Multi Strain, Perpetual, Capn Style, Multi Room

i just transplanted the runt plant and it was way too close to feeding time to transplant, so I'm gonna wait a few more hours and let the pots get nice and light. Also built a bubble cloner today, and I'm willing to bet that it's nearly identical to the one unfetteron built. Nothing special, just 2 small totes from wally's, one opaque and one clear. I might spray the clear one with a clear enamel that will make it more translucent as opposed to true clear. Still on the fence with that.

The clones are all looking great and I'm glad they actually took so long as my entire grow is a work in progress and limited funds are keeping me from getting it to where I know it needs to be, so the added time was actually so helpful. My new plan is to start flowering the 4 in 2 weeks from today. this gives me plenty of time to recover any transplant shock (if any) and also time to take 2 cuttings from each, and allow the moms time to recover. The gifted clones will be an equivalent to 3 weeks ahead of the ones I'm yet to take so I will have my next 2 generations by the weeks end.

As I have 6 plants that will be in veg with an added 8 cutings, mostly Cherry Bombs, I will begin looking for dominant traits and marking them down to a notebook so I can narrow down the best phenotypes. I will wait till I'm smoking the moms before I discard any offspring so not to miss anything that might be really good. I'm looking for heavy yielders, punctual finishers, not prone to stress or deficiencies and of course top notch smoke. So I will be keeping notes.

Nice looking clones Skybound - Seems like your really coming along nicely - I feel you on the lack of funds - Im pretty much tapped out on upgrades till after xmas if im lucky. lol

I wanna try Cherry Bomb so bad - My Berry Bomb is 4 weeks in flower but at the moment my pineapple chunk and girl scout cookie are taking the win so far. Im hoping my berry bomb just a late bloomer :) - But i have heard great things about cherry bomb. looking good, your always going many directions you make me feel like its hardly a hobby for me lol hahaha.

Looking great man!
I don't know what looks nicer, the plants or the pretty solo cups they're in...
Whats up Reg. Yeah those cups are handy, kinda like some flip flops! Only draw back is that they're crazy top heavy and topple easily. I like the foam cups better tho, less media and easier to handle.

What do you guys think about sawing a flowering pot right in half to assist when transplanting? I am thinking to leave just the side wall attached and sawing right through the opposing side wall and through the bottom. Then fold it shut when needed and secure with duct tape or a long zip tie. I'm coming to find that transplanting is more difficult than it needs to be. I figure if I can just open a pot like a book, the root mass can be easily inspected and possibly be another way to inoculate roots, but definitely with intent to make more workable for transplanting. Is there any liabilities to this I can't yet see?

mrrobert, I am eager to try this cherry bomb also. I've been trying to grow out some bomb seeds with no luck until now. Maybe another order of THC Bomb and barney's Pineapple Chunk again, see if I don't f%^& it up again?
the little cups kick ass,festive

i see you built a cloner,looks nice.for some reason mine are not as stable(direct plant) as they are with planting in a rw cube.

how are you finding the chunks,as a media??
Oh, not the Flip Flops again! :laughtwo:
If my memory serves me correctly I believe it was Trichomes who transplanted like that.
My memory is out to lunch still.:lot-o-toke:

I finished my transplants mostly without a hiccup save for some run away croutons. I also adopted using AZO powder to give a little benny boost to ease the roots into the added space. I plan to start flower in 2 weeks to give myself some time to get a few more things and prep something of a veg space for all the cuttings. Tomorrow they wake up to a nice H-tea breakfast then I'll feed them one last time from this res, then Im swapping it with a fresh 5 (4.5+) and a more powerful pump. I added

3ml/res Armor Si
3.5ml/gal CALiMAGic
3ml/gal Flora Blend
3ml/gal Gro
2ml/gal Micro
1.25ml/gal Bloom
a few drops of pH down and it's sitting at 5.9 @ 520 PPM. I'm not too eager to jack PPM up till they begin to beg. Definitely don't want to crank it and hear them bitch.

I wished roots were a bit more developed and the media more populated, but the quality is perfect as they're all plenty white.

Cherry Bomb is mostly Indica so I am hoping around 9 weeks. What I hope to be Power Flower is on the opposite end of the spectrum in that it is mostly Sativa so I'm hoping for an 11 week finish with it. I'm thinking because the CB-B is my runt plant and it was growing slower than her counter parts, I will put CB-B on the same weaker res with the PF?? but hope to chop her the same time as the other 2 CB's. With the 2 week potential offset, I can have the other 3 flowering sites loaded with new genetics first, then when the PF?? finishes, I will reload that site as well, but the offset of time will better work towards a perpetual grow. With 4 sites, I'm hoping to take a pound out every 2-3 weeks, but I know that's just me being really hopeful.
A pound every 2-3 weeks is more than doable with what you have going on!! The question is, do you have enough space to do it?? It sure looks like you do!!! lol I know if I was to pull that much, I'd probably convert to smoking blunts all day!!

Your plants look great, though!!!! Extremely full!!!! I always thought the hardest part about transplanting, thus far in my very minimal experience, was when I had stuff tied down.. All of my nursery pots have holes poked in the tops of them now for future tying down, but it was all done post-grow, as I almost broke a plant trying to be Macguyver and poking holes in them.. I think the sawing in half would be a decent plan, as I had considered this, but the only thing I would use instead of tape would be more of a fastener, so it wouldn't come undone as easily, since tape might feel the affects of the water after a couple waterings..
There is a thread in the DIY about sewing the cloth pots. Perhaps when making them you could sew them as you described. Then give us a video update of Skybound sewing pots!
I was thinking similarly and am considering finding plastic bags with handles like grocery bags, but also that correlate to the same sized pots I'd be using. I was thinking this way might better suit the grow than just the grower. If I could find such a bag, I wold just chop the bottom right off so nute water can freely run out the bottom. Whatever I land on, my opinion that flipping 1 gallon or larger pots usually makes a mess and potentially damages roots when clusters of croutons fall away from the mass. I want to circumvent this and make transplanting go from minimal shock to zero shock. I think the AZO powder will greatly assist, but I shouldn't have to rely on it.

Edit - I won't be using cloth of any form in my grows because when I was a teenager trying to grow pot, I used to germ my beans in a wash cloth and the tap roots always wove themselves into the curls of the cloth and I damaged many trying to remove them.
Speaking of cloth do you think roots will grow through ez-felt? I plan on using it to keep the roots from growing into my 2 liter 8 pack rig. I use it as a substitute for synthetic filter discs in my mushroom farm. They keep bacteria and other fungi out so I figured they should hold roots back.
I'm not against using cloth, but I am against using cloth in a manner where roots will be moved, like a transplant situation. If using any kind of cloth in your system, letting the roots grow through is fine, but if you're planning to increase to larger pots down the road, consider that many root tips will get snagged in the cloth and get ripped off when pulling off the smaller pot size. I have no doubt that I damaged all 4 root zones yesterday and I will be looking to circumvent this stressful event in future transplants.
I'm not against using cloth, but I am against using cloth in a manner where roots will be moved, like a transplant situation. If using any kind of cloth in your system, letting the roots grow through is fine, but if you're planning to increase to larger pots down the road, consider that many root tips will get snagged in the cloth and get ripped off when pulling off the smaller pot size. I have no doubt that I damaged all 4 root zones yesterday and I will be looking to circumvent this stressful event in future transplants.

I need some sort of root barrier material. I dont want the roots going through the lid opening in the inverted 2 ltr bottles and cause any issues. I'll go ahead and try it out. I think your idea about cutting the pots is a pretty good one. As long as you use some good duct/gorilla tape I don't see any issues. The duct tape on my hempy's have held up really well and they get soaked in runoff in the watering tubs.
I took 2 clones from each of the larger plants and put them into my home made bubble cloner. I did make the mistake of neglecting to put a paper towel over the done and they caught 400 watts all day which withered them down a good deal. I have since covered the dome to defuse the light.

Still planning to start flower on or about 12/17, after giving them 10 days to recover being cut at today. I don't anticipating removing any more material from these plants till near the end of the 3 week stretch, unless their cuttings fail and need to be restocked.

Skybound, I think these would alleviate part of your transplant issues. Viagrow grow bags. They look to be made of panda film and are cheap enough to not give a crap about.
I actually have those in the smaller 1 gallon size, but when I filled it, the sides expanded much greater than the foot print making for a top heavy situation and I didn't want to risk an accident, so I opted to still use the plastic. I think instead of cutting pots I will first make a transplanting easel (forgive for lack of a better term) that is just a hard smooth surface with a notch cut in to accommodate the main stem. then I can just flip the pot over and tap it around till the entire root mass falls to the smooth hard surface and the empty pot put aside. This I think is less intrusive to the root zone as even a precut pot would have 1 straight edge that could cut into root tips.

Edit - I also ruined at least 6 of my cuttings by taking cuts that were too small for a wet environment and they damped off so I replaced them with ones with thicker stems and fuller leaves. The jury's still out on the other 2, but if they fail, they are both from the runt plant and I am not hard pressed to save that plant's genes, just wanted these in case the Cherry Bomb B does some crazy stuff and produces flowers of the asset quality. I am still needing to rebuild my veg box and put it somewhere out of the way, but manageable, and get these 4 in flower on or about the 17th of Dec. My room is gaining in odors so I need to put a rush on acquiring or building a carbon filter to handle the start of flower at least till I reassess my options.
Sky,I think that the conditions in the dome were way to moist,obviously, if you lost them,but the required humidity for them to live, is lower than the required humidity for them to prosper,that being said.
I stopped spraying the inside so heavy,if really ever at all.Most times closing off the oxygen is enough to raise humidity inside to keep them satisfied for a bit
0 or little moisture(light misting) = way less chance for rot to occur.Tbh I only cover them when my room rh is under 35,

you have a lot of quality plants in there man,oh hell ya its gonna smell,great because you know the effort is paying off,but way bad for stealth:cheesygrinsmiley:
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