Gardenfaerie Outdoor Organic Summer 2014 Flux and LST in Ground

Yep, that would be me doing the finger on the mouth while making gargling sounds!

I've been home with Mark, so not online as often as I was. I am still growing out my three plants and will do an update later today. I've been lazy. The plants are indeed setting out to produce resin glands nicely! And they def stink.

We decided not to move just now. It came down too fast and we freaked out. When I look around here it's not like I'm living in squalor.

Hopefully, people in New York are not freaking out with the Ebola doctor. Let me get this straight...the doctor returns from a 24 hour, air traveling extravaganza from the other side of the planet, taking care of Ebola victims. He feels fatigue and achy. So the first fucking thing he does is go bowling in Williamsburg? Is he kidding me? Not that it is easy to get Ebola from that moron, but he's a doctor who cared for Ebola patients. He should have known better. I think all those workers in Africa and elsewhere should be tested and isolated for the full 21 days before returning to the US or if they do come here fine, but stay the fuck home. I'm really pissed off at that asshole. It really negates the good he does and tells me doctors are no smarter than anybody else. I should have known that because Mark's father is a surgeon and he's also, quite possibly, the most ignorant ass on earth. Refers to President Obama as, "that black guy." Fucker.

Sorry I'm in such a crap mood, but this BS is so preventable. Feh.

I miss you guys.
I'm sorry for my blurty rant. I just have so little tolerance for ignorance these days.

I'm off to physical therapy and the second home, a huge fatty. I have a very special monk visiting us tonight. He is Geshe Thubten Soepa. He's a diving man from Bhutan. He is going to cook us a nice dinner tonight at our house with other company. Should be a fun night.

sending love and hugs to you all...
Ah, I'm all calmed down now! Geesh I can blow a NY cork out my butt, can't I? Don't answer that. :)

So here is an update. We're in flower, waiting for harvest. Tomorrow I'll do the second defoliation. The photos are all of different buds. I didn't mark the plants, but they are still the Money Maker, Strawberry Blue and Lemon Kush.











Looking good BKLYN. How old is the plant in the full pic; the last one.
Looking good BKLYN. How old is the plant in the full pic; the last one.

That is the Strawberry Blue and the seed was germinated July 4. They have been growing indoors the entire time. I think I have about two or three more weeks. I lost my eye loop so need to order one.

Damn looking fine my friend :) best of buds to you and Mark :)
Miss ya! :)

Thank you darling man. Send my love to LA's Light.

You sure grow them frosty! :yummy:

I had a lot of instruction! I believe the frostiness this time is a direct result of the added phosphorous I am using as a result of Lester's recommendation. Also the cal/mag at King John C's suggestion for growing under LED. I have some yellowing leaves, but nothing more than the natural order of things. Tonight the plants are going to spend the night in the back of my Expedition in the garage. I have IKEA coming in the morning to do a home study thing. They give a free gift and use your photos for their whatever. Mark won't sign the release, but I will. He doesn't want photos of him taken.

AFter that, they go back in their house in the other room under their lights.
So approximately 115 days. Not bad looking for that age.
Tonight the plants are going to spend the night in the back of my Expedition in the garage. I have IKEA coming in the morning to do a home study thing. They give a free gift and use your photos for their whatever. Mark won't sign the release, but I will. He doesn't want photos of him taken.

AFter that, they go back in their house in the other room under their lights.

They allow fully tinted windows in Texas, don't they :)
So approximately 115 days. Not bad looking for that age.

Approximately. I believe I put the seed in the soil on July 4 and it took them however long to germinate. Only a few days, probably. How long do you ordinarily let them grow?

They allow fully tinted windows in Texas, don't they :)

Yes, but not limo in the front. You cannot live in TX without tinted windows. Cars come that way here. I did add darker tint to the front windows, but they are dark to the legal limit.
One of my very last updates in this journal. I'm sorry I never started a new journal for the indoor plants this fall, but we had a lot going on and my head exploded last month.

That said, my next run I want to work on getting the plants taller than they are. I think I had the LED panel too close to the plants and that kept them short. I'm not unhappy at all with the medication it is producing. If anything, it's fantastic for my brain. One day I'll grow like Fifi! OMG, her latest run is gorgeous. Yeah you, Fifi! Wow.

Here goes:



















Yuck!!!! :) yep scrap em! They're nowhere near the standard of fiffi!! :) :)
Don't you run your grow down!!! They look fantabulous and frosty as hell to me! (Mind you what do I know lol)
Best of buds to you and yours! :) :)

Thank you for that compliment! I still like Fifi's grows better. Taller and bushier. I'll get there.
It's also my way of complimenting her the lazy mans my own journal!

:thumb: ​All are looking absolutely healthy and beautiful garden !! Lots and lots of frostiness ! When are you going to harvest ??

I was just wondering that myself. I want to make sure these are fully flushed to give maximum mellow smoke. I can't take the harshness and a vape machine is on hold for the time being.

How many water flushes are enough to really get it all out of there? My soil was prepared in the beginning so I don't know if fully flushed is what I'll get, but how many to max flush? Anybody? Does the molasses help flush the nutes out too?
​I have heard to start flushing 2 weeks before harvesting , which I don't understand. How many waterings in 2 weeks time. ?? It's different for everyone. And to use 3 times the gallon size pot is used...mine are 5 gallon pots so it will take 15 gallons of water. I wish I knew the answer too garden... I have flushed the best I could before harvesting. I didn't use any nutrients the last few waterings and flushed with several gallons.
OK flushing! :)
Firstly if all Organics used in your grow = no flush needed.
Secondly there are two ways to flush. One is the gradual through plain waterings for about a fortnight. Then we have the big end flush, where you wait till pretty much the end and flush huge in one whack.
It then comes down to pot and plant size!
I personally go for the long method usually, as it secures a good clean medium without hitting the plant with tons of water before chopping! :)

Nowadays there are products designed to utilize during the fkushing period. These combined with the long flush should help loads!
Ill be using my GET lets rinse next harvest. This is supposed to aid the continuation of budding via supply of targeted fast burning sugars etc.

To really get a smooth smoke water curing is tops :)

Hope all that random crap helps lol.
Hahaha, random crap! Hahaha. That made me laugh. Yes it helped. I did use mostly organics with the exception of Cal/Mag, which I discovered is synthetic, after I bought it. It definitely worked because I had no nute anything, no probs, nothing.

I flushed before and when I just looked in at the plants one of them has almost completely turned yellow! Not veining in the leaves, straight yellow. So that indicates the sugars have stopped, much the way trees do in the fall.

I am going to do one more big flush tomorrow and will harvest. They really are so gooed up I'm certain the quality will be good. I will report the second I harvest and test.

Thanks LA. My best bud on here.
Harvested the Lemon Kush clone taken in flower. After trimming completely, including stems gone, 177 grams. I will harvest another later or tomorrow. My parrot was eating the pot and I wasn't sure it was a good idea!

And, when my parrot wants something, that is that. She gets it. Or not. In this case, not.

Is it me, or is nobody around any more? I think I'm on some shit lists, also. At least my witchy self can detect that. So be it. I can't change a thang and I like me that way I am, so, whatev.
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