OldMedman Goes Indoors

The Story Continues………………….……..The Holy Man

I have posted this story before on 420, but I couldn't find it.

During my second week in prison, we got a new person in. He was dressed in black and had both a long flowing black hair and a beard. No prison clothes, He looked starved to death. It was not lock down, so after they showed him his cell, he took off…searching every cell for left over food. It didn't matter to him if it was days old. He ate everything he found and thanked each person for what he ate.

We kind of cornered him and asked what he was doing in prison.

He was a man of God. He was from England. He had walked to the Holy Land and was there for a while, and then he started walking back. Someone had told him to go to a certain Greek church in Athens. Athens has hundreds of churches. When he reached the outskirts of Athens he asked someone for directions to the church. It was all the way across town, so he walked. When he got there he asked for more directions.. “Oh no, that church is right where you just came from.”. Back he went across town. In all, he walked all over Athens and never found the church. He was starving, and completely exhausted.
He had enough! He found a truck with the keys in it and hopped in. He didn't know how to drive…he went about 10 feet and hit a parked car. He was arrested and ended up in with us.

This man was so sweet. He never preached to us. However, from then on he some how paid each of us for what we gave him. I still have the two pictures he drew for me. One was of our cell block and the other was a picture of me. They were good. THsea has seen them. He was a good story teller too and told us many stories about his journey.

After about two weeks, he was back in shape and his health was good. The Greeks gave him some money and let him out. It’s amazing what the Greeks do at times. They just couldn't justify him being in prison to themselves. When he left, we cheered.

To be continued……………….


I don't remember where either, but you posted this story in a reply to me when I first got to know you a bit, and I really enjoyed reading it! Sorry, but I can't remember what thread either, but I remember you sharing this story with me and instantly thinking, "what an interesting life OMM has lived!" and I've enjoyed following your threads and getting to know you ever since, but you know how I feel about you my friend! :high-five:

My other OMM posting claim to fame: I coined the term "perpetually closed journal" for you as well...

If only I'd have not steered you wrong on the Blueberry. ;)

I don't remember where either, but you posted this story in a reply to me when I first got to know you a bit, and I really enjoyed reading it! Sorry, but I can't remember what thread either, but I remember you sharing this story with me and instantly thinking, "what an interesting life OMM has left!" and I've enjoyed following your threads and getting to know you ever since, but you know how I feel about you my friend! :high-five:

My other OMM posting claim to fame: I coined the term "perpetually closed journal" for you as well...

If only I'd have not steered you wrong on the Blueberry. ;)

Hey be nice to the blueberry! I cheered that no-good tease of a woman on, all the way to nothingness! I think OMM just got a bad one, it happens. In fact, I think OMM should give her another try....That is if he has time between the THOUSAND OTHER strains he has sitting around, waiting for their day:thumb:

I don't remember where either, but you posted this story in a reply to me when I first got to know you a bit, and I really enjoyed reading it! Sorry, but I can't remember what thread either, but I remember you sharing this story with me and instantly thinking, "what an interesting life OMM has lived!" and I've enjoyed following your threads and getting to know you ever since, but you know how I feel about you my friend! :high-five:

My other OMM posting claim to fame: I coined the term "perpetually closed journal" for you as well...

If only I'd have not steered you wrong on the Blueberry. ;)

Hey xlr8 . :)
I don't know either, I looked again last night. It's in the nether lands of 420 somewhere. I think I wrote it verbose like the other one....it felt familiar. ;)

I feel the same way my friend. We'll be buddies a long time. :yahoo:
Hey Dad!! :circle-of-love::green_heart:

I am doing ok, I cant complain. Better then I deserve! LoL I emailed you a few weeks ago but I didnt hear back. Sorry to hear about your computer! I have missed you! And so many others here on 420!

I have been doing an outdoor grow this season and even tho I couldnt put out them outside until the middle of July, they are some real beauties! I will see if I remember how to post a picture. Even if I dont, I will remember easy! lol

I havent had the chance to look at your babies yet. I havent had a computer useful to me either, just my phone. But now I have both! So I can have 420 with me at home and on the go! hahahahaaa!! Im getting ready to go to Portland this weekend for Hemp Stalk!! Yay!

Well, I miss you Dad! XoXo Talk to you soon.

P.S. I will PM you my personal email!





Hey My Girl :love::circle-of-love::hippy::circle-of-love::love:

Nonsense ! You deserver everything you have ! God knows you've paid for it!
I've been thinking of you allot. One of these days we have to get you over here for a visit and talk story,

Your girls look wonderful ! :yummy:

The best part is now your legal !!!! :party:

Be sure to say Hi to Pit ! I know he would love it! :thumb:
Omm! Hey what island do you reside on again? Im currently on Maui and its great :)

Stay green brother!

Hi My Friend ! That's Great ! Another Hawaiian :allgood: Not many of us on 420. Welcome! I'm on the wet side of Oahu. (out in what they call the country) :surf:

Maui is so beautiful. :yahoo:

Don't be a stranger, your welcome here anytime. :grinjoint:
Hey be nice to the blueberry! I cheered that no-good tease of a woman on, all the way to nothingness! I think OMM just got a bad one, it happens. In fact, I think OMM should give her another try....That is if he has time between the THOUSAND OTHER strains he has sitting around, waiting for their day:thumb:

Hi Quix :)

Believe it or not there are folks interested in her.....even with her very mild high.
I cheered for her too. Probably will try her again one of these days. My seed bank is slowly getting smaller......got to hide my CC, I keep ordering more.:yahoo:
Willoby such a sad story. Bet her man felt like sh*t. I think this kind of stuff happens everyday. :smokin:

Just a night of drinking with the both of them that lead to a very sad ending....Your right though, it is something that happens everyday...I'm lucky enough myself to be alive after all of the alcohol infused nights that led to me wrecking cars and putting my friends lives close to death...that's a whole other story...I'm just glad to still be alive and also glad I do not drink anymore....And I also lost my ol' brother in law in an alcohol accident a few years ago...Very tragic and upsetting consequences when alcohol gets into some of us...:thumb:
The Final Harvest of part one of this grow. :thumb:

Day 85 of Bloom.

The final weight of the Bubblelicious 40 grams dry.


The final weight of the Critical+ ....114 g


The final weight of the Wild Thai.....the cola was an oz. 58g total



Here's the final girl....Kandy Kush. 214g wet


Kandy Kush in her drying boxes.



I'll be back with the final totals and a wrap up soon.
All of a sudden I'm not in a hurry any more! :yummy:
Just a night of drinking with the both of them that lead to a very sad ending....Your right though, it is something that happens everyday...I'm lucky enough myself to be alive after all of the alcohol infused nights that led to me wrecking cars and putting my friends lives close to death...that's a whole other story...I'm just glad to still be alive and also glad I do not drink anymore....And I also lost my ol' brother in law in an alcohol accident a few years ago...Very tragic and upsetting consequences when alcohol gets into some of us...:thumb:

Hi willoby :)

Man, glad you made it through OK! You could put my name in instead of yours.
In my brilliance, I owned a Liquor store at the age of 25. Another story.
Lost it in one year. I did drink a glass of wine in Greece and Italy once in a while, but no more than that. Now I can't remember the last time. 26 years? or more.
Bad stuff. :smokin:
The Judges and prosecutors are a piece of work over there, just a money game (slavery) and it's been proven.

They told our son if it had been two more months when he was caught, he wouldn't have gone to jail at all! Sucks! :smokin:
Hi willoby :)

Man, glad you made it through OK! You could put my name in instead of yours.
In my brilliance, I owned a Liquor store at the age of 25. Another story.
Lost it in one year. I did drink a glass of wine in Greece and Italy once in a while, but no more than that. Now I can't remember the last time. 26 years? or more.
Bad stuff. :smokin:[/QUOTE

Was the short ownership due to just being irresponsible or just simply watching people ruin themselves?? You don't have to answer....I'm sure it was a number of reasons why...I'm glad you made it through too...It is so sad that my father is an alcoholic and has been for 30+years.. I grew up around it being excepted and my whole family has a history of alcoholics...I'm trying to break the trend of becoming a lifer like all of the rest of the family...It just sucks watching my dad drink all day everyday. My best friend who I love to death is one of the worst alcoholics I have ever met and I can't do a damn thing for him except prey he dies quick when it comes...40+ beers a day for 25 years and sometimes he adds some vodka to the mix...One of the most caring, giving, greatest man I know and my daughter loves her "UNCLE"(she thinks he is)but he cant close the gap between him and the beer. He was told 10 years ago that he will surely die from alcohol and he already had a huge swollen liver along with other medical issues due to alcohol but to stop so he could at least enjoy what would be left of his life... Doctor told him when it comes he will just literally bleed out from the inside and it would be fairly quick...It just kills you to see ones that you love and care for struggle and lose life due to it...AND THEY SAY MARIJUANA IS BAD FOR YOU HUH!!! Enough of my boring life, your the storyteller here not me...I could never fill those shoes~!!!!:thanks::thanks:
Hi Quix :)

Believe it or not there are folks interested in her.....even with her very mild high.
I cheered for her too. Probably will try her again one of these days. My seed bank is slowly getting smaller......got to hide my CC, I keep ordering more.:yahoo:

yup.....perusing the TGA stuff again. I have six of Subs' strains in stock, thinking about ordering another half dozen or so now
****Somewhere deep inside, I just can't believe how things have changed....and it just seems too good to last. The kid in me wants to grab all of everything I can...while I can....and cover my ass to the inevitable end in a couple decades....I've become a hoarder of sorts as a result.
If I didn't buy another bean I can still grow enough for a few years based solely on stock.....and then there's all those Lucy seeds :)
It's been several years of big variety, (plentiful to excess) quantities, and quality that is off the scale great:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
***Thank You Lord****
I never ever ever ever want to go back to the way it was for the past 40 years
**These car shows get boring after awhile....sameness sameness sameness
Tennessee is sure pretty this time of year though. Brought the Ducati so there's some entertainment in this slog :) ****
yup.....perusing the TGA stuff again. I have six of Subs' strains in stock, thinking about ordering another half dozen or so now
****Somewhere deep inside, I just can't believe how things have changed....and it just seems too good to last. The kid in me wants to grab all of everything I can...while I can....and cover my ass to the inevitable end in a couple decades....I've become a hoarder of sorts as a result.
If I didn't buy another bean I can still grow enough for a few years based solely on stock.....and then there's all those Lucy seeds :)
It's been several years of big variety, (plentiful to excess) quantities, and quality that is off the scale great:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
***Thank You Lord****
I never ever ever ever want to go back to the way it was for the past 40 years
**These car shows get boring after awhile....sameness sameness sameness
Tennessee is sure pretty this time of year though. Brought the Ducati so there's some entertainment in this slog :) ****

Hi Chopper! :)

I know what you mean! Get it while you can ......ya just never know what's going to happen.
Maybe that's why I have all the seeds I have. Just in case.

I went to school in Tennessee I loved the sate....beautifull.

Sooooo which Ducati? You old Dog. :thumb:
I love tennessee for the next couple months, absolutely beautiful....

Agreed! Spent a few years near Memphis, and I miss hearing the Blues come out of some of the clubs on Beale Street. It's probably soooo commercialized now...

I remember my buddies and I going with some girls who took us to a really old cemetery to get high and...

well you get the idea. I was so tripped out by the above ground crypts and it seemed like more than 1/4 of them were missing the big concrete lids and the bodies were missing from the graves.

Creepy and surreal after a few good hits - was even foggy!
I love tennesse, have lived here most of my life and couldnt imagine living anywhere else. not the most exciting place to live but i love the mountains and the slow pace of life here. also cool to know others from my neck of the woods, best of luck and peace to all.......:420:
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