Old smoke, what was the name of the first one you smoked?


Well-Known Member
Summer of '78, a few months before my 13th birthday, a friend's older sister asked if I wanted to get stoned, she said it was Hawaiian, it was sweet smelling, fruity tasting and got me very stoned for my first ever smoke! I wonder if that strain is still around?
Thai weed in ‘83, cruising around on our bikes with friends. I’ve loved Thai ever since. I never got stoned that first time I smoked. Got it working very soon after though.
Thai weed in ‘83, cruising around on our bikes with friends. I’ve loved Thai ever since. I never got stoned that first time I smoked. Got it working very soon after though.
Same... didn't effect me first time, thai stick was one of the first i had too
1973, I was 12, Mexican brick dirt weed , $10 lids. 3 or 4 of us would bong a ounce in a day.
What he said ^^^,except 1969,and I was 16
Other than the normal land race names. Ie; Colombian/Thai.

The first name I remember was still a regional name. It was Oaxacan

First US name was Purple Kush in Oregon. Not sure if it was a real name at the time or if it was just a Kush with lavender leaves. It was not purple like purple strains of today. Mostly just the backside of the leaf had color. Made for some cool looking weed. Lime green buds with rusty red hairs and beautiful lavender sugar leaves covering parts of it.
LOL I think it was called twigsseedsandshake for about $20/oz. Finding even a popcorn bud was cause for celebration. :goof:
I only started in March 2018 at the tender age of 35. Buddy of mine talked me into trying it for sleep and so I bought a Solo II Vaporizer and he got me an 1/8th of AK-47 for my first go. I’m so glad he talked me into trying this wonderful plant
I only started in March 2018 at the tender age of 35. Buddy of mine talked me into trying it for sleep and so I bought a Solo II Vaporizer and he got me an 1/8th of AK-47 for my first go. I’m so glad he talked me into trying this wonderful plant
Good choice with the Solo:thumb: I've been using the Solo 1 for about 3 years.:bong:
I started Vaping cannabis 2 1/2 years ago after a 28 year break... (I stopped consuming over 30 years ago to get married and raise the kiddo's).

I now use a Pax 2 and also Storz & Bickel Plenty. I tried smoking it a couple of times in the last two years... Yuck... I'll definitely stick with the Vape. It's hard for me to believe that I used to enjoy smoking...
"ditch weed" a few times in HS, then introduced to some Jamaican, maybe lambs bread or breath.

Personally I am skeptical of the purported various 'strains' and everything from sativa to indica and between. It all gets me high to various degrees. Until some PhD with access to expensive genetic mapping technology proves me otherwise, I think most of the breeding strains are highly speculative. Yes there is good weed and bad weed, most are products of their environment. Sure great genetics will yield better products, but even within a known seed bank population each individual has its own unique qualities. You see this in any population and weed is no different.
Summer of '78, a few months before my 13th birthday, a friend's older sister asked if I wanted to get stoned, she said it was Hawaiian, it was sweet smelling, fruity tasting and got me very stoned for my first ever smoke! I wonder if that strain is still around?
Get some afgooy brother! Hawaiian x cali mist= afgoo! Classic killer! Pheno finders has a afgoo overdrive that looks good. Happy hunting
Get some afgooy brother! Hawaiian x cali mist= afgoo! Classic killer! Pheno finders has a afgoo overdrive that looks good. Happy hunting
Outstanding, thank you for the info!
Cheech and Chong's, searching song comes to mind! I've been searching....

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