Gardenfaerie Auto Fem - CFL to Greenhouse

I wouldn't remove any foliage, but they do look like they're begging to be transplanted soon. Yes, the new shoots certainly have the capability to become new branches, and even those branches have the capability to lead to new branches, so on and so forth. Just depends on the veg time. However, if it began flowering at this stage than they would become just two small localized bud-sites. Can't wait to see these things get put into the ground. :thumb:

Won't be long now. This weekend plants go in the ground.
Better photos.

















I screwed up when I planted the Lemons in the containers. I put them too shallow, but they are almost at the bottom. They were just a little too tall to bring them to the rim with one inch above soil level. When I put them into their next home, the permanent home, I will bury them proper. Other than that, I hope they look okay.

The four in the ground will have a scrog and be trained to only stay within the area given. It's approximately 75 sq ft. I still have to build the screen. I wanted to ask, should each plant have their own, or can I rig it so all plants will come through the one very long screen? I'll set it on top of whatever I build out of PVC pipe and coated wire.

All plants had tons of roots. Plants in the ground got a dose of pelleted gypsum which will also add some sulfur to the soil to keep it friable and loose. There is also some cal/mag in the gyp. Also added was a nice dose broadcasted and mixed into soil a nice 8-2-4 certified organic fertilizer called Lady Bug Brand. It is actually made by the Medina company, but this brand has added molasses to the pellet. It's a beautiful, slow release fertilizer. I can get more specific when the time comes if plants show any deficiencies.

Thoughts? Oh, I didn't remove the foliage yet. Let them calm down and then I will.
Sorry If Ive been unclear my friend lol. I did say a while back that now you can strip lower growth :).
True fluxing is all about flow, everything running off one level.
If wanting a true double flux you would fimm instead of top. Yet fimming takes a good while to develop etc. A norm flux hardly stunts growth when done early enough.
Defol is also key. As your taking energy away from foliage and pushing the plant more for your chosen growth.

Ive actually marked a date this run for my girls so we shall have accurate info on how long in veg each differing flux style takes! :)

As said holla anytime fluxers on my thread in sig :) fluxing central lol. Is a bit quite and may be shut down soon as not really needed is it???????
HORRIBLE photos, but I'll get more later or tomorrow. I had to run back into the little room, if you know what I mean.

The other plant I did has four arms being trained, but those photos did not turn out well. What do you think of this so far? If you can't see them, I understand. I really want a good camera for these blind eyes.



lol you pretty much just potted these and they soaked in all the love and already need a repot haha green thumb! Let me ask this , what is their fave music?
The photos are over in LA's fluxing central journal where he is teaching us. I need to move this journal to completed. The photos do not show the flowers. I saw them later on in the day when I went out with a scope to look.

FULL flower on the WW x BB and Lemon Kush, Money Maker strains are also blooming. I mean gorgeous flowering on the WW x BB. FOK. I can't win. I'll probably just start new seed. I can go up to the pot shop and ask those guys if anyone wants the plants to flower under lights. At least they won't go to waste if I do decide do go with new plants.

More info regarding your issue, a post I made on trichomes thread regarding his plant. Moral of the story - don't panic, post pictures of the current flower status of your plants - either way if they reveg or not, I'm sure you will have fine flowers at the end on large beautiful plants. I'm here to help.

The stretch is strain, phenotype, and environmentally effected. For instance, a lanky tropical sativa would tend to stretch, this type of natural structure can help increase airflow and prevent molds. Whereas another phenotype of the same strain might not have as much of a stretch, which would be an ideal phenotype for trying to keep the plant from going over the fence-line. Another factor that could cause a lot of stretching is being next to the wall. As the sun travels through the sky, day by day, there will be an angle for the shadow, where the plant slowly gets shadowed on its upper growth. The limbs may certainly reach for the sky to try to catch the last bit of rays before the shade comes. So it's certainly possible that the plant, by the time is done growing in Fall, will be very close to the wall-line.

Unless the plant is a very stable autoflower strain, it is going to vegetate all summer and flower in fall and be ready for a harvest in September/October (ideally), since we are getting so close to the Summer solstice in June, and there is no way in hell she would have a chance in finishing flowering before then. She will either go into a small revegetation (which a lot of the times can go unnoticed because the plant just hadn't built up a ton of flowering hormones for it to make a huge difference). So I would say to hope she does not start flowering until sometime in August because that will provide the most of the best, highest quality flowers. I don't see a need to keep picking this plant to the bone, let her be for a while. Just water her and let her grow with the occasional sea-kelp mist. Restrain flexible new growth if possible, but don't take a chance on snapping off woody fibrous growth, it's just not worth it. Even if the growth hardly gets any sun, it can still provide valuable energy to the plant, continually wounding a wounded plant that is still recovering is only going to lower brix levels, which will lower her immune system even more.

I usually only reserve defoliating for the absolute most healthy, vigorous, and hardy specimens that I give the analogy is like trying to control a wild beard, you keep shaving it and shaving it, and it just grows back bigger, better and stronger. I don't see this being the case. She just needs some down-time. The trick is not over-watering at this point, if you can get her to drink her water in a balanced manner, she will metabolize her nutrients better, and infact you will see bigger and better harvests when watering is done correctly. :surf:

Just my two cents 'n all. :allgood:
More info regarding your issue, a post I made on trichomes thread regarding his plant. Moral of the story - don't panic, post pictures of the current flower status of your plants - either way if they reveg or not, I'm sure you will have fine flowers at the end on large beautiful plants. I'm here to help.

I read what you wrote on Trichs journal about the plant height and going over the wall and flowering early. I'll try to get photos of the plants today (close-ups). If they do not reveg, they will not even be one foot tall. And what do they do all summer, just continue to develop flowers?

I have to read some stuff today. I am not going to panic, although this was enough stress to wake me up at 2a and a few other times so I didn't get much sleep. I could have smoked a joint, but truth be told, I didn't think of it. My brains just don't work proper.

If they do not reveg, they will not even be one foot tall. And what do they do all summer, just continue to develop flowers?


They will be forced to re vegetate as we pass through summer solstice regardless. People who harvest their spring plants usually do not cut the entire plant down as it will revegetate and flower a second crop in the fall. Assuming the top most mature flowers have ripened correctly, they leave the bottom most popcorn nugs to revegetate into a whole new beautiful plant.

So regardless of what your plants do, they will grow out of it to become amazing. So don't worry, if anything, take this all is a learning experience for your specific growing region. When a plant is growing all summer it has much more time to transform and grow out of things.

The only time they wouldn't reveg at all is if its an incredibly stable russian ruderalis hybrid
You mentioned something in another thread about the plants which is true, this sums it up :)

Plants are very dynamic and complex organisms that have internal body clocks, like all living things we know of. They can not only sense the amount of daylight changing, but they can sense how fast that light is changing as well. They are highly capable of performing complex calculations that will benefit their survival. :morenutes:
A VERRY good day to you GF

I trust all is well in you garden today!!!

I have just concluded my first outdoor grow and the harvest is now done with the final dry weight coming in at 1.76kg, I have done a full harvest report on my Journal.

I would also like to invite you to my new Winter Grow Journal, as in the past i will be hounder to get your help and input with this new grow!!

InsaneRooster's Insane Greenhouse Winter Grow - 2014

Best and blessed to you!!
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