OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

High OMM, Sorry to hear this. I know pneumonia, and I'm glad to hear you're listening to the take it easy part. Positive energies shooting your way from this coast to yours.

:peace: brotherman

Hey Horse! Got you on the pneumonia! Had it long ago, but this was much worse. Feeling much better now, will be over harassing you again soon! :)
Hope you are doing ok OMM - my Dad kicked pneumonia, and if he did it, there's no question you'll be fine. We'll be waiting to hear good news!

Thanks OB-1 Think it's about gone and will be over to see you soon! :grinjoint:
Thanks Lavendar for making us aware of O's Pneumonia.

O! Rest Rest and more rest! Had it myself in '08 and was in bed (read this: in bed) for ten days, delerious with fever and so congested I could hardly breath. Did steam treatments every few hours (vaporizer - not the kind you smoke in though). Pneumonia is serious my friend especially at your age of 107 yrs old (just kidding)

You apparently need to stop searching for that 'young' large budded Nurse of yours and concentrate on a more 'mature' one, so you don't have to work so hard chasing her around the house and yard!

Get better fast my friend and 'Take your meds' (antibiotics). Do not smoke 'anything'!

We are all with you O!:peace::peace:

Hey Woodsman!:cheer:
When I was at the Doctors this week.....I found a better nurse! Short, but big budded and cute as can be. Love at first glance and she calls me Mr. OMM!
Have taken my meds and they did the job!

Ya got to kidding about not smoking anything! :tokin:
Best get feeling better old man. Hell who am I going to bug when I come out that way. Me and mine are going to try to say high after this trip. You best rest, because you got kids fixxing to grow up.
Take care my Freind

Hey Spout! Feeling much better! Thanks. :)
Will be starting a journal for my babies around the first.

Hello Miss J! Keep an eye on Spout for me! :cheer:
Get well man, you presence in the forums is missed for sure.... I will blow some healing smoke your way and hopefully the trade winds will pick it up and through you window and get you up and running..

It worked sonzar! I feel much better now.....you can keep on sending that smoke....it does wonders for me! :cheer:
Thanks for the report Lavendar,

Glad to hear OMM is mending... but I guarantee ya, that in 10 days, even that old codger is gonna be nuts from laying around :grinjoint:

Tending those plants will be just what it takes to slowly get him back among the breathing ;)

Whatever you do, don't tell him we're all here messing up his thread! :)


Hi Again Horse!:cheer:
You are right! Laying around is not what I want to do. I did fix a veg room in my bedroom closet....should have done it long ago. My babies love it and are growing like crazy . I always thought it would be too hot. Not so. At least I could look at them from the bed. Have done a lot of reading too.
I'm ready to get going again, but slower this time!:grinjoint:


Hope you can feel well enough soon to celebrate! All the best from the Woodsman Clan!

Thanks Buddy:cheer:
69 is a nice round number.....well it once was!:)
nope, i havent said a word about his thread, so he is in for a shock....i think we should all put our best joke on here for him to read when he gets back...the laughter should finish the healing for him, might temper his reaction also....love to yous, L:bravo:

Now that's a good idea! My friend Lavendar! Me a bad patient? Never!! :peace:
Ya mean like, Hey OMM, I hope you're getting plenty of this:


Well almost that! :cheer:

Sure wish I had of had some cannabutter to put in there! That's just too funny!

Thanks Horse! :)
I am not much of a joke teller but I remembered this one.

An elderly lady decked out in her sunday finest walking home from church comes upon a boy in his sunday clothes and his dog, Being friendly, she says, "That sure is a nice suit you have on, little boy.", he politely replies, "Thank you, maam.", She then says, "That sure is a cute little dog you have", and the boy replies in the same friendly tone, "Thank you, maam.". "What is his name?", the elderly lady asked. The little boy replied, "Porky." With a perplexed look the elderly lady asked, "Why would you name a cute little dog like that, Porky?"..........The boy with a smile on his face responds, "Because he likes to $#%& pigs."


:peace: brother and may each laugh heal you that much more...Aloha.

Aloha High :)

That was terrible...but did the job...LOL!
A chicken has adopted me and Jo...no joke....a flying chicken...in trees flying.
Never saw a chicken that could fly before! Pecks on the door when she's hungry. It kicked a local cat's butt the other day. I love Hawaii!

Peace to you my friend! :grinjoint:
OK,OK... I have one too.

Imagine your stranded in the Bang cock jungles and are aware of something rustling in the bush behind you (Panic face and cold sweat pouring down your back) so you start to run fast as hell through the bushes of Bang cock.

You find a narrow clearing up ahead and you see train tracks (Come on OMM, Left or r Right!) the creature is hot on your ass so you book it to the right. You come to a 80' drop and the tracks go over the bridge, you glance over your shoulder and the Freaking Creature was a huge Bangladesh Tiger!!!!! Your skinny ass is now half way over the bridge and you hear a whistle up ahead...The 3:30 train is on schedule headed your way! You stop and look to the left, the right, the bottom... What would you do???!!!!

To be Continued...

OK! I'll bite! Hang over the side and let the tiget get hit by the train! :)
i have a feeling that this is one of those....no matter what you say, its a 'oh, boy' moment....nope not me....i know the answer is good....but not going to be the only one who makes a fool of herself....lol....L

Well, I answered....I'll play into his hands! :)
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