Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

Hi greenjeans, aint nature grand? I wouldn't worry after the worms get done with it. I wouldn't put it straight in.
If you have it composted for a winter should be fine...I've found seaweed takes a while to break down.
Where do you get your Hemlock from?? That porch looks sweet be nice for a green house. Black flies are showing up here right now but not too bad. The snow kept them down I'm thinking.. we had 4 days in a row of snow and freezing temps.
We had snow last week and then the black flies came on strong, so we were enjoying the screen house yesterday.

I get rough cut hemlock locally as there is a lot of it here and generally cheap...also good rot resistance. When we get it is is usually wet so there is some shrinkage.
Yes indeed. Temps are flexing muscle. 80s today. Tomorrow who knows.

cannot wait to see Satori and Mandela #1 again.
I need to grab some photos, but about a dozen popped...of course when you don't care you get almost 100% germ rate! I got some local Abenaki corn (from a friend) and I plan to co-plant them in the field which currently has my winter pigs (they are moving to another pasture soon).
that is wicked cool. I know once upon a time they would be companion plants in corn fields for security reasons. sounds like a plan!!
pretty much the same reason now :eye-roll: planning on a global pandemic causing some distractions this summer.
I've found seaweed takes a while to break down.
This stuff seems really dense - nothing like it comes out - I've tried a 1 - 4 mixture rate as a sample - too soon to see if the plants have responded but when it dries the surface seems more "crusty" than I would like. Mixture may have been too rich.
Well damn, it's been a while and I am out of practice on this posting thing. How quickly things in the world can pivot from shitty to extra shitty! Me and mine are all good and, truth be told, enjoying quarantine and social distancing immensely. If you recall I mentioned the CNC project, but we quickly pivoted to making PPE on 3D and laser printers. That started 6 weeks ago and we are literally doing it 24/7. There are three of us and we rotate in and swap out the 3D machines which take 4.5 hours to make 2 face shields. Inefficient and slow, but options are limited so we make do. A year ago we could have (and should have) ordered these from China for 25 cents each....the next best thing is to start making them here, and just focus on improving efficiency. Polymer molds would be easier and quicker, but getting those materials affordably and reliably is also a challenge. So we forge onward. Another thing we just took on is making desk barriers for the schools in our area. Again, sourcing the clear acrylic is always the challenge since demand is high and supply is dwindling (another damn thing we don't make affordably/reliably in the US). We designed a simple 3/4" plywood base for desks and rectangular and round desks. We start tomorrow on our first batch of 250.

And yeah, I got some cannabis going :) ...not as much of a focus this year because you pandemic, riots, government imploding...shit like that. Between getting ready for summer guests (Cabin and Cottage currently occupied) and planting gardens and dealing with pigs and chickens I remembered to drop some seeds. The new thing for me this summer is I will have some growing outside in the field in plain sight of the Cabin and Cottage. I figured if there a year to be like "fvck it", this was it. Those are Mandala #1 and Sartori, and I also have some 8 Mile High, Cali Dream and Fruitylicous, all from Mandala Genetics. Also dropped one of @Van Stank 's Kushberry and a Northern Soul, which got good feedback from last years crop. I think there was more, but I forget and you see them later. No White Bhutanese this summer because I still have over an elbow of that in the root cellar. We got an inch of rain yesterday and I got the outdoor plant in the ground the day before. Checked them today and they looked happy. Pics coming soon.

Hope you all are keeping sane and healthy. If you had any doubts about the things in your life that didn't matter pre-covid, hopefully you've refocused on the things that do and are better moving forward.

Right on brother giving back is a very good thing.

I'm in the ground outside as well same reason figured if this was a good time to say fvck it and grow this is the time.

GL with your lineup outside sound like a winner.

Keep working, fall will be here before you know it.
Highya BH,

Looks like you'll have a nice stash this fall! It will be fun for your guests to see them and want to snitch a couple buds. Loved the rain storm yesterday! Has been so dry. I'm just getting The rest of garden chores done now. I have 9 ladies going. Almost ran out of stash this winter. Good to hear from you again! Happy Smokin'
Highya BH,

Happy 4th to you and yours as well! How's your summer going? Hope you're doing well. Happy Smokin'
A belated Happy 4th to you and the family Blew! Hope the world is treating you guys well this summer
Thanks man...we are actually doing great. Quarantine suits us better than fine ... the less people in my life the better!

Hope you and the Ms are safe down south and keeping that garden under control.

Well, I've been pretty slack getting any info on here in the last few months and I will gladly lay that blame on the pandemic and the shitshow connected to it. I've been putting in a lot of time of other projects, all good and productive, and truthfully haven't been here in weeks. Nonetheless, I did get some plants going for the summer. After some thought, and one day mixing soil and thinking "enough of this", I decided to change it up a little this year. I wanted a later start, and ended up getting a really late start (mid-June for germination) so I combined my late planning and general apathy to moving tons of soil and vermicompost and decided on two (2) things.

1) I am growing some outdoor plants because I have thousands of tons of soil already where I need lifting.
2) I'm using smaller (10g) pots this summer for the greenhouse plants.

I had some seeds from the Satori and Mandala #1 harvests last year so I figured...germinate those free bitches and see what I get. Answer was almost all of them popped, so then I had a lot to plant. I stuck about 10 of them in the field where they get plenty of light and they are surrounded by cover crops of oats and peas. Same field where I ran my pigs 2 summers ago, so hopefully they get sufficient nutrients. They are looking smallish now, but we all know how that goes. Check back in 6 weeks :thedoubletake: I was going to label them, but then I remembered they both had a distinctive profile and bud structure soI knew I'd be able to tell them apart.

I also planted several of the same in pots in 2x greenhouses, and they are definitely growing faster because I have them in some primo soil/vermicompost mix. I just realized some others in there were different than Mandala and Satori, so maybe in the next post I'll update strains. Also have some Northern Soul, Peyote Critical, Purple Kush, and Dopeseeds Skunk.

So, late start but also glad I won't be maniacally trimming them back. I've topped the ones in the GH because I need them shorter, but I'm letting the ones in the field go full tilt.

In the meantime, everyone enjoy their summer and stay safe!


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