running pruning tests and just started a new 2ltr dwc hempie,

but sounds like your grow has gone great and your about to reap the rewards,

happy harvesting my friend
I think I will follow both of your advice which is about the same. I only saw like three or four amber guys on one of the main cola's. I can be patient I've got smoke, with my last "bought" bag, plus I did some trimming this week of lower buds thats drying now. So I will just stop feeding. Keep a close eye on the tric's and as it get farther along then I will put it in the dark for a couple few. Even if the dark period doesn't help it sure wont hurt. I'm looking for quality. My goal for growing not hurry up and make money for the house payment. I just want to keep my money in my back pocket, keep a couple family members in medicine, make a little money to put back into the set-up. None of those goals fall in line with harvesting early. :thumb:
My purchases this week will be the scale I've been eyeing at the hydro store, and a case of canning jars. :high-five:

Thank you :420: and all of it's members, not even going to try to mention everyone to scared to miss someone. Without the wealth of knowledge shared freely here I would not even be close to where I'm at. If there was a button to give a giant Rep to everyone and the site, I would hit it till my computer locked up! :thanks: :Namaste: :thanks: :Namaste: :thanks: :Namaste: :thanks:. Much love from the Ash2man family. :peace:
Some shots of the girl coming down. I hurt the yield by not having enough light as evidenced by the last pic. You can see the node spacing was good but the lack of light made the buds stretch away from the main stem instead of joining up. :thedoubletake:



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