Ok, I totally understand why Lemon OG Candy can produce 2 kilos if grown properly. This is my Lemon OG Candy at 8 weeks from germination.
Hey brother Mel! Sorry to hear you are having health issues. Good luck with your surgery, keep us update. Your plants are looking amazing, and good eye's on catching your calcium deficiency early. :high-five: They're all getting big and looking strong. Your set for a killer harvest!
This MIGHT be the last time I get to post for a couple of weeks. All depends on how fast I can recover from my surgery tomorrow.
Already have a plan for my plants to be taken care of while I am down. Remember those friends I was talking about lol...

It's been really dry as far as rain is concerned. Hot too, temps have been in the 90's(F), lows in the 70's and the low 80's. Humidity has stayed above the 50% mark. Watching the plants to see when they need water, and then giving them 10 gallons softly and slowly until I have achieved runoff. Have given each plant a gallon of Mega Crop, with Alaska fish fertilizer company cal-mag supplement added.

On with the plant porn...

In order of appearance....
Red Diesel
Peyote Critical
Lemon OG Candy
Triple Cheese
Plant and cola of each...


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Hey Mel, hoping your surgery went smoothly and that you're back to full health in no time. Your plants are looking good, it's great to see them producing flowers now! :slide:
Rest up.
Okay, time for an update. Surgery went well, doctor was surprised that I could even walk prior, and I seem to be recovering better than expected as well.

Once I got home and got to see my plants, I was in the nick of time to prevent the Red Diesel from dying from lack of water, otherwise everything else was fine. Just wanted a drink of water.

Odd timing, but while I was in my patch, I heard a muffled "pop". My Peyote Critical had branches so heavy with bud, that the branches snapped. Couldn't brace them nor repair the damage, so I cut them.

They were all doing great in the bud production department!

That is, until the last Monday of August.

That is when 2 officers from the Kentucky State Police, marijuana eradication detachment and asked me if I could show them my plants. So I did. They pulled up the plants, took them to the truck and gave me a ticket for growing less than 5 plants. So my season is over. The cops knew that I was growing them to use as medical treatment, they even said as much. So I have to go to court on the 17th.

Now I have to redouble my efforts to get this plant legalized.
gave me a ticket for growing less than 5 plants.

So if you were growing 5, they would have left them alone..? :hmmmm:

Maybe that was a typo.

I’m so sorry for that!! That’s absolutely terrible!

I’m so glad they legalized growing up to 4 plants for personal use in Canada.

I hope all 50 states follow suite and just legalize already!

I wish you luck at court! Fingers crossed!
They pulled up the plants
So while the cops are out pulling weeds...the real criminals are busy
stealing stuff,cooking their meth, killing people, etc.
That is such a crock of shit!
Good Luck in court-hopefully, you go before a reasonable judge!
I'm so sorry to hear Mel. All your hard work ripped out like it's nothing. Worst part is now you need to make other plans for your meds. Man it's sad.

Sorry Mel - but your plants were damn awesome! :bravo:
Okay, here in Kentucky less than 5 plants for a first time offense, is a misdemeanor. 5 plants or more, is a felony. I intentionally kept only 4 photoperiod plants and 2 autoflowers for my grow this year. I had already harvested the autoflowers when they discovered my patch, so I dodged a felony. Which is what I meant to do!

These are the last pictures of my plants. The buds were so heavy on the peyote critical, that I lost 2 branches. That seeming loss turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because I was drying them when the cops showed up and they didn't even search for anything but my patch of plants. I cooperated fully, lmao.

I told them everything I knew about each strain. They seemed impressed, and said that they were the best looking plants that they had seen so far. Just one of my plants covered up the 5 plants that they had already seized earlier. I know that I'm not an expert or master gardener, but I'm not exactly a newb/ novice either.

My growing days are over until we get it legalized... I can't afford to get a felony. Pictures are from 2 days before the cops took them away.


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Gnarly scar Mel! Looks like it's healing well. Do you reckon the cops got tipped off by a nosey neighbor or do they just randomly search yards?
Wow what a trip it’s been for you. I’m so sorry this happened. I’ve never had a plant ripped away like that from me, I imagine your devastated!

Your plants looked great! :bravo:

And an incredible scar to go with the story!!

I’ve got many, many scars on my body. I almost look as them as free tattoos, that have an incredible story behind them.

I once had, over a metre of lacerations on my leg. Over three hundred stitches. That was not, fun! But I lived and can only look forward!
Gnarly scar Mel! Looks like it's healing well. Do you reckon the cops got tipped off by a nosey neighbor or do they just randomly search yards?
Nah, it was the "bear in the air"( cops flying in a helicopter) that found them. I saw the helicopter flying over them and thought that I was safe, when after a couple of hours no cops showed up. No, they waited a couple of weeks before they came calling. I wasn't going to harvest them until they were ready, no matter what. Mistake? Probably. But then they would have torn my house apart, so maybe this was the better outcome after all. The drying branches would have resulted in further charges most likely.

The picture of my neck is just one day before the cops came, so you are seeing pretty much what they saw, as they followed me to my patch. They knew that I was growing for medicinal use, and that it was all for me.
Well, even though those two branches were really premature, they still are pretty decent smoke!

I ended up with a half gallon jar of Peyote Critical. No telling what the weight WOULD HAVE been.):): Regardless I got something out of it. And, even though premature, I am pleased with the end product.

I'm going to say this right here for @Barney's Farm to let them know that if they don't continue this strain, they are making a HUGE mistake. Yeah, I think that it is THAT GOOD! Mine turned out with an aroma reminiscent of grapefruit, but didn't taste like grapefruit at all. Not really sure how to describe the taste, but maybe a little like weak coffee?

Anyway I have to get busy trying to get the law changed. I can't take NSAIDS, and I refuse to take the opioids that the doctors WANT to prescribe. Cannabis is the only thing that I know of that is left.
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